New Deathless ships

So when do we think we’ll see some new Deathless ships? Frigate, cruiser and battleship - or maybe just a cruiser?

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Gee, hold your horses, @Arthur_Aihaken They just came out with two new ships, mercenary dens and a new weapon! I think that breaks all development records that I have ever seen in my entire life. The devs are now so tired that only Odin knows when it is we’ll get some more.
If I have to guess, the Revenants will soon be forgotten for the next adventure. Maybe the Jovians will cut another route between two trade hubs, say Rens and Jita. Or there will be another scripted invasion for capsuleers to fight for/against or yet another scarcity-like delirium that says that if all taxes went up 50% then there would be more wars and stuff… And don’t forget Vanguard. 2025 could be the year Vanguard springs finished onto our screens cough-cough!!

By the way, where’s the roadmap for 2025?

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