Nerf Ganking Megathread

As you can imagine in a thread this size, we are not able to moderate every post but we do review every flag, which will be responded to on an individual basis - though if we spot any trends of individuals targetting others with personal attacks then we will follow our internal process to escalate if necessary.

However, you will have to bare in mind that the review of the flags are subjective and being called a ‘carebear’ would not constitute as a personal attack, whereas if someone called you scum or a 'fkn idiot then that will be taken more seriously.

You can always add additional details in the flag to highlight repeat offenders and these will be reviewed and appropriate action taken if required.

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I mean, it kinda seems like the repeat offenders are well known and have literally driven people out of the forum through repeated, coordinated attacks - and even some attacks you’d consider benign can become tiresome when half a dozen people repeat them every time you comment. You pretty much can’t create a topic on anything without the same handful of users coming in and trashing it, but if you mention ganking in any negative light it’s like being greenlit by a gang.


Perhaps a question worth asking is what is leading few day old noobs outside of the 35 or so starter, agent and SOE systems in which they are protected, and into 0.6 and 0.5 systems in which they are not. When I was a noob I had no idea such protection even existed, and I have a strong suspicion this is generally the case. And yet it is a vital piece of information for noobs.

Something else that does not help at all, and I witnessed it within a few minutes on taking a peek at the Rookie Help channel last night, is noobs themselves giving other noobs ‘advice’. A recipe for disaster. I get that a lot of people want to show off at an early stage that they ‘get’ the game, but people being given the wrong advice by clueless noobs helps no-one.

Still waiting on proof of these claims :smiley:

LOL, look at you fronting cause daddy CCP is here.

Why don’t you tell them how you think ganking is a PvE activity :smiley:

Again, subjective opinion my guy. Maybe if everyone disagrees with you, the problem is you :smiley:

That is a little overly dramatic. Maybe because the nature of the game we play is an open world PvP game where you consent to PvP as soon as you undock and the fact that people are trying to change that, which goes against the game’s nature hm?


Ah and now hes started swearing

Last resort of the desperate.

Sadly, I still see his ranting when you quote it.

(post deleted by author)

Ok, I would have liked to have kept this poll open longer but my warning of keeping it on-topic has been disregarded but with 12 votes and 75% in favour of closing the thread, I believe it is the best course of action.

ISD Bahamut