My Feedback After Returning From a 10 Year Break

The fact that you are coming back after 10 years away from EvE kinda undermines that statement, imo.

  1. Pretty sure this is an intentional UI decision, since it makes it harder to lose your sense of orientation in space. If it’s not then it’s a tech limit from CCP’s early basement-programming day and IMO not one that’s worth the time to fix.

  2. I’m basically positive this is intentional, both because CCP doesn’t want Drones to be more of a draw on the server and because CCP doesn’t want Drones to become even more of an auto-play weapon. Also Salvage Drones don’t always go to the same wreck, they always go to the nearest wreck to them. If the drones aren’t set to focus fire and end on opposite sides of a wreck with two others equidistant they can and will split up. Anyways, I digress, the way you’re supposed to control your drones is targeting something and sending them after it, not relying on their bricks-dumb AI.

  3. This is actually slowly being fixed. The issue isn’t the physics, the base physics haven’t changed, but the collision models are being updated slowly but surely. That was part of the recent update of some mission and site debris. It’s unfortunately rather time consuming to do though, especially when what you’re dealing with is a collection of spheres…

  4. I mean, short of completely preventing a lot of actual management options what are you going to have CCP do here? There are plenty of legitimate uses for pretty much everything he did there, so short of just making sure no one can do it, or turning Corps and Alliances into the Democracy From Hell (both of which are far worse options IMO), I dunno what you expect to happen here…

  5. The bit about Jita is just wrong. Full stop. Go play industrialist/marketeer for a month or two and then tell me this is anything close to right. There’s zero CCP can do about completely removing ISK selling except ban everyone involved, and that is never going to be 100% effective. If you have actual proof of ISK selling report it, I hear these days you get a fun email when action is taken.

  6. Again, if you have proof someone is botting then report it. Botting is, IMO, far less prevalent than most people think it is though. The less willing someone is to do any sort of repetitive activity themselves the more they seem to think others bot.

  7. Funny thing about this, you missed the literally years between when you quit and about… 4-5 years ago when L4 missions were the main ISK faucet in the game. Null was almost unlivable because you couldn’t survive in most of the ships people had, so people just came to High Sec and ran missions when they needed ISK. Incursions and Null changes changed a lot of that though, and High Sec PvE is slowly but surely getting reworked. Also you can clone jump with no timer if the clone is in the same Citadel as you, just be aware that if the Citadel is blown up or taken down then the clone will be lost entirely.

  8. Check your graphics settings. This game is gorgeous, and of everything in this game the graphics are probably the most up to date, especially for a game that needs to be able to support massive fights. If you want quick play then I recommend stuffing some frigates close to an active Low Sec pipe. Take the Frigate out, roam around, if you die you die if you don’t you don’t. Should easily be able to fit in a 30-60 minute window, and if you go for a fairly cheap T2 fit then you can afford like a dozen of them from an hour of Incursion running.

  9. Yup, Eve will always be at least somewhat niche, but that’s fine. The general community consensus here is that the things Eve would have to give up to achieve real mass-market popularity aren’t worth it.

TLDR: You should experience more of the game before assuming things. Also go Incursion, it’s way better ISK than L4 missions and way less brain-dead, if only because there are people to talk to and failure to pay attention can result in ship loss.

  1. Again this isn’t very much of an issue but it does affect the immersion of the game imo. I concede to many of the reasons on this as it is.

  2. Well, if that is the case it’s unfortunate. You can’t hotkey individual drones so you’ve already lost a level of control there by having micromanage your drones with a mouse which sucks, no matter how dexterous you are. My experience with salvage drones is not what you described but I stopped bothering with salvaging after only a 5-10 missions due to the problem with having to micro manage them. My view is, drones ARE an auto play weapon and that’s supposed to be one of their advantages. I really think the vast majority of people will agree with this point.

  3. I see no changes to the collision system. It is exactly the same as I remember it. Wherever they are applying these fixes, it’s not been where I’ve played.

  4. It’s called “Checks and Balances” and the solution is absurdly simple. Before a CEO/Director can change system / station / citidel / keepstart etc. ownership, there needs to be a second person to confirm it. Yes, this could be done with secondary accounts, but members of the alliance and or corp should be able to see what checks and balances are in place before they join.

  5. What is wrong about it? Is there another market besides Jita? The other regional markets are garbage\ and while I can only imagine how much it would change the game, there needs to be a single market as there simply aren’t enough players to properly build all of the regional markets.

