New launcher... new Linux error?

Nope, you don’t need winetricks if using setup_dxvk.

I do it the other way myself, using winetricks.

Choice is up to you.

Once it’s done it’s done, unless you run each client in a separate prefix? Then you do it for each prefix. Either command modifies the files under the prefix, not the launcher. The launcher runs using the files under the prefix (the files kinda resemble a windows installation).

But then, where does that code go… or I just need to put that on a terminal?

Is this a terminal command or where does it go?

Yes this is a Terminal Command. It will add DXVK to a wine prefix.
A wine prefix is where wine sores all the resources it needs to run a program, in this case that program is eve.
To use this command you need to replace /path/to/eve/prefix to the location of the eve prefix, I think there was a way to open the prefix from lutris.

Thanks for the clarification. I’m a tad confused on the path to eve prefix… is it the path directly into the folder that has the eve.exe? (inside wineenv) or is the simper /home/user/.eve ? (linux launcher).

I just reinstalled lutris (to work on fixing my issues) and there there is an arrow pointing up next to the play button, click on it and go to configure. in the game options tab it lists the wine prefix location. but if you are using lutris you sould have installed the version that uses Valkan and E-sync, which you can check by going to the runner options tab and checking if DXVK and E-sync are enabled.
But if I’m being honest I think you need to poke at things and don’t be afraid to brake stuff in the learning process, rather then posting something that others might think of as to simple to explain on the forums, your running linux poke at it a little.

I’ve already done that in Lutris. Currently my install works using wine 6.14 staging (last time I looked, but wine got updated so probably is a newer version). I tried both lutris versions and none worked, but wine staging works and I can notice the dxvk/vulkan working.

What Im interested in doing is to enable dxvk in my linux launcher, to see if I can get the same performance that I get with Lutris. My Linux launcher installer is not running with dxvk currently, and thus it uses a lot more cpu than the Lutris install (5 clients under linux launcher… I get over 70% cpu usage, and it gets noticeable slower when doing mundane things, whereas with the Lutris one I get 55% cpu usage tops, and its superbly playable. The problem with the linux launcher is that the ALT key gets stuck a lot, when alt tabbing between clients, and this is another advantage that the Lutris option has, I alt tab without worries.

I also have a eve running thru steam (3 separate game folders if you are keeping tabs), and it worked for 2 or 3 days, then something happened before the launcher update and stopped working. I havent tried the custom proton, but so far I find the instructions sort of obscure :wink:

So, its not a matter of trying :wink: or being afraid to break things. I just wanted to get better performance on the linux launcher which clearly doesnt have dxvk enabled. The only other install I’m yet to try is the windows installer but thru wine. I’m only running this one thru Lutris, but with their dxvk/esync old launcher and on Steam with proton.

So, would… /home/user/.eve be the folder or do I have to put the path to the eve.exe (inside wineenv)?

Thanks for your patience :slight_smile: and help.

I created an empty Wine Prefix. Ran the command above.
Installed Eve Installer without winetricks and it installs and runs perfect.
Not sure how I can tell if it is using Vulkan through.

Im confused with the eve prefix… what is it… what defines it… :slight_smile: I suppose I could make another folder and try it…

@Jayren_Folcrom : if you did it with the above command… I would think its enabled. In my case i can compare with another installation that does not have it enabled, and I can see the CPU usage difference between them when running 5 clients, and the way it plays.

Everything worked for me 3 days ago but now the launcher will run but trying to start any account fails.

I’m running Wine 6.16-1 on Manjaro, I’ve tried via lutris, via steam, none of them work. I’ve tried downgrading wine to 6.16, 6.15… nothing. What’s changed?

EDIT: I tell a lie, tried going into Lutris, changing the wine version to 6.16 staging and now it’s working but running a much older version of the launcher. Guess progress isn’t always a good thing…

And be on alert when it tries to update the launcher on Lutris… when it does it stops working ;(

Just checked my setting on Lutris, and its running the 6.16 staging. And its working fine :wink:

Yes it looks like this breaking change is still affecting us. I am very disappointed and haven’t played in a while now. The only workaround is to override cryptopp.dll as described in this thread

super late to the bandwagon. Me and my 4 omega accounts.

I have had success with Lutris using version 6.16, but am deeply saddened that this is coming to an end soon. As others have mentioned somewhere under the Linux topic, the sad part isn’t even that the game itself and it’s graphics doesn’t run, it’s the way it authenticates.

I understand these are decisions that make sense for CCP from a focused effort ratio, but it’s still not a great outcome for me personally.

Anyway, noticed yesterday that I can’t log into SiSi. I haven’t done any digging in logs or otherwise why the game window doesn’t pop up when I hit “play” on my accounts, but it reminded me of the impending feeling of the other shoe dropping soon :tm: on Linux Eve.

Any of you on Lutris… today Sept 25/26… having trouble staying connected? I mean, I connected earlier when it was still the 25th in the EU hours, I did my PI with 13 chars… and I had no problems, after PI I read/reply a few mails, and chatted, normal eve life. Then, at 0400eve, on the 26th in the EU, I cant stay connected, client quits connection. After I login, its not even 2 mins and then Im out with the error…

Client launches fine, internet works fine, but somehow the client quits in 2 or 3 minutes. I havent done no updates today, and like I mentioned, earlier it worked fine.

