In wormhole space, intel is power and an information imbalance can be a huge tactical advantage. Let me give a hypothetical situation to illustrate:
In a part of WH space there are two large pvp groups A and B, and a small group C. Group B lives 5 jumps down the chain from A, and group C lives 3 more jumps down the chain from B.
- Group A has scanned their chain 6 holes deep, so they know about group B but not about group C.
- Group B has scanned their chain 3 holes deep, so they know about group C but not about group A.
- Group C has scanned their chain 1 hole deep, so they are absolutely clueless.
Group B is harassing group C, they have split their fleet in 3 parts. One third is in group C’s home being generally annoying. They are shooting miners, haulers, perhaps poking a citadel. Their objective is to provoke C into doing something foolish such as undocking a defensive cap, at which point the rest of the fleet warps in for the juicy big kill. Another third of the fleet is cloaked one jump out, to prevent C from rolling and to provide quick response when fun stuff happens. The last third is staying back in B’s home, waiting on the wormhole leading to C ready as a slower response.
Now group A has found one third of group B’s fleet, they check the numbers and think they outnumber B by two to one, so they engage. They might kill a few ships, but then B’ main force returns (lucky C!) and the battle turns in B’s favour. At some point A decides the battle is lost and tries to extract and retreat. They burn out of bubbles and warp to the first wormhole of 5 leading home,
Now B does not know where A came from, so they cannot predict which direction they will go, but they can see the direction in which group A is warping and give chase. They chase A for the next three jumps, perhaps killing some stragglers, but eventually A warps in an unknown direction, jumps and warps again, getting home safe.
The point of this story is that all these fights happened due to imperfect information. If group C had known group B was connected to them they would have rolled away and avoided any trouble. If group A had known group C was also in chain, they would have scouted further ahead and seen B’s entire fleet, deciding this was too big to take on. If group B had known where group A was in chain, they could have sent sabres ahead cutting off A’s retreat and routing them.
TL-DR: Sharing this information would kill a lot of content in wormhole space. WH groups will not share what they know as this would give away their tactical advantage.