I have not read all the chronicles, but I saw this kind of process in other univers (Warhammer 40k for example).
I would guess is a possible thing to do in real life too.
I hope it help, if the question is more on a “how it work” level, just say so ^^
There are certain techs that we infer are available but we need the lore to say there is to be there. Mnemonics to trigger body functions is a kind of nanomed that i dont know if it is widely available, plus ive only read about it in the 2 mentioned chronicles.
Mnemonics to condition the brain to interrogation is one thing, to activate neural pathways and itneract with nanocircutry is another.
and few other links related to physical manipulations, one of them illustrated into Two Deaths.
This is more cell manipulations than what you were talking about so i tried another way and found things related to Mind. Here are the one that could be interesting :
you probably are aware of the game, Mind Clash. Not directly concerned but it has some aspects that are interesting on the subject.
This is interesting even if it is just one person and not someone trying to control someone else but way is valid. Interesting to note also that it is refering to “constructs” things into mind, parallel between mind and computer, Find this intriguing and to link possibly with other stuff.
Not sure it helps you but at least those links are intriguing, to me.
As i mentioned on the previous post, i tried to make a distinction between the “learning technique that aids information retention or retrieval” that it is quite common on schools and military training of even non-capsuleers, from the “neural activation pattern of hidden nano circuitry” that appear when Jove tech is related.
We do employ nanostuff to kill people and to heal them, but in a more… uncouth way.