  6. I don’t really know how to respond to this one since I’m only 4 weeks into the game and I’ve seen enough to know without having access to the server logs what is being done. I’m not sure if you’re joking on this one or you just live in a very small area of the game…(not being a dick here, seriously, take a flight though the drone land regions or find a few out of the way systems with high level roids / ice in long held 0.0 space. Go read some posts on various sites where people actually offer instructions on how to set up bot warning systems using alpha accounts a few systems out from where they are ratting in their carrier etc…

  7. When I left EVE i was making a fortune ratting in cheapish battleships and battlecruisers in nullsec. I ran my share of L4 missions and they haven’t changed at all! How slowly are they reworking them? lol. Every single detail of the L4 mission from NPC placement, to special abilities, is meant to keep the isk/hour at or under 0.0. No one can argue any different. That’s a sour point and difficult to look around as it’s just incredibly repetitive. Not to mention there is no pattern to the missions that are offered and you can very easily get stuck doing the same mission 3 times in a row. No excuse for not fixing this as well in 13 years…

  8. I’m playing on a grossly over powered machine for this game and have every setting at maximum. Its a 13 year old game engine and if you think these graphics are good, well, I suggest “getting out” into the rest of the gaming community and see what a modern engine can do on modern hardware.

  9. Games need to evolve to stay alive. If I could have a wish it would be that EVE could stay as it is and continue to take on new players and grow. Realistically, the philosophy has and is continuing to be a major factor in the steady decline of the game.

Experience what? Sorry, but your statement implies there is actual content outside of PVP and there just isn’t anything that’s not a obvious repetitive time sink.

Thanks a lot though for taking the time to reply Cade_Windstalker, in the detail you did. If anything comes across smug or hostile it wasn’t my intention.

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That actually only matters in mining and salvaging, and you are in no rush during those activities so I see no problem and this is a very minor, if not almost non existing, issue. Even during salvage I just let my drones go salvage automatically by ensuring I do not give the F command since (to me at least) they only work automatically if I right click the Drones in Space and press Salvage without any wreck locked, they will automatically seek out the nearest wrecks, their % chance of grabbing anything from the wreck is low anyway so I might just as well treat the whole flight as an additional Salvager II that’s on auto.

Why add 5 more buttons to a Noctis when you already got 8 slots to worry about in the form of tractor beams and salvagers? Just letting drones focus on one wreck gives you the chance of unlocking that wreck and locking another to start pulling, as your salvagers finish the wrecks you got more wrecks to pull and salvage as they get in range, not to mention the loot.

If it only mattered in mining and salvaging then the focus fire buttonw wouldnt be present and there are situations where I’d like my combat drones to attack separate targets. Rarely, but there are some situations.

I think you are missing my point and that’s less buttons and less clicking. My examples given in my original post are the ones that are obviously missing, but there are others that could be easily implemented after the balance was determined. Again, the obvious ones are “always attack the closest target”, "auto return to bay on damage received and for mining / salvaging “Always salvage/mine separate targets”

Salvaging takes forever even with decent skills ad rigs on a ship with salvaging bonus. Sorry, but salvaging 30+ wrecks across 200 KM is simply not worth the time.

Salvaging is the worst isk/hour thing in the game from what I can tell. I make way more just looting and going to get another mission.

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The fact that your only comment is on that one line in my post kinda undermines anything you might say and even though I said I wouldn’t reply to troll posts, here is a quick break down for you.

I said typically. Eve obviously is not typical but I still gave it 4 weeks and some cash in hopes things have changed.

One thing I can see is that people are responding with their views as established players, and I’m offering my views as a returning / new player. You can argue till your blue in the face and breakdown each point to argue, but the bottom line is, the lack of new players sticking around clearly supports my views and not yours.

This game is not hard at all. Too many people use that as an excuse as to what steers new players away. Well, no it’s not it at all. People who play MMORPG’s in general are way more adept and on average more willing to learn difficult game’s than any other genre. They are steered away because the game risks too much of their game time investment via factors that are completely out of their control because of griefing and other tactics that have proving to be bad for the games business.

I’ve expressed my views and really don’t have any other input. As numbers continue to diminish, and the griefers and scammers begin to jump ship because the targets are no longer around, EVE will be left with only the isk sellers, bots and hard core, life-invested players.

