So now, I have someone who’s all posts can be summerized by “B-but the economists?!” and “That’s not true! That’s not facts!” without ever providing any real facts or proof of his own, no matter what subject is being discussed, calling my post “contentless”.
Strangely enough, tho, I didn’t see you quote and answer the parts where I included “content”, with facts and examples.
I guess it’s easier to do your usual intellectual handjob with nice words that ultimately serve no purpose than to answer anything useful.
Which is actually the very reason why, sometimes, it may develop in a way that you think isn’t good, which justify you purposedly hurting it. Either because you want it to be less lucrative, or because you wan’t to force it to mutate into something else.
Except it can change it, and that’s what you fail to understand.
This is a video game.
Developpers and game-designers are basically gods, here.
Their points of view, preferences, intent and desire CAN change everything. It only takes a few lines of code.
I’ll take your “E”.
Personnally, I don’t know if I should give you an “H”, or an “I”.
Do you prefer “Hypocrisy” or “Irony”?
I also have the option of “NS”, for “Non-sense”, but we don’t traditionally use two letters for that kind of thing.