I’m just gonna say I was fine with the Universe having equal ore distribution, there were other and better ways to handle that.
I’ll also say my playing hours have dropped off tremendously due to the Mining and Industrial changes
most of which I view as negatives other than Mining ship readjustments and crystal simplification (the waste ratings are BS). If scarcity is needed keep it scarce.
All problems are due to crowding - we need an infinite Universe like No Man’s Sky.
When I first started playing dominoes, I’d sometimes complain about getting crappy hands. But I kept playing… and playing… and playing. And as I got better, I began to notice that the bones that I drew mattered less and less. I didn’t need a good hand, or good draws to win. I needed to learn how to make the most of the hand I was dealt, and to make smart decisions.
At some point I stopped complaining about “bad hands” or lucky or unlucky draws because none of that really mattered. Sure, I lost games. But I didn’t lose to bad luck. I lost because I was playing against some skilled opponents.
And when I won, it wasn’t because I got lucky. It was because I made the best of what I was dealt, and outplayed my opponents.
I don’t know why it took me so long to apply this lesson to Eve, but I eventually did.
Now, I will not say that CCP can’t make mistakes that fundamentally alter the game for the worse -because they can and do. However, that does not change the fact that the hand you’re dealt matters a hell of a lot less than how you play it.
But, this is where I’m going to leave things. You just gave me an idea…
Except they aren’t “mistakes”, @CCP_Rattati’s entire design philosophy is to punish the players by fundamentally altering the game for the worse.
And he has spent the past two years now putting that philosophy into practice and many players are tired of it.
Yeah, I don’t even know how you argue with that.
I mean, I can and do disagree with some of CCP’s design decisions. But I just don’t understand how someone can honestly believe that they are trying to punish players by making the game worse.
I mean, at least come at me with a conspiracy theory that is actually plausible -like, CCP is intentionally compromising game play in order to incentivize microtransactions.
CCP wanted to reduce the dynamic where solo miners in high sec use an orca for their mining. So they nerf the drone mining yield boost for orcas. This totally ignores the fact that the reason for using the orca is that the HP are very high, so gankers are less likely to jump a lone orca than they are to jump a lone mining barge or exhumer. They buff hit points on mining barges and exhumers, but not enough for me to solo mine in one. CCP response time is still too slow to significantly change the isk cost to pop solo miners in barges and exhumers.
If they want to reduce the number of solo miners in high sec in orcas, just reduce the CCP timer a bit, so procurers and skiffs survive more encounters or gankers have to commit to losing more ships (or more costly ships) to pop the solo miners in high sec.
I predict the changes to drone yields won’t mean a thing for the number of solo orcas in high sec. In fact, the defense buffs of the industrial core might mean more orcas in high sec.
Hardly, before the yield buff you didn’t see them solo mining despite the ehp. It’s already pretty hard to be ganked if you’re making even the slightest attempt to avoid it.
I agree, Honestly I would argue mining was just boring and not rewarding. It’s really simple in EVE to avoid ganking in Highsec. Hell you can find systems that gankers don’t visit and just set up shop there.
Skiff feels incredibly slow now - not sure why the skiff doubled in mass - it also looks like it has the lowest mining yield - Slow and doesn’t mine that well - lets hope the tank is worth it ay!!
That’s why there are so many zkillboard listings of mining ships being popped in high sec. I see.
Give tanky mining ships assault damage control, for those 30 seconds of getting ganked.
So as a mining Corp CEO, I can speak for us not to anyone else’s setup. We never turn newbros away for lack of skill level. This includes our moon operations especially. Moon ore has a time window, the more we bring in the better. If the operation can’t support newplayers, then the operators need to rethink that setup, as their running on a hair thin margin. Any market fluctuations are going to be an issue. We pull more than enough moon ore between us and allies, that a little waste is still better than the ore just evaporating before anyone gets to it anyway.
Moon ore was doubled just like belts. The margins to cover lower skill was built into this change. Not allowing newbros to join “because of waste” sounds more like greed than efficiency.
you are replying to a post that was made before the tweaks were made to the mining changes.
IE T1 having zero waste, in NOVEMBER, which is the month the thread you were replying to was made, the T1’s didn’t have zero waste.
Understood. was more making a general statement, than a reply. As so many people still seem to be under this misconception that Corps are/should turn newbros away for skill reasons, or that waste is some how cutting into anyone’s pockets.
I’ve had 3 starters this week alone ask if I would ‘let them mine’… why wouldn’t I? There seems to be some corps pushing this idea still, which leads me to thoughts of greed, as I see no other reason to do so.
NO one has to mine at 100% waste, thus there is more available to anyone that wants it.
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