Sad news and Wormboard

Hello my Spacefriends,

Today my spacebrother fetox74 passed away.

Most of you who know him knew him from Wormboard.

UEMF has always been a small group. We’ve really only recruited from IRL friends or those we’ve known in Eve for years. I’ve known Fetox since 2010 and even though we’re on opposite sides of the world It’s always been great flying with and talking with him about eve. Wormboard came about from late night talks like that, about how you really find a way to rank yourself against others. With his passing at some point Wormboard will drop offline. The old forums link has some github links in it if someone wants to take a swing at doing their own version.

For everyone else, please go visit Wormboard and see where you rank up. Fetox was very proud of it and it meant a lot to him making it.
And tell your spacefriends how much they mean to you, what makes eve great is the people you play it with.

Rest in peace my friend, I’ll miss you forever.


I am very sorry to hear about your friends passing. I have certainly enjoyed looking at his work with wormboard. The ships we fly in eve are just pixels, but the friendships we make here are real.
o7 Fetox

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Sad day, condolences to family and friends.

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@CCP_Falcon get in here.


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Fly save Fetox.

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Fly safe Fetox! :frowning:

Sorry for following german:

Ich durfte mich ein paar mal mit Ihm unterhalten. Insbesondere in 2017 ging es viel um sein Wormboard. Tolles Projekt und super angenehmer Mensch. Letzteres tritt meist immer erst in den Vordergrund wenn das RL zuschlägt und einem aufzeigt, daß nichts einfach so selbstverständlich da ist.

Mein Beileid

Eikin (Ex-CEO Ars Venandi)


Fly Safe O7

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Such a pity. Was great to fly with you even if only once, yet more importantly respecting your obvious passion for my favourite EVE space i.e. wormholes and the effort you put into your wormboard project.
Thank you for this.
Fly safe. o7

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Condolences and of course:


Aww man, so sorry to hear about the passing of your friend Fetox74.

While I never knew Fetox74 directly I certainly knew of his work from Wormboard, he certainly touched many through his hard work & dedication. The EVE community has lost a great servant with his passing, he will be missed.

Fly Safe my friend o7

@BayneNothos I am very sorry to hear this. My condolences.

@fetox74 Fly safe fellow capsuleer! o7

Fetox74 07

Rest in peace fellow space pilot! o7

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