Once the isk sellers and bots jump ship…then the true hardcore players that are left will look around and say ok, maybe EVE was just a little too 'Eve-ish" for it’s own good.


On “good” item #2: There are still a few “I counter almost everything” builds, and a new one pops up every few balance patches. The solution to this would probably make some people mad: take things out, and the problem will be less unmanageable.

Bad 1: Very expensive and time-consuming to fix.

Bad 2: Hisec and friendly fire. To do auto-aggro properly, you’d need to have some other way of filtering targets. Overview filter?

Bad 5,6: The simplest way to trade stuff is to have everything in a single location so you can just list stuff or go shopping. If we didn’t have trade hubs, putting together ships would be a logistical nightmare. Also, EVE is a huge exercise in “Let’s set the table and see what people do with it.” All else being equal, the cheaters win logistics, and it doesn’t matter what game. It’s another variation of ye olde prisoner’s dilemma: if you cheat, you get ahead, but everyone who doesn’t is at a competitive disadvantage. So, you’re left with mostly “hardcare” cheaters, nolife farmers, and filthy casuals. The game has plenty of group 1 and 2, but isn’t very good for group 3 because it has so little which can be done in an hour or less and disengaged from at a moment’s notice unless you’re too rich to care.

Bad 7: That’s been mentioned a lot over the years. That said, I have gone out and PvE’d in low with my +5s without losing them within the past year. You just have to krab: rat in quiet places, and if local gets anyone unknown in it, you warp off to a safe. There are lowsec systems like that if you’re willing to look. Also incursions (yawn) and burner missions if you’re in a hurry.

Bad 8: With a monthly sub model, the design which heavily favors alts, and the introduction of skill injectors, I’m inclined to agree about price. Except, what they’re charging for is essentially a huge DnD table with a really complicated set of rules and a lot of very shiny pieces. The reason they’ve taken to selling that stuff is because people will buy them anyway because they’re not to interested in the game itself.

Bad 9: That’s probably why EVE still exists. It was a good and interesting game, and lots of us wouldn’t give it a second look if we looked at it today.

Um…just because you have an emotional reaction to a response doesn’t automatically make that response a troll. Perhaps there’s an element of the truth hurts involved there?

Indeed you did. It’s just one might find your ten-year absence somewhat difficult to reconcile with your words is all.

Your extreme efforts and subsequent assessments are greatly appreciated, I’m sure. Thank you.

At this point it seems you expand from berating little ignorant me to berating the game as a whole again. So I’ll leave off there and hope my response length meets with your approval.

  1. Like 95% of the time you want all your drones hitting the same thing anyway. Of the remaining 5% like 4% is Salvaging or Mining, and like .9% is covered easily by “Aggressive” with Focus Fire turned off. The remaining .1% isn’t worth anyone’s time. We’re into use-cases where the actual solution is “bring some other ship, you’re trying to make that one do something it’s not good at to begin with” territory here. Also CCP have been pushing for Drones to be less of an auto-play weapon, and that’s generally been fairly well received by the community as a whole. Turns out people actually actively sitting and playing for their ISK and advantages want others to have to do so too.

  2. Like I said, the system is the same the models are better. Stations are probably better than you last played, same with some static objects in missions and sites, but not all of them. If you’re expecting ships to change that’s not happening, ship collisions want to use as few spheres as possible because ships move.

  3. Okay, how far do you extend this though? There have literally been cases in Eve where there was one active person around at a director level and if that one person forgot to, for example, pay the Sov bill then everything went belly up pretty quick. I could maybe get behind giving Alliances options for how to set these things up, but the Corp and Alliance management screen has needed a rework ever since its last rework, and they’ve reworked or tweaked it like twice in the last 5 years.

  4. There are, and the other markets are pretty significant. If you know what you’re doing those are how you can make a fair amount of money and/or save yourself quite a bit. Also there are more than enough players and things to spread “Jita” around to all 4 major regional High Sec hubs. No one wants to though because Jita is a convenient one-stop shop. Seriously, I could write a small dissertation on this, and this isn’t the place for it. There have been entire blog posts written on how to play the market in different hubs and how they interact, you can google them if you’re interested.

  5. I’m really not joking. I’m basing this off of personal observation and almost as much experience as you’ve been gone for. I’m also not really including the “Alpha warning bots” in that, because those are at present almost impossible for CCP to prove and ban, since what they’re doing as far as in-game is concerned is just sitting in a system. The third party program is doing a live read of the client side logging to run the monitor, the ‘bot’ doesn’t actually have to do anything at all unless you want it to send messages in-game (which can get it caught) but it can just as easily ping through a third party program.

