Nerf perpetual Cloaking

And CCP has been saying for years: please place your anti-AFK cloaking whines in the dedicated trash can so they don’t clutter up the rest of the forum.

If people want to try and indefinitely cloak/grief systems then they should have to work for it via setting up a supply chain at least.

Or the defenders could work to actively protect their PvE operations instead of assuming that paying one of the big alliances to rent a system means they’re entitled to safe farming.

The fact that a guy can sit a cloak cyno in a system and log it in everyday disrupting income for 20-30 people with zero maintenance or micro is outrageous.

You are 100% correct, it is outrageous. It is outrageous that 20-30 players can’t even cope with a single AFK ship in their system and would rather hide in station all day than risk even the slightest chance of loss.

The only reason this hasn’t been dealt with is because eve zkill can’t calculate for opportunity cost.

No. It hasn’t been dealt with because there isn’t a problem to deal with. Nullsec is still, by far, the biggest source of wealth generation in EVE which means that other players are not struggling like you. So instead of whining about how unfair AFK cloaking is perhaps you should consider using the existing tools that other players are succeeding with?

Apparently you are, because the presence of a single AFK name in local is enough to shut down you and 20-30 of your friends.

There is little to no penalty within the current system to perpetually shutting down systems with a single alt which you don’t have to move or micro.

And yet it only works because the defenders are weak and permit it to work. This is like complaining about how unfair it is that there’s no penalty for having your enemy self destruct a freighter full of all of their assets and demanding that CCP nerf something to “fix” it.

There also isn’t any kind of meaningful counter mechanism within the current came mechanics.

Then why is nullsec still the greatest source of wealth generation in EVE?