as we are currently moving back into w-space from some russian invoked 3 month break in lowsec, I started getting back into development of the WormBoard wormhole comparison site. (Refer to this thread in the old forums: To collect new ideas and show some progress I decided to let an in-dev installment run in parallel:
added per player stats and hourly aggregate data to the underlaying data model (thus sadly needing to re-scrape all the data, so not the whole picture available by now)
added losses, kill / death ratio and k / d- and isk-efficiency to the daily aggregates.
new quarterly and last 90 days options for the selected period.
switch to turn the isk values to condensed display
right click menu offering a variety of reports and functions on the selected corp
killtime distribution for getting an idea of the timezone and hourly strenght of the selected corp in the selected period
very raw and unfinished list of active characters for the selected corp / period
Corporations and characters now linking to their corresponding zKillboard records
Active character list now styled and human readable
History data chart, so far only for the full year period and only kills, losses and active players but theres more to come…
Known issues:
Potentially requires a Ctrl+F5 browser reload if you’ve been on the older version already (check if the losses on the overview table are in red, otherwise the css is still cached as the old one
The dialogs tend to get messy when changing the browser size to smaller than they are
The active player dialogs fixed height is broken on it’s first load, should fix itself with the second
Still no search function, still no corp comparison, still too low on data, still in development
Jump to page and scroll found corporation into view doesn’t work properly if the selected sorting column isn’t leading to unambiguous results (e.g. if you sort by efficiency and the searched corp is amongst many that are 100% you will most likely end up on the wrong page and/or scrollposition)
Data now available 'til yesterday (2017.10.10), old version isn’t updating anymore since a couple of days already, v1.0 will replace the old v0.2 somewhere in the next few… Also we are back in business :
Dev installment has been removed, WormBoard V1 is now deployed on the original URL, even with some features still missing.
Full 2016 data available
Loveless IE9-11 support
Active player list now sorted by net ISK
Fixed a bug where the autocomplete in the search diaglog didn’t know about corporations that never had a loss in w-space
Planned stuff:
Adding “ALL” in the year menu as another selectable period
Making historic data available for every of the selectable periods (currently only a yearly view available)
Corporation compare function
Better server stats including actual missing days implementation
More presets in the history dialog
Button to show the Top 10 individual players for any given period
Active char dialog sort field selection
Make a better python script for autonomous data scraping and re-establish that
Profiles for killtime dist dialog, weekdays, weekends or all
Single chart mode implemented, kinda interesting how the activty peaks are pretty much at the same times for these two for the first half of 2017… Needs further investigation
Massive performance improvement incoming, data is now aggregated on the database like it should be, instead of pulling nearly 100k records from it and do the aggregation in java … Took me like 3h to figure how to aggregate a list of comma separated character_id’s set-like, aka ignoring duplicates, in Postgres native SQL. For those who wonder:
SELECT corporationid, corporation, sum(kills) AS kills, sum(losses) AS losses, sum(iskwon) AS iskwon, sum(isklost) AS isklost, array_length(uniq(sort(string_to_array(string_agg(CASE WHEN “active” <> ‘’ THEN “active” ELSE NULL END, ‘,’), ‘,’)::integer)), 1) AS numactive, sum(sumonkills) AS sumonkills FROM “zwbAggregateCorp” WHERE date >= ?1 AND date <= ?2 GROUP BY corporationid, corporation
Looks alot better now and feels much more responsive in the frontend, before changes:
2015 Data available
Added ‘ALL’ to the year select menu and added history and compare charts for an across the years view (timezone and active player list are not implemented yet for the over all years mode)
Added an information dialog to the missing functions
Fixed a glitch that made the comparison window jumping in size on hitting the ‘single Chart’ checkbox
[EDIT] added a last minute loading animation as requested by a corpmate
(Compares the selected corp to the top 10 and rest in categories absolute isk shot, kills and active players, we are that barely visible 1px wide wedge in red for the best period Q1 2017 :P)
Also weekday intel (mockdata as of yet, have to develop the spring controller first, which is a bit tricky):
New version deployed, this is mostly a huge historic data update, changelist:
Data back to 2012 (next version will have the entire history of w-space covered)
2 new experimental Charts, Day of the Week distribution for kills and average players on kill + Top 10 vs selected Corp vs the rest of w-space in absolute ISK killed, number of kills and active players
Active players, Timezone and the 2 new Dialogs now work with all of the selectable periods
Internet Explorer support is discontinued cuz it simply sucks for modern web development
Oh, and the USTZ correction checkbox in day of the week doesn’t and will never work… I build it in before thinking of that the precise time of a kill is lost in my database already due daily aggregates, so cannot do what I intended to do there