  6. They’ve actually done at least one major mission revamp since you’ve been gone, though most of the changes were in the details as well as some of the mission pools and similar mechanics. Also no more agent quality, if you missed that. Yes, 0.0 is going to make you more than High Sec missions, because High Sec missions are safe, easy, and solo. Go do Incursions and you can make more than you can solo in Null in anything short of a Carrier or site running high-end ship. Eve is a game of risks and rewards, that’s not going to change.

  7. I have, and for what Eve is and what it does it’s gorgeous. Sure, something like Star Citizen can render a single ship in more detail, but something that’s considered a small Skirmish in Eve would melt a higher end machine Star Citizen. Seriously they’ve written huge blogs and given fanfest presentations on all the graphics updates over the last 5-6 years. Go take a look at some of it. There’s also tons of screenshots on Reddit and other places showcasing exactly how good this game can look.

  8. But here’s the thing, Eve hasn’t really declined much. Yeah the PCU is down, but Null is more active than ever, more stuff is dying than ever, and the game as a whole is very active and alive. It honestly makes me wonder what the heck that other 20k PCU was doing in the game because it sure as heck wasn’t blowing up.

Seriously though, on number 9. Take a lesson from Star Wars Galaxies. Games that stray too far from their core player-base, especially too quickly, tend to die horrible deaths. A game like Eve that has an older and fairly loyal player-base is better off trying to build on that slowly than doing stupid stuff that will alienate more users than it brings in.

Well, the market for one.

And yeah, there’s a lot of stuff in Eve that’s a time sink, but that goes for literally every MMO out there. The trick is to find a time sink that’s fun for you in some way. Personally I bounce around a lot between different areas of the game, but mostly stick to group stuff and that’s where I get my fun.

Vortex, the fact that you have contributed nothing to this thread, and promptly threw out the “emotion” card further solidify my point in regards to your comment.

I don’t recall asking you to reconcile anything. I offered feedback from my perspective, which obviously differs drastically from yours. I didn’t go into detail about what I consider loyalty towards a game and that entire sentence was very much up to one’s own personal interpretation. The fact that you tried to discredit that, and only that, would lead anyone with half a brain to the same conclusion. You are a troll bro.

  1. I just disagree. You have to invest skillpoints in Drones and I don’t think a basic level of AI control makes them out of balance or unfair for combat at all. Ships that don’t focus or use drones if anything, have an advantage as there is already a ton of stuff to keep you busy when you PVP. Having to micromanage drones as you do now is too much. LOL I’m old and my fingers are running outta clicks! You don’t have to micromanage drones in mining as much since they seem to work on a roid for a long time. Salvage and combat you do nothing but click and command drones to what I consider an excessive amount.

  2. Sorry I should have been much more specific on this one from the start. The ships, stations stars/planets and characters are very nice. But this games backdrop of space, the repetitiveness of the backdrops, and the texture itself look very dated. You spend a great deal of time looking at it and it needs an overhaul at this point.

  3. I can’t imagine it would take much thought or effort to put mechanics for proper checks and balances in place for alliances (and players) that want them. How different of a game would this if those options were available? Would the current EVE player base join alliances that can get shreked overnight or would they join an Alliance / corp that actually feels like a proper government and they have some security to continue creating or participating in content. How much content would be lost if that option was taking away versus how much content would be saved? Wouldn’t the people who have historically avoided 0.0 see a reasonable risk for participating in it?

  4. I will absolutely concede that my view of the market(s) is solely from that of the consumer and the lack of desire to make my isk by it’s mechanics.

  5. Just look at all the search results for botting / macro apps for the market, mining and just about every other aspect. These are active sites, updated to the release of just about any automated task in EVE you want. That alone should be a clear indicator of how prevalent it is. But tonight alone, I’ve seen about 20 that are easily suspect, and at least 10 of them are without question botting.

