Nerf Ganking Megathread

The biggest issue we have is the fix that CCP applied to remote repping, if an AG shoots a ganker, even a criminal one a limited engagement flag is applied, then he can no longer be repped and if anyone did they would be blown up by CONCORD. This is a major issue and is a huge nerf to group AG play.

Sounds about right, an ag has attacked an upstanding member of the Highsec Ganking community and he should suffer the consequences of his actions if indeed there were any. But why would his friends be allowed to join in the fight supporting him without any risk that sounds broken, which is of course why ccp changed the mechanic.

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So a nerf to AG, thanks.

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and everyone else that misused the mechanic, suspect baiters /war deccers etc ,not just ag

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Quote from an alliance mate in chat-

I dont anymore, hisec is highly biased towards gankers, Im sick of it

Um. That may be true, but reversing it would also be a huge buff to other forms of scumbaggery. Honestly, I would take that trade in a heartbeat.

Oh, and they probably did things the way they did in order to reduce server load and complexity. So, that’s why no-one gets neutral logi.

That ruins the surprise

It doesn’t matter how hard you make ganking, people will always complain that it’s not fair.

Truth is, it’s not very hard to reduce your chances of being ganked to damn near zero if you know what you’re doing. In fact, I’ve gone over 6 years without being ganked, and I have done a metric butt ton of PvE in HS over that time.

I try telling people how not to get ganked, and 99% of them either ignore my suggestions, or tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about.

And as ganking gets harder and harder (yes it has received buffs, but the nerfs have outweighed them), and gankers have to group up more and more just to take down targets, players point to that and say, “how is that fair? How is it fair that I get attacked by so many players?”

It’s a catch-22.


It doesn’t matter how much ganking gets nerfed, players will still complain that ganking is unfair. Because, the real problem is not that ganking is actually unfair, but that many players are just incapable of growth. So, when they do keep dying, they assume that things must be unbalanced.

And to be clear, I’m not calling these players stupid. I think for some players, it’s a problem of ego. I’ve seen it Eve, other games, and even sports. Some people are constitutionally incapable of admitting their own mistakes and shortcomings -they refuse to entertain any notions that they might be bad. So they blame shift. They blame their team mates, the opposing team, bad luck, mechanics, the ref, the devs whatever. Doesn’t matter who they blame as long as their ego remains intact.

The real tragedy with it, however, is that their refusal to admit that they might suck is the very reason that they suck. You can’t address mistakes or shortcomings that you refuse to see. And the difference between a player that sucks, and player that is still learning and growing, is that the player that sucks is incapable of growth.

Oh, and the rest, are players that made the mistake of listening to the one sided arguments of a blame-shifter, and assumed that they were getting the straight dope about the state of the game. Unfortunately, due to schematic thinking, it’s really ■■■■■■■ hard to change someone’s mind. Much, much easier to convince someone of your position when they don’t already have an opinion on the matter.


I was not clear on what the scope was about, so sorry my bad, he was talking about doing AG activity. So it is not ganking as such, more like the gameplay for those opposing ganking.

In terms of ganking I have explained the issue many times, but I get ignored or insulted. The issue is that it is time and effort related. If you have the time and two accounts you can avoid being ganked fairly easily. I had an alt in an AF ganked while getting SP by shooting rats. But that is the only time.

So do not take time related contracts
Do not take contracts that require max cargo

It is much improved compared to how it was in one sense because previously with bumping I had to wait out a bumper getting bored and logging. But now you just have to wait for the ganker to shoot his load on another poor sap and through you go.

PS That was a good thoughtful post you did, but some of the suggestions I see quite often pushed by others are like propaganda and not really meaningful.

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Well, I haven’t done AG. So, I’m not really qualified to talk about it. However, I am open to the idea that things might be skewed towards the ganker in that relationship.

Hmm. I guess I’ll leave it there. I have some stuff I need to do.

I need to spend less time arguing online.


I think everyone is missing the big picture and that is how a spaceship in a video game costs a couple billion to buy, fit and insure, then actually affording to fly it (covering losses). And thats all for one ship which is 1 option in how to play the game. An ark is 14 billion right now. A ship that will be used to do massive hauling for absolute pittance per contract and massive risk, is 14bil, without fitting.

The time sink is massive and that’s the issue right across the board. It doesn’t fit in with life and gaming in 2021 unless you have no life.

Games fked sort it out. I personally wouldn’t have time for this game if i couldn’t buy plex to sell for isk. It would just be a second job and barely anyone wants that.

And before anyone states t1 shtfits, that’s also another problem. Show anyone ever who entered a game with all these cool shinies and said “Those grey trash items and weapons will be so good on my character” Noone wants that.

Lol. Miners aren’t the ones going around with some glorious ‘Princess’ with an ego the size of a supermassive black hole. Miners aren’t going around typing ’ calm down, gankers’ in Local. Miners aren’t going around demanding that gankers have a permit to gank.

Miners also aren’t the ones with the utterly condescending ’ we’re teaching you how to play the game properly ’ stance.

The entire entitled ganker mentality…even to the point of regarding themselves as some sort of elite ‘lions’ whilst everyone else is just stupid wildebeast…comes across to me as the ultimate ego trip.

