I think New Eden should have its own police force.
Each PF would be able to patrol only the constellation that the Capsuleer signs up for.
The Police Capsuleer would train to fly ships ranging from frig to battleship.
The ship would be comparable to CONCORD’s ships but slightly less powerful.
A PC would patrol belts, gates and stations looking for flashy yellow, flashy red and -10’s.
A PC cannot be part of any Capsuleer alliance or corporation and could not actively attack any non-suspect, non FR or non -10, otherwise the PC’s permit to be a PC is revoked permanently.
PC’s could scan all ships suscpected of carrying contraband and assist the local Navies in taking down a contra band carrier.
I think a New Eden Capsuleer Police force would be and exciting new addition of specialty ships and skills.
Special missions for the New Eden Capsuleer Police Force given out at a New Police Academy would train the cadet in policing High Sec of criminals by putting the power of enforcing the law in the capsuleers hands.
PC could not actively repair any ship other than a PC ship.
Attacking a PC would draw the same consequences as attacking CONCORD, however, being able to outrun a PC would not be considered a bannable offense.
With the Capsuleer Police force in place, CONCORD’s reaction time would be reduced by .01% .Too keep gankers out of the PC force only PC’s with IP’ addresses that have never been part of a ganking corporation would be allowed to join.
The new PC force is meant to draw armed security/patrol officers and Explorers ( young law enforcement hopefuls) to New Eden.