My suggestion regarding standing with Customs Office

If I want to use the Custom Office that belongs to a Player Corporation, I can’t transfer with it because i get a message, my standing with that Corporation is not good enough. Therefore, my question to CCP is, wouldn’t it make sense to also make this visible in the attributes of this customs office? Because I only realize this after I have installed my Command Center and Launchpad, and by then it’s too late. I want to be able to transfer goods down as well.

But I also don’t want to constantly play the petitioner and beg the Corp to improve the standing with us. Whoever came up with this system might have meant well, but in practice, it is very cumbersome and counterproductive!

Edit: Imagine the following, purely hypothetically. A player Corporation owns hundreds of Custom Offices, all only usable with good standing. Then the CEO goes on vacation or takes a half-year break, or stops playing EVE Online altogether! What happens then? No one can use the Custom Office? That’s stupid, right? It may be that you can have more control over it, like a bouncer saying, ‘You can’t come in here,’ but in the end, it’s not well thought out.

It’s best to just get rid of this standing requirement altogether! Or what do you think?

The onus of due diligence rests on the consumer, not the supplier.

For example, if you buy a brand new Nissan from Japan and have it imported to America, it is not Nissan’s responsibility to inform you whether or not you will be able to license the Japanese car in America. They expect you to know that before you buy the Skyline.

bumped this to Player Features & Ideas - EVE Online Forums

You shouldn’t drink too much Quafe Ultra, it’s not good for you.

Do you understand what the term “personal responsibility” means?

A couple of things:

You can see the corporation owning the player owned customs office (POCO) in the information tab of the POCO. If the POCO is not owned by your corporation, do check the tax and access before you invest in that planet!

If a POCO asks too much money or blocks access, you can bypass the POCO entirely using the Command Center launch option. It’s a bit of a hassle though due to the small volume and cooldown of the launches, but it’s a possibility.

You could ask the POCO owners for access or better taxes.

Lastly if a bad and unresponsive POCO owner is blocking the planet you wish to use you can destroy the POCO and place your own.


To asking for access is a bad joke. Many people don’t even respond! well-intentioned is not well thought out.

Well destroy it then.

Access to structures based on how much the owner likes you is fine as it is.


How I got my HS poco’s only to be forced to sell them! Good times!

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