New Missions, Ultimate PvE Ships, and converting Alphas

its just CCP trying to force people to pvp more and their rabid hatred for mission runners. doing missions in low sec is stupid

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level 5ā€™s are lowsec bro, i have no real idea why we dont have them in null but there you are.

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I brought up bringing level 5 missions to nullsec stations a couple of times now. Would be nice for NPC null to have them.

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Amen to that.

IIRC it was to encourage more peeps to do group-based low sec things, cause low sec population was poor & FW was dying (probably again). I thought change was made prior to my starting (or maybe not long after) and there was lots of anger that they were being moved out of High Sec, reason for being moved was they were to much reward for not enough risk (in High). There were still L5 agents in high sec (in the DB) for a while, you just canā€™t get to them in game.

Then people started running them solo in carriers, so I donā€™t think the move had the intended affect. lol

Afaik there havenā€™t been any further changes to them since then?


Sounds pretty similar to the way i remember it, we had agents in highsec that we would run but i cant quite recall if all the missions were always in lowsec.

Didnt run many tbh, faction rats all the time or drones = no bounties and after lp was shared between a group of 4 or 5ā€¦

I recall that level 5 missions came a while before incursions did and at the time it was okay isk and insane LP.
A few months back I went on the test server and took a look at level 5 missions after 8 years of ignoring them and it was quite easy running them in a carrier.

The isk wasnā€™t that much more for the salvage was a ton more and the LP would have me buy a Raven Navy Issue after 6 or 7 missions - all doable in one evening if you donā€™t get ganked.

Imagine you get the pirate implant sets with level 5 missions and the nullsec LP bonus - yeay.

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Rewriting the client to 64-bit is not a server side change that would affect the server side scripting language.

For some reason I keep forgetting this fact. But itā€™s still probably a matter of once their talent is done with the 64-bit client, they can be moved over to re-coding the server side missions, if there was the will to do so. For a good team of programmers, even if the missions were hard coded in, it should be trivial to write a parser to pull them out and translate into script. It would just depend on CCPā€™s priorities.

According to the updates website, the 64bit client has been postponed to fall