Tried a few times and even restarted PC and kept closing my main client. Decided to try and login an alt in another account, and left it at character selection for 5 minutes, then login, and stayed there for 5 mins and is stil online.

So, I tried doing the same with the main one. Waited 5 mins on the character selection window, and then I login… and waited 5 minutes and it’s still online.

Unexplainable… but its working.

SiSi is now the native mac client.
Or I guess I should say,
The native Mac client is now SiSi.

not sure if that would contribute to why you can’t log in to SiSi.

Yea, you’re right. Hadn’t noticed that the new mac client is now available on SiSi, however, most Linux users are using the Windows client via Wine/Proton/Lutris so we should be running the windows client on the setup. I tested this out on windows too, and was able to log in via the Windows Client on Windows OS into Sisi.

Not sure what changed on the windows client side to reach, but hopefully it’s something that after the mass mac client test goes away, and doesn’t trickle down to TQ server access.

Mac client is default, I’d assume there Is a way to switch over to windows

Can you elaborate? How would CCP be installing a Mac client on a Windows machine running a Windows binary launcher? I’m kind of confused how that’s supposed to work

Can you please look for the launcherlog file in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\CCP\EVE\Launcher and tell me if you see an error like this when launching the Sisi client?

2021-09-28T15:00:41.293Z	default	debug	"EXCEPTION #1 logged at 09/28/2021 15:00:41 : Unhandled exception in <TaskletExt object at 0x4160808, abps=1001, ctxt=None> \r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.293Z	default	debug	" \r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.293Z	default	debug	"Formatted exception info: ImportError: DLL load failed: Success.\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.293Z	default	debug	" \r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.294Z	default	debug	"Common path prefix = c:/buildagent/work/28f796d548f5b3f2/eve/staging/2021-iceberg\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.294Z	default	debug	" \r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.294Z	default	debug	"Caught at:\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.294Z	default	debug	"<pre>/packages/bluepy/ CallWrapper\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.294Z	default	debug	" \r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.294Z	default	debug	"Thrown at:\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.294Z	default	debug	"<pre>/packages/bluepy/ CallWrapper\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.295Z	default	debug	"<pre>/carbon/common/lib/ Startup\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.295Z	default	debug	"<pre>/carbon/common/script/sys/ Run\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.295Z	default	debug	"<pre>/carbon/common/script/sys/ _BuildClassMap\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.295Z	default	debug	"<pre>/eve/common/modules/nice/client/_nastyspace/ <module>\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.295Z	default	debug	"<pre>/eve/client/script/parklife/ <module>\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.296Z	default	debug	"<pre>/eve/client/script/ui/shared/fleet/ <module>\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.296Z	default	debug	"<pre>/eve/client/script/ui/shared/fleet/ <module>\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.296Z	default	debug	"<pre>/eve/common/modules/nice/client/_nastyspace/ <module>\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.296Z	default	debug	"<pre>/eve/client/script/ui/shared/ <module>\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.296Z	default	debug	"<pre>/eve/client/script/ui/shared/mapView/ <module>\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.297Z	default	debug	"<pre>/eve/client/script/ui/shared/systemMenu/ <module>\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.297Z	default	debug	"<pre>/packages/launchdarkly/ <module>\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.297Z	default	debug	"        __builtins__ = {'AUR': 30,\r"F
2021-09-28T15:00:41.297Z	default	debug	"                        'ArithmeticError': <type 'exceptions.ArithmeticError'>,\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.297Z	default	debug	"                        'AssertionError': <type 'exceptions.AssertionError'>,\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.297Z	default	debug	"                        'AttributeError': <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>,\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.298Z	default	debug	"                       ...\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.298Z	default	debug	"        __doc__ = None\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.298Z	default	debug	"        __file__ = None\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.298Z	default	debug	"        __loader__ = None\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.298Z	default	debug	"        __name__ = None\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.298Z	default	debug	"        __package__ = None\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.299Z	default	debug	"        __path__ = None\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.299Z	default	debug	"        _make_user_object = None\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.299Z	default	debug	"        client = None\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.299Z	default	debug	"        client_instance = None\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.299Z	default	debug	"        ext = None\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.299Z	default	debug	"        get_client = None\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.300Z	default	debug	"        imp = None\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.300Z	default	debug	"        json = None\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.300Z	default	debug	"        logger = None\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.300Z	default	debug	"        logging = None\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.300Z	default	debug	"        monolithconfig = None\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.300Z	default	debug	"        on_client = None\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.301Z	default	debug	"        os = None\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.301Z	default	debug	"        platform = None\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.301Z	default	debug	"        sdk = None\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.301Z	default	debug	"        set_user = None\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.301Z	default	debug	" \r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.301Z	default	debug	"Thread Locals:  session was <Session: (sid:[redacted], mutating:0, contextOnly:False, corprole:0x0, languageID:EN, role:0x4000000000000000L, sessionType:5, rolesAtAll:0x0, rolesAtHQ:0x0, rolesAtBase:0x0, rolesAtOther:0x0)>\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.301Z	default	debug	"Stackhash: 1095971830\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.302Z	default	debug	"Reported from:  logmodule\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.302Z	default	debug	"EXCEPTION END\r"
2021-09-28T15:00:41.302Z	default	debug	"An exception has occurred. It has been logged in the log server as exception #1\r"