Even the entire ’ if you got ganked…it was your fault ’ line is yet more ganker ego. Plus that stance contradicts everything else. You cannot one minute claim there’s a heck of a lot of awfully stupid gankworthy people in Eve…and the next claim ganking is harder and harder. Which is it ? If there’s so many stupid people in Eve, then ganking surely ought to be a piece of cake.

What I think is that given that ganking is basically the equivalent of ‘theft’…gankers psychologically have to demean their ‘prey’. Having the prey made as ‘unworthy’ as possible makes the whole theft business easier. You are not stealing…you are ‘showing them how to play the game properly’…or some other load of twaddle. You mentally convert it from being theft that sucks…to being the thieved that sucks. That’s how you end up with Aiko going on about how miners ‘deserve to die’ and so on. A little psychology…and it is easy to see how those stances arise.

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On the one hand those sort of prices ( I mean that’s about £19 in rl ) seem absurd. But then again, in another online world I pay £25 every month just for a place to call ‘home’. I think in all these online worlds one gets sucked in by a world in which things cost peanuts, and its not until you are addicted that the real cost becomes apparent.

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It’s easy to sit and say yeah a 1bil ship is peanuts when we have billions. But to the average gamer, that’s a massive time sink. Or yeah im ready to buy the dreadnought now it’s only like 5 bil to buy, fitting is whatever and insurance. No problem. But then think to a newcomer that’s an absolutely huge time sink. To afford to fly it, insurmountable, after already paying for a sub.

Hopefully the end of scarcity will see prices come down and I’d say a little more marketing would go a long way.

And on that note - i think that’s the root of all problems. Neither gangkers or miners are doing anything wrong. They are playing the game how they sit fit. People are just missing the real issue and that is the time sink and cost.

People play games in part to progress and get better stuff but eve is weird where people skill into things they cant afford to use or join corps where people cant afford to use good stuff so get stuck flying in trash doctrine fleets that are “economically sound”.

So people are essentially working towards trash or forced to fly trash. That’s not fun in a video game it caters purely to vets (not really a problem) and whales (people like me) and the rest are basics peasants scratching their way to get say a mackinaw or a BS, just to have it sit in their inventory or they lose it and go back to being a peasant, scratching their way back XD

I really hope scarcity ending will change this. More people enjoying the game is more content for everyone and a much more dynamic New Eden.

I dunno, but I suspect every noob has that same ’ at what point do I start winning ?’ thought that I have…and it is made all the harder by it not being all that easy to define what ‘winning’ actually is.

I’ll probably just end up with a huge blingy battleship called ’ Gank This !’ and roam around highsec in Kryton style smug mode. Well…one of my characters almost certainly will, just for the pique of it.

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if you got ganked…it was your fault

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If they are -10, fac popo show up. If they are a certain sec than CONCORD won’t blink until they violate.

I mean it almost makes you wish that you had a unfailing system wide way to know who was in system, even if they aren’t within 14 AU of you…

Everyone benefits, so its balanced. You keep pushing this narrative and you keep being wrong. ROFL. If CONCORD was gone, you’d never undock again son.

Huh. Its almost like you can see them in local and simply dock to safety…

As much as I don’t like multi-boxing, they are paying in either time or money, so they can. Either do it yourself, find friends or accept the risks of solo play. Stop crying.

See my frig fleet post that you dodged. You can spend just as much or less to gank the gankers. Even less if they are flashy and you don’t lose ships to CONCORD. Learn to EVE kthx.

They are :smiley: All is PvP. All is worthy. Also, tons of people play the helpless wildebeest all the time. It makes it easy to kill peeps sometimes.

So your alliance mates also fail at EVE. Good to know :smiley:

LOL it wasn’t prop. It was truth. Yennoe Drac, you single handedly help gankers the most. You drive people away from AGing and get others to embrace victimhood, making them easier to kill.

You are a ganker :smiley:

I had a miner use profanity and racial slurs against me in local last night. Sorry bruv, miners ain’t saints either.

It is. Entirely your fault :smiley:

If they aren’t smart and actively trying to avoid death? Yes. They deserve it absolutely :smiley:

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He wasn’t there when players started taking out Concord and then they got buff’ed heavy.

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Yep. People be asking for CONCORD to be gone have no idea what would fall upon them ROFL.

Firstly, can we get this pinned?

Secondly, I would add that without suicide ganking the hauling mining and mission worlds becomes both super boring and super heavily skewed towards rich players who can afford the best stuff.

Without suicide ganking there is nothing to balance the drive for maximum throughput be it stuff hauled, thing mined, or missions ran.

Can you imagine a world in which you could safely fly a Marauder decked out in purples without any consern? Like super carrier ratting and Rorqual mining, it would become the standard in that field. You will be competing with those people. It is far far better to have a counter pressure that ensures those playstyles remain interesting, regardless of how much isk/PLEX you have to throw at the problem.

Third, if CONCORD was gone, canonically so are we. Our powers of resurrection is not magic, it relies on a very sophisticated and expensive infrastructure. The PLEX you pay is actually a chip for the He4 that is used in the fluid router but I digress. CONCORD is the leash the baseliners hold on us, but sadly they are also what allow us to enjoy such freedoms as we have.

For now

Oh, but we would lose the SCC (thus our markets) as well as the DED so our easy ISK, and several other key functions.