Nerfs and Shortage Phase helping get fights?


The casing of my phone is titanium and the antenna is connected to the casing to maximize connectivity.
The device cannot get a better connection.

Just to remove some confusion here, my new apartment is on the b1 level below ground. I have a 4 story building on top and the next G4 antenna is on the roof of that 5 story building on the other side of the street.
No amount of aluminum foil will increase the connection through a 4 story building made of concrete and steel.
However, I still have some reception due to the titanium casing of my device.

USB-tethering used to work just fine but after the Android 8.0 update of the firmware, the cable tethering doesn’t work anymore.
Resetting the phone without my computer to backup the phones data would be terrible, since it holds all of my 2FA keys which not all have been moved to Authy yet.
I would also need my computer to make that move but I cannot assemble my computer yet.

Using the device a WLAN hot-spot works best for my laptop and watching Netflix but not for EVE Online.
Once I have a desk, I will be able to assemble my computer again but I still have to wait until May until my proper cable DSL is working again.

For now I am subscribed to train Caldari Dreadnought and Amarr Carrier to level 5. If I am not mistaken, those should be finished sometime in May when I can log on to EVE again.

that why I would fight :sweat_smile:

Well, hopefully the changes don’t result in fewer fights, but it is possible that they will result in people flying “cheaper” fits.

Isn’t this ironic, because a lot of older players are vociferously complaining about how much they have to risk when fielding capitals. They are seeing costs go up, risk go up, and power go down.

Also, the very wealthy didn’t accumulate their wealth though PvE.

And yet here you are telling us how it is and making predictions :slight_smile:

Because a T1 cruiser is (and will continue to be) disposable to any one who doesn’t have a garbage isk efficiency. On the other hand, the increased cost of expensive ships will make most players think twice before fielding them.

By the way, you guys do realize that most vets aren’t space rich, right? They’re actually more like the middle class, and it’s actually a relatively small amount of players that hold most of the wealth.

To be fair, I don’t know how this is going to stop the trillionaires from preserving their wealth and accumulating more, but this will definitely affect risk management strategies for the vast majority of players.

If you dont think that quarantine has a big part in the numbers you are sorely mistaken.

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You do realize that this is irony right?

You keep saying that, but eve is a ““simulation”” of real life. It has real life Econ, real life demand and supply, and real life people with real life emotions. People are here to experience another type of real life, the type where you fly spaceships. And I am only saying this because I’m tired of you control-f ing every single post, find the word real life, and make people disregard everything else the guy has said. Everything we say here is based on real life, and the events that happen in real life is the only proof to a prediction (maybe it will be different with some other MMOs that don’t simulate real life so much, but then they can’t have so much discussion on how new updates impact the gameplay, except: this got nerfed so I’m going to get something else.

also I realized I can do this:

But that’s just for comedic relief.

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No, it’s not.

No, it doesn’t. Tell me, where in real life can I go and kill a bunch of pirates endless for weeks and get money put into my wallet directly?

The rest of your post is as meaningless so I’m gonna stop wasting my time.

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If you’re not going to treat my post seriously and read all of it:

EVE isn’t real life, nor does it try to be.
To imply that EVE intends to imitate reality is absolutely moronic.

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Eve is similar to real life in many ways. For example, mars bars are similar to snickers, despite having different names and many differences.

You cannot shoot pirates and get money magically, but if you work in the police force you’d get paid by taxpayers for catching criminals (hopefully not shoot them nilly-willy). It’s just a different kind of job, but a job nevertheless. We don’t speak directly as in real life, but real life generalities still exist.

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You’ll have to do better than call me an idiot. You’re not just a troll, but an idiot troll as well. I’m not even angry, just disappointed.

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Now it’s funny considering that you’re a professional troll. And yes, I should’ve looked at your previous posts.

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You don’t need to do that of course, it just needs to be inside. When you tape the sieve onto the window, or however you do it, the phone will still stay inside.

This is how most people usually do it.

The incoming EM waves come through the window and, with less energy, through the walls. They bounce around the room and hit your phone. Your phone sends EM waves in a spherical manner around the room, of which most never even reach the cell tower and a good part reaches it with less energy.

It’s a tremendous waste of energy and reception.

The below is how it should be done.

Less energy wasted, more chance of EM waves reaching their respective targets.

It’s physics. I just suck at explaining.

Because otherwise your phone won’t fit, silly!

Your case, no matter the material, does not change any of this. Using an aluminum wrapped sieve is like a poor-man’s-satellite dish. It works, it’s cheap to do and usually it also helps. I’ve done this for months when I lived in a place with poor reception. I just had to figure out where the cell tower is and use an appropriately sized sieve, which you’ll figure out through experimentation, but any usually help.

To verify if it helps, or by how much, you can measure bandwidth using There, I hope you guys use your imagination a bit and my explanation was better this time. This helped me getting from 10KBsec to 30KBsec ten, twenty, twenty five-ish (oh ■■■■) years ago and, as far as I know, physics didn’t change in the meantime. The 30KBsec was the limit. :frowning:

I’m just trying to help. : p

PS: Back then I had a modem connected to the computer via cable. No smartphone of course. Also I don’t remember the time exactly. Some time in the last half of the 90’s I think.

If you don’t think that people, who are “quarantined”, wouldn’t play other games if they wanted to play other games, then you’re mistaken. Of course the “quarantine” helps, but that doesn’t change that many of these people definitely aren’t playing any other game instead!

If there was a significant exodus of people,
then we’d definitely not reach 40k, no matter what!

  1. No. But it does stimulate industry on a personal level. Right now there is an over saturation of ships and definitely titans in particular. This reduces that saturation and (with the market changes) pushes up prices for miners and producers and slows down the titan ball.

But it’s also not a bad thing that losses will be more expensive (meaningful) and for many of you it doesn’t matter how cheap things are, you’re still gonna avoid pvp at all costs and cry foul when you die.

  1. Ships need to die more. Like above with the saturation, stuff just needs to die more. Production has been triple that of destruction for 5 years, maybe more. We have a huuuuuuge backlog of materials and equipment to burn through.

With the resist changes: what it does is hurt bling mods more than cheap mods and makes logi less powerful. New players and small gang have the most to gain from this change because all their enemies just became relatively weaker.

The other thing to consider here, is if everything is dying more often, then materials that would be used to make supers has to be used to replace sub caps.

  1. People do it for both fun as well as making any buck they can from it. But if everything is more expensive, kill mails are more shiny and loot more worthwhile. These changes certainly don’t hurt the fun or money you can make from pvp’ing.
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Calling me a troll doesn’t make you be less of an idiot. Think about it.

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And therefore more exploitable by veterans to make even more isk?

How will a 50 man multibox fleet of mining ships emptying out ore fields because the ores have been massively buffed, help anyone but already established, already wealthy players?

The problem with minerals is that there have been, for a very long time, established, wealthy players massively feeding and getting even more wealthy.

Logic dictates you cannot balance a game around new players who dont understand how the game is played.

Logic dictates a rising tide raises all ships in the harbour, and when you have 50 ships in your harbour, you will necessarily get more benefit than a new player with 1 ship, therefore benefitting the veteran player more.

T1 frigates are available for free from Mission agents, you would have to be mentally ill in the head to think they would be worth 50 million, no matter how bad the economy gets.

Logic apparently doesnt exist in your head.

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What you dont understand, is that for some people, Eve IS real life.

What ever happened to Sir Molle?

Eve became too real for him, i suppose. When your head explodes becuase your capsule exploded, thats when EVE becomes too real.