  6. The problem is the lack of creativity and any real development time done to offer anything different. I remember nearly all of these missions from 10 years ago. There is not care or logic into what mission you are giving and there is nothing to really follow. Surely after all of these years they could have done something else or integrated these things into the story just a bit more, with a tad more variety…

  7. While a regions of 0.0 may be more active, the numbers just simply don’t lie. Revenue/subscribers and most importantly, new player retention continues to fall at the same rate, despite the most recent major release. There was the initial spike of people who tried it, and the the decline picked up right where it left off. Something is not working and has not been working for a very long time…

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You joking right? Drones are meant to help give more dps, you just press one key, F, less than a second, and the drones are attacking what you want, or just drag them out while your ship locks onto your target so you don’t even need to press anything if they are in aggressive, how does hotkeys for individual drones help in PVP? It doesn’t, you want them to focus because the faster a target is dead the less damage you get. You also need to remember that drones are a Gods Blessing for people that run L4 missions to deal with the frigates/destroyers and they do a marvellous job. Regardless of the ship, if you can use drones, use them, you will be granted better dps than without regardless of bonuses or no bonuses, heck you can even bring along some ECM drones to make somebody complain about “WAAH NERF ECM NERF IT NERF IT!” and remind them how silly they are for even considering that since there are modules to counter ECM

Now as for mining and salvaging… I really do not understand why it comes to an excessive amount considering that, again, you’re typically in no rush whatsoever in doing that, the amount of buttons and mouse clicks you’re doing salvaging and mining is probably the same as you would in PvP, but more chill.
Salvage, right click drone, salvage, simple, 3 clicks per wreck, or just do it like I do and just let them work on auto while focusing on pulling wrecks and activating your salvagers, but then again I use the noctis, with 8 buttons to focus on I do not need more spread around the keyboard.

  1. I’m gonna start with pointing out that drones have hotkeys now. The last time I right-clicked to assign a drone I was salvaging, and that’s a rarity. Mostly my drones get controlled entirely through hotkeys or, occasionally, drag and drop. The reason having drones be controllable without locks would be broken is because you could control them without locks. That makes them very effective against, among other things, Frigates which take a long time to lock and anything involving ECM, sensor dampening, ect. Not to mention things like “attack nearest” or “attack smallest” or “attack EWar” making AFK ratting waaaay safer and easier due to the combination of rat AI and behaviors and drone behaviors.

  2. It’s actually been overhauled and it varies between regions of space. Go make just a loop of High Sec and you’ll see a pretty big variety. For added bonus points note that the Stargates actually point at the star you’re jumping to and you can see systems you’re traveling to in the sky. They get connected by lines if you turn on autopilot.

  3. If you can’t imagine it would take much thought then frankly you haven’t thought about it enough… If you’ve ever run a large-ish corp with in-space assets, or know anyone who has, you find out how complicated and messy it gets. There’s this weird balance between not wanting to trust anyone and always needing another person with permission to do some potentially catastrophic thing with Corp or Alliance permissions. For example the one thing you basically always need someone to be able to do is move ISK around, but if someone empties the Alliance wallet at the right time it’s just as bad as dropping sov and transferring your keepstar.

  4. Even as a consumer you can get into the differences between the other hubs. Some stuff is pretty consistently cheaper or more expensive at other hubs, and the ammo market varies a lot, to the point that there are some ammo types I intentionally try to bulk buy at other hubs when I’m nearby. That’s also without getting into the Null markets, which are significantly disjointed from High Sec.

  5. That’s ten out of literally hundreds of thousands of accounts. Also those Google results can be a bit misleading. There are absolutely bots available, but I can search for bots for games that aren’t even out yet and still get hits, because of how Google results work and because just because (for example) Destiny 2 isn’t out yet doesn’t mean someone isn’t willing to promise me a bot and give me a virus.

  6. Anything CCP can create as far as content goes will be old-hat long before they can either replace or revamp it. Yeah they could have completely redone missions, but missions work and there’s a very real risk and price to breaking them as content in the attempt to make them more interesting. Hopefully, eventually, the new PvE content and AI will trickle around to missions in a way that improves them, but personally if they’re not doing it for you I’d recommend trying out some of the other High Sec PvE content. Incursions are great, and we’ve got the new stuff coming with Lifeblood too.

  7. To some extent this is just the nature of MMOs. There’s this perception on the player side that falling active users means people are quitting, but in reality people are always quitting. Look at the age of the average CSM voter from the last 5 years. The majority, every time, is players only a year or two old or less. I’d certainly be happy if the PCU grew again, but lower PCU doesn’t mean the game is dead or dying, what determines that is activity in the game, and there’s more of that than ever.

  1. What you have wrong about the Jita market is that it’s not CCP’s decision or preference, it’s the players. It didn’t use to be in Jita, we moved it there. Whatever they do, we will move to another station if necessary, but the vast majority do want a central hub where they can buy everything. WE (the collective playerbase) made Jita, and CCP can put effort into dispersing us only to see us gather somewhere else.

I believe a few years back there was a discussion, and CCP expressed the opinion that if they have to allocate special hardware resources to a market node, they’d rather it not change weekly, they’d rather keep Jita and just reinforce that server and call it done.

They’ve put effort into it, too; Jita used to cap at 800 - 1000 a few years ago; now it can handle 2000+.

They’ve also put effort into dispersing us, by introducing the tax-free player Citadels. They don’t have to be in Jita, they can be anchored within the same region and still offer the remote trading capabilities, and people are off-shoring the big items (PLEX and injectors) to these, thereby unloading some of the traffic from Jita. Ultimately, CCP is possibly moving towards player-owned Citadels everywhere, and no NPC stations, which will get rid of Jita forcefully, except that we’ll still pick ONE citadel to be the market hub and then we’re back to the same issue.

  1. One other thing that could be done for Alliance security is: instead of forcing the leadership to go through extra clicks and tedium in the name of “checks and balances” (because, as an aside, your idea of 2 people confirming everything will be forced on small 1-member corps and alliances too), they could implement a “Security Risk Rating”, where the directorate can just see a notice that Director X can really ■■■■ your alliance up big time, are you sure you’re ok trusting him? Don’t blame CCP when he steals everything." Just an evaluation rating that can be displayed color-coded (blue to red) based on the overall permissions for each member of the corp/alliance.

Just a thought on number 4… I had the joy, and I use that term loosely, of transferring some 100+ POCOs. It was a very profitable deal for our corps as the POCOs made little to no income and I was ad to sell them for a high pro for. Given many of the POCOs were free (thank God for strong arm diplomacy), it was a well received deal.

However, to accomplish this I had to fly to each system, transfer ownership to an alt corp, drop the corp from the alliance to lose a war Dec (red vs blue so I couldn’t stop the war), then fly back to each system on a 2nd character and transfer the POCOs to the purchasing company.

Do you realize how arduous a task this would have been if I had to do this with 2 characters each time?
Do you know how difficult it is to manage a corp of say 3000 even if only 500 are active, assign roles and such? And then to have to find someone else to do it twice? Do you not get that the whole point of a director is to off load the burden of CEO.

Look, scams suck. Still trying to set up s scam proof corp is impossible. It puts too much burden on too few people.

Making friends with The Judge or Mittani? :smirk:

I would say that friendship on some level is difficult, the risk is too high. Even in a game people freak out over power. If I would be the leader in corporation, I would do everything myself, because if you want it to be done, you have to do it yourself.


That is fine in a small corp, but the bigger the corp, the harder it becomes. And well, do you want to spend your play time managing the corp and dealing with issues constantly? What about managing ship replacement policies? Do you want to handle brining supplies out to nul, putting ships for doctrine on contract, etc? Checking APIs and getting new recruits? Managing all recruitment ventures?

Managing a big corp is a lot of work. Trying to do it all yourself is crazy. And if you lose your computer for a day or network connection, then what?

I dont like big corporations actually, so that would be fine. And all the most important stuff could be made by me then.

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I hope the more intelligent people here realize that EVE has pulled off the ultimate scam.

Everyone thinks CCP’s policy on scamming, griefing etc is to make the game hard core / realistic and anyone who disagrees needs to “HTFU”.

Hysterically, the amount of money they are saving by not having to bother with these issues , is very significant… They have way fewer employee’s and company policies to bother with by having no involvement with what other games take great care and pride in protecting players against. It is still a video game and not real life, no matter how much you wish it was. . Everyone’s bought it hook like and sinker too!

Look at Jita local. The people in there make this game look like it’s filled with a gigantic collection of mentally challenged internet users.

Also, if a baseball stadium continues to sell less tickets at a steady and consistent rate, no matter how loud the remaining people cheer, it’s still going to eventually be empty. Activity in the game is not the same as Active subscribers to the game.


I can’t tell if this is an example of overinvested troll or not…

If you are in fact coming back after 10y, you can already whine like a true bittervet, good job sir, you will do well here.

This game like any mmo is about the people you play with, find some friends here rather than worry about trying to do a barrel roll in a nereus

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