New Eden Ideas

I love thinking about new ideas that could be introduced to New Eden. Sharing these ideas makes them meaningful, and formulating text that delivers these ideas as clearly and as concisely as possible is important. I like being a creative source, but I do so with the intent that my ideas are well thought-out a attempt every aspect of balance. Such a task can be difficult, as it requires altering the slightest bit of information to make communicateion more comprehensive to understand. It’s like creative writing, but in a more formal setting.

Right now, I am working on a Topic for New Ships and Drones, and it has been a work-in-progress for about week. I have other ideas floating around, but this one is all-consuming because it feels like one of the best creative outlets for my New Eden experience.

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2 paragraphs and you mentioned to actually not say anything at all.

Mr. Star, what you’ve just posted is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent topic were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having read it. May BoB have mercy on your soul.”

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I said a lot of what was on my mind. In fact, the EVE universe is a very special place. I am somebody who is interested in running for the Council of Stellar Management, so I have to take my place in EVE seriously.
Sometimes I may even voice feelings like excitement, since my EVE experience is exciting.

Also, considering my photo, do you really think it is appropriate to refer to me as “Mr.”?

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Disregard the negative naysayers here, they’re just miserable people who only feel good if they can make somebody else feel miserable.

Anyway, the best place to post new idea threads is this sub-forum:

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Much appreciated, I do plan on posting there. :slightly_smiling_face:

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