New deployable suggestion

Because it removes the need for other people. It allows people to spend time in null solo which null is not a solo world.

Sure a user can have multiple accounts and still be “Solo” but then I circle back to it makes more money for CCP.

Also, humans have error rates. Error in providing intel will be higher when a human is scouting than if you have a deployable ping you. Everything you want points to killing hunters/roaming gangs all in the name of solo safety cause i gotta krab cause I dont make enough isk

I think he’s a botter thinking he’s slick by proposing something that sounds good while he’ll take full advantage of what he proposed for botting.

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I disagree, I think it will reduce it.

Again, all im really suggesting is the replacement of random toons out in space reporting movement or non-blues with a deployable that does the same thing.

removing gameplay content… not cool.

adding botting content… not cool.


Can’t bot with one account.

apparently cant krab with one either.


I know you’re mad but give it up, dude. Your proposition is asinine and your arguments for it non-existent.
Go back into the krabhole you crawled out from.

I’m removing a intell bot with something that has to be manufactured…

so if i have my alt and my main on opposite sides of a gate, you’re going to assume one is a bot? gtfooh

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You scream 400lbs and in your moms basement.

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I don’t see how your idiotic proposition has in any way to do with me.

And again, Calm Down Miner.

So how are we doing on the whole blackout 2 thing? Is it happening yet?

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I think nullsec would have a nuclear meltdown if that happened :stuck_out_tongue:

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Better that than his moronic proposition.

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Great way to get this useless thread locked.

Why can’t I make that assumption? How many random toons you see around in nullsec that all they do is report intell? If we used a deployable it would do the same job with less random players about.

You’re right, I guess I shouldn’t reply to children. That’s my fault.

I could support this if the deployable cost 500bill and self destructed after 15 minutes.

Seems fair

We already have alts and CCP will not get rid of Alts so your idea isn’t needed.
Go see in the WoW forum if they need any asinine ideas, we’re all stocked up here.

There’s an idea!