New Forum Who Dis?

Pretty excited about these new forums. We should get some of our stickys going if people like @Messoroz and the Tripwire guy wanna make threads for mappers. any other stick ideas?

Maybe stuff like wikis and Wormhole resources?

Later in July I’ll schedule and post a Town Hall for the first Summit Prep.



Made a new Tripwire thread in this subsection - Tripwire guy


We should probably stick info like rikky’s pve guide (still updated?), some blogs, statistics pages, r/PraiseBob

tons of other resources, just naming the ones I checked recently

edit: + wh.pasta


Stickies for the Ellatha pages:

Also as mentioned elsewhere,


The Uni Wiki on wormholes appears to be the most up to date on Combat sites, Data and Relic sites, and the over all information people need on a daily basis for wormhole life. Might be worth putting a link to it here for new bros and corporations thinking about venturing into wormhole space.


Has anyone told Jack these forums are here?


@NoobMan So any word on if the sticky-ness of certain threads is going to happen?

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Poke me and I can give you guys a hand, just let me know which threads :slight_smile:

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I see no “poke” in these new forums beyond this… :poke:
EVE Online Forums sticky please (currently sticky on regular forums - We were Ganked)

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Interesting that the stickies now don’t stay. As soon as you look at the thread it auto unsticks itself even if you manually stick it yourself.

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This makes me super happy to read that Uniwiki is up to date. Think anyone from the wormhole community would be interested in helping edit the wiki? There’s a big to-do list on the main Uniwiki page if you wanna see what’s needed :pen: :slight_smile:



Or Andrew Jester. Always appreciated his insights :smile:

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@NoobMan Keep us posted on when you’re doing that townhall for J-Space and on any Focus groups that might come up for wormholers. Would love to contribute and I know i’m not alone there.

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@NoobMan These will take some getting used to. Not a fan of the layout at the moment, tbh.

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No one tells me nothing…

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This new forum is HOT GARBAGE…
Really hope they make the layout have some kind of sense to it.

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I got used to it faster than I got used to the old forums. The option to post images and pool questions are a big advantage in my opinion.

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