Maybe you can come post with another alt and agree with yourself?
99% of ur killboard acitvity is shooting noobs in uedama using the exact same ship/fit over and over and over again
this makes you a non-credible source of information about pvp or the rest of the game, which you clearly u dont play since u never leave uedama
Projection, your Honor.
Can you link your lossmail?
As an olive branch, Aiko, I will give credit where due to a fellow oldie who knows where to go and how to dig through Zkill for intel. That was one of my favorite parts of the game, about to go into a campaign and the hours of digging through KB records for intel on the target.
Tips hat
You know what, would you be so kind as to clarify your position. Because it seems like you are both for and against sustainable ganking.
It’s just the old “I support ganking because people will mock me if I don’t” but “I think ganking should be unsustainable so nobody has any desire to gank”.
Kind of like Dracvlad with the whole “I support freighter ganking, it’s an important part of the game, but freighters should have infinite cargo space, infinite EHP, and infinite warp speed.”
I’m against the spreadsheetization and mass proliferation of ‘It takes x catalysts to kill this target to make this profits.’
I’m for people who do their homework, scout out good targets, pick their ships appropriately, and make money shooting high value targets or else targets of opportunity to take advantage of other people’s foolishness.
In a nutshell, no, you shouldn’t make a profit ganking random barges or haulers in space all day every day. You should lose money on that. But if you’ve done the homework and find that guy hauling 2 billion isk in an iteron, by all means, gank that thing and have spare catalysts for some fun ganks for days.
Is it a bit of an idealist position? Perhaps. I’ll acknowledge that. But for me, for the last many years, the scale and profit margin from ganking has been out of balance. Though, to Aiko’s point, I haven’t really played much in the past year, so I will acknowledge I may have missed something there as well. Perhaps barges tank was increased just enough they’re no longer profitable enough at random.
I’d been doing a really good job of not posting here anymore, til today. Dabburn it.
It sounds like you don’t know what you are talking about.
One of those weird things where you don’t play a game, but come into the forum and act like you know what’s going on.
That’s reductive. I mean, I could say the same thing about any PvE activity, and even of how a lot of “real” PvP’ers operate. Look, people tend to develop strats that work for them, and then keep repeating them until they have a reason not to. However, that doesn’t mean that ganking doesn’t require any skill or effort. And, as I said before elsewhere, it definitely requires more skill and effort than it does to be a line member in “real” pvp fleets.
I’ll fully acknowledge that the change to barge tank happened really just about when I stopped playing for any significant amount of time. A possible gap in my knowledge.
Otherwise, sure, if you’d like to believe the rest of that to feel better, hey, I can’t deny you your comfort vices.
A possible gap in your knowledge.
Congratulations. You’ve learned how to copy and paste.
Next, we’ll move onto coming up with original thoughts
We’ve already moved on. You’ve acknowledged that you possibly don’t know what you are talking about, which is what I originally observed. Any further posting from you is just sperging from an individual who has admitted they no longer play the game.
And any further posting from you is just sperging from an individual who…
Well, let’s be honest mate, it’s just sperging.
Nothing more to say.
You don’t play EvE Online.
Good. Maybe you’ll stop quote posting me like I’m AOC and you just wanna date me.
All you gank-haters are saying how easy it is to do and how profitable it is. Why don’t you try it?
Or like, why do you think only 1% players (which is extremely generous estimate, but someone else wrote it here so lets use this number) does this? Because of a moral issues? Hardly.
What you see when you get ganked, or when somenone else is ganked where you stay, is the middle result of the gank. There were sometimes hours of scanning ppls before that guy was found, and dozen of minutes of preparation. And after the gank ships arrive and start shooting, and after they kill the victim there goes looting part. And if there are pesky anti-gankers or ninja looters you have to change your strategy completely and the looting get much more interesting and difficult too.
I haven’t been in these big nullsec battles, but from everything I tried in EVE ganking is the hardest activity.
If you want to measure it, then I present a simple method of measuring a difficulty of an activity - how many Project Discoverry samples you can send while doing it.
By this metric ganking is far less skill intensive than running L2 or L3 missions.
Also, for your listening pleasure.
That is exactly how ganking works if you didn’t know.