I understand you are just trolling but even you must understand the difference between lowsec and highsec. The game has in its design a very clear warning when jumping into lowsec. A waiver, if you will, signing over your rights to all forms of safety. Once you hit that accept button you are officially signing your death warrant and jumping into that official unsanctioned, ungoverned pvp. Everything in this game has its place from mining to missions to incursions and yes even pvp. Players find out what they want to do in this game and that takes time. Training skills you dont need, buying mods or ships you dont know how to use, even losing things along the way. Thats the game and we all start somewhere. They should be allowed to learn and grow and decide what it is they want to do in this game. Making a mistake and costing your ship is one thing. Being targeted by a ganker mafia simply because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time is something else entirely. If the gank doesnt push them away from the game the constant toxic verbal assault from the gankers afterwards most certainly will. “Oh fill out this form and tell us how we could do better, make sure you fill this bottle with your tears for our sample shelf” Games that wanna survive dont have a place for people like that. When we kill people in low sec we dont verbally assault them afterwards we gf in local win or lose and if we end up killing a noob, at least me personally, i give them a little isk and try to help them better understand the game so they hopefully dont make more mistakes. Its up to us vets to guide and usher the new age into the game so it doesnt die out.
Yes, this is definitely a very real problem in EvE Online.
When the gankers ganked me, they told me “good fight” which was obviously abusive and toxic, because they only mean it sarcastically. They then told me to “calm down”, which was clearly intended to provoke me into making real-life death threats and drinking large amounts of whiskey and spending hours screaming at them in local chat. None of this ever happens in lowsec or any other part of EvE Online, it’s only the ganker mafia which goes around doing these terrible things. they even tOLD ME PAY RENT LIKE THATS NOT EVEN PART OF THE GAME NOBODY IS PAYING RENT THIS IS A GAME ITS NOT MONOPOLY I PAY TAXES IN REAL LIFE IM NOT PAYING RENT IN A VIDEGAME All I want to do is earn a little isk so that I can gatecamp newbros in lowsec, but how can I afford my gatecamp ship when these GRIEFERS are constantly bullying me and attacking me while I am AFK in the other room watching television? There’s nothing wrong with shooting a 1 day old character who flies their Sigil into lowsec, that’s the nature of the game, but it’s absolutely INFURIATING when some bully griefer comes and tries to destroy my unfitted ORE Harvester expanded hulk. I"M a TEN year old bitter vet and im to otired and sick of this constant harassmenet its HARASSMENT these rookiegankers are sometimes not even a month old and they are BULLYING ON MEAND WHhat am i asuspppose to do now im trying to mine in 0.5 its the best ore and what the hell am supposed to go back to 0.8??? THATS TRASH ORE I’m trying to play the game and they are preventing me from getting quick isk!!! WHAT AM I SUSPPOSED TO DO? USE AN INTEL CHANNELAND WATCH LOCAL AND FIT MY SHIP AND WATCH DSCAN AND WARP OUT??? IM TRYING TO AFK MINE AND THIS IS GRIEFING!!!@!@!!!
I think CCP owes reparations, and should guarantee a universal income for all Highsec miners, so that we don’t even have to bother undocking.
Think the word might be troll
I agree lowsec gate campers are on a lower run of the eve ladder than most gankers. The trouble is most of these losses to new player are due to inexperience or lack of knowledge or laziness.
Nothing is really wrong with the game just people need to learn the hazards and pitfalls but how do you make people aware of princess Aiko and the dangers of Tama in a tutorial with people who don’t want to learn.
Then suddenly it’s the ganker’s and low sec pirate’s fault and the game needs changing
Maybe why always being against this idea we need bigger new player areas, players need to obtain a certificate of understanding to move on to empire owned space, like a permit to jump the one gate out of the area they start in to find the real eve and once out you can never go back
Wars are nonconsensual as well in 99.99% of the cases (the 0.001% is RVB). No one accepts a war after a war declaration. It is thrown at you without your consent. What you suggest is that there should be no PVP at all in high sec.
It’s not sudden that this perception of gankers and low seccers being a problem exists. If you use a garden as a metaphor for Eve, then CCP hasn’t been careful about what seeds get planted there.
There have been people complaining about High Sec aggression for as long as I can remember. As long as it exists, there will be people who complain about it. However, I think it is reasonable to assume that the expanded list of options for engaging in highsec PvP at lower costs attracted player “seeds” that were more resilient in the face of some expected opposition.
Every time highsec aggression is nerfed it caters to people who need protection in order to keep playing. It invites seeds into the garden that wilt quickly in the face of any adverse condition. Think about why ganking is such a huge deal now as compared to yesteryear. It was not our biggest hurdle. People had ways to bother us without resorting to a gank. Ways that provided more opportunity to fight back if we were willing to try.
At least with war we got a day’s notice to prepare, not that I think our current crop would do anything to prepare aside from schedule something else to do for a week. CCP needs to take better care of the garden. It shouldn’t just grow whatever and hope for the best, but the temptation to do so is there for the short term gains.
It is hard to tell what portion of the population is hardy vs what portion is only capable of existing in the fairest of weather, but I suspect that weeding the garden could significantly impact CCP’s bottom line and that makes the decisions about what must be done going forward difficult to make.
“constant toxic verbal assault from the gankers”
What are you saying RGC? When I had first entered Hek, I had said nothing and once I killed a “venture” you started to yell and scream in local non-stop, proclaiming that Hek is your owned system and poured literally a tremendous amount of curses on me, wishing the death of mine, my family and my dog so that I the ganker would “get the ■■■■ out” of Hek.
That was my first experience in EVE to be insulted and cursed that toxic. I had never said nor heard that such vulgarity until I met you. And now, you say that gankers speak toxic? You do not have the right to say that. Your crude toxic curses griefed and bullied me so I had decided to kill all miners to get rid of trauma you had implanted.
Not that was the end. I had asked you to quit the curses you were spamming in local where more then 100 people were in. You never listened even my tone was as gentle as possible. Because I am gentle and never a griefer. Griefer RGC never stopped his sinful motor in his mouth. It made me to block you. You were the first one ever in my EVE history to block someone for “constant toxic verbal assault,” lasted for months every day, following me, never stopped until I block.
You are pretending to be a whiteknight but you are just a crook minded griefer with a distorted mentality - willing to be praised by snuggly miners via cursing and butchering and witch hunting anyone you dislike, openly in public. Surprised after I heard that you did made no exception for your crucification joy to even the miner who was blue of your own corp. I had seen that miner been mining and seldom going low sec with you and your corp member for several months. You killed him just to create another drama and get instant praise from other miners.
You were and are always busy of making enemies and discord the community, making issues and spooking miners so that morons can rely on you. You toxic griefer had successfully killed entire miners’ community in Metropolis region and now looking for some other miners clique you can infilterate and destroy eh?
He also is basically a terrorist for not using paragraphs in his walls of text.
Again merged a new Thread into this one.
New beans aren’t really on ganker radars. In fact specifically taking advantage of new beans is not ok.
If you make it into a mining barge and you haven’t been able to connect with someone that can tell you hey this is ok. Then the community hasn’t looked after you or you’ve made no effort to connect with them. If you leave because you’ve lost a ship that is not the gankers fault.
Why because you could lose a mining barge to any number of mistakes at that stage. Shooting a lancer, wandering into low sec, not having the tank to deal with 0.5 rats, not understanding how the sansha rats differ, going through a gate with triglavians on it.
I do agree salt mining is kind of shitty but smack talk is part of the game and salt mining isn’t exclusive to ganking.
High sec without ganking would be a problem because you wouldn’t just be killing the playstyle of the guys who hunt miners. You would be killing the play style of the pirates who hunt freighters and transports. So you’re sacrificing people who are paying and playing for people who are maybe going to stay or might get bored and quit because they get sucked into afk play styles like mining.
I don’t gank but personally I think there is a better chance that a ganker will do more interesting things in the game when they aren’t ganking then a person whose first instinct was to go straight for mining. If one is more likely going to stick around and contribute to the game it will be the ganker. Wether the miner gets ganked or not.
Remember there are corporations dedicated to mining and industry. Against their efforts the solo miner is a drop in the ocean. They aren’t going to massively effect ship prices at even a local level unless they are being ganked over and over in the same system which very likely doesn’t happen as then gankers would be skirting the line of victimisation and the miner would be incredibly foolish to keep doing the same thing in the same way without changing their behaviour.
I will stop right there. If you do missions because you enjoy them as you claim, why bother whether abyssal or other new PVE content like Pochven pays more? Someone is not being honest here as always…
Hi Ramona, at least in those days there were real blackcurrants used in the manufacture of Ribena.
These days, it seems to contain nothing but water and all-purpose-guess-the-fruit e-flavouring.
On the positive side, the price has remained…stable…
Synthetic currents I hear these days
Why do we not have a ‘don’t nerf ganking’ mega thread where gankers, gankees, industrials all come together and talk about what a positive experience ganking has been for them. That seems a better evidential argument than all the bickering.
I’ll start.
My first ever pvp kill was a ganker that failed to kill me when I was ratting a high sec belt. Was my first introduction into solo pvp. Up until then I was only ever in FW fleets doing what I was told. I can’t say it was a contributing factor to me staying in the game because I actually stopped playing because I got frustrated waiting for skills to cook. However that first kill felt pretty good.
I dunno about a first or seminal time, its been so long.
I started my career in EvE smartbombing Herons in a Purifier but decided running blickades and gate camps would be more fun.
It was.
I want to hear more about smart bombing herons in purifiers.
Well, basically back when I had one other player to fly with, we would leave HS, not too deep, scan down a nice looking site, scan a fat can and, while cloaked, sit at 45 degree angles and within bomb range.
We would just wait like we were fishing, let them start the hack, then get em.
We would bring tackle and light missiles too incase they got edgy.
Because Megathread
is just a code word for trash bin
Doesn’t have to be. Do you have a positive story around ganking?
We here at the Hek Mining Association have always been strongly pro-ganking, as any serious mining organization should be, as it benefits organized player groups at the expense of disorganized players. Eve, like real life, is about cooperation and the power of numbers. No man is an island.
The Predator/Prey Dynamic, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Gank
I’ve also put together a quick poll to get a quick summary of the community opinion on this subject.