New Corp Projects and Project QoL

Some of these I brought up during my time on CSM 18, some of these ideas I’ve had more recently:

New Objective Based Corp Projects:

Corp Projects need objective based projects, especially for wartime. It would be nice to be able to point people’s unfettered aggression at specific targets such as citadels, skyhooks, and sovhubs. Currently there is no way in game to track and reward people for doing so, and the only thing you can track is “hey, go do damage to ships/specific people/groups.” Doing this also rewards people for going out and creating timers and encouraging people to FC who otherwise may not have done so.

Contribution method:

  • Damage/Destroy Structure
    • This would encourage people to reinforce/destroy peoples’ Astrahus’, Raitaru’s, Metenox, Skyhooks, etc. Having it’s own contribution method makes the most sense to me, but alternatively you could add structures specifically to the “Damage Capsuleers” contribution method as one of the types of things to cause damage to, same with “Destroy Capsuleers Ship” contribution method.
  • Capture Sovhub
    • Sometimes you want multiboxers or small groups of people going out and creating timers for strat FCs or skirmish FCs to follow up on, and it’d be nice to automatically reward those people
  • Raid Skyhook
    • Encourage people to raid enemy skyhooks

Corp Project QoL Stuff

Sometimes for certain projects such as:

  • Mine Materials
  • Remote Armour/Shield Repair
  • Damage Capsuleers
  • Destroy Capsuleers Ships

You may want to encourage certain ships. When running T2 or Battleship doctrines, you don’t really want to see Ospreys or Augorors in fleet. If you’re running small gangs maybe you want to encourage people to fly Scimitars. Maybe when mining, you want to encourage people to get out of ventures to increase their isk/hr and instead fly Hulks, or when whaling and you need Cenotaphs. Currently when doing any of these projects, there’s no way to have a sort of “contribute to project in specific ship” type of field. This would be a +++ thing to have IMO.

Additionally, it’d be nice if there was a box to check to have projects automatically duplicate upon completion of the corp project, or for leaderboard-esque type projects, at the end of the complete date that was set.

Corp Project Rewards:
It would be very nice if you could reward contributions with things other than isk such as LP, items, or plex. Say you need 1 million units of isogen, it’d be nice if maybe you could give everyone who contributes at least 100,000 units Ore Strip Miners. If you capture x plexes in faction warfare for a specific faction, get LP. If you inflict the most damage against a specific alliance, you get plex.


Please boost more participation on corporations. :slight_smile:

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