New jump bridge

How would a corp go about establishing a new bridge between 2 points - can you buy 2 gates and anchor them? Do you have to petition to have it done by CCP? Just wondering, really.


Yep, this. Key word “Ansiblex”.

Thank you. But now I must amend my question.

How would a corp go about establishing a new bridge between 2 points in hisec - can you buy 2 gates and anchor them? Do you have to petition to have it done by CCP?

Thanks again,

Nope. Not allowed by game mechanics, and not wanted by CCP. You can try asking for new gates, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. :wink: Serious, no, CCP won’t do that on player request, they will if they see it fit… or remove gates.

If you want control of your own space you have to go to nullsec, that’s the purpose of having different sec areas. Empire (highsec, lowsec) is … (NPC) empire space. Nullsec is player-controlled space.


How often do you find devs changing the landscape or redrawing the map of their game on the whim of a player?


Adding to the above, you couldn’t just drop a gate here and another there and expect it to work.

According to the Wiki and other sources gates are positioned very strategically at the 1st harmonic of gravity between two stars. Sometimes at the second for shorter jumps. But it isn’t a willie-nillie process according to the science of EVE.

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A new player wanting instantaneous, 100% safe travel through high sec. Imagine that…


It was only a question that I couldn’t find the answer to. I was asking here because you guys are so all-knowing with all your experience and omnipotent knowledge…

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Its really common sense, though.

If such a mechanic did exist, we would see each and every start system in hisec littered with stargates. You would see a stargate between Amarr and Jita. You would see a stargate between Hek and Dodixie. You would see a stargate between every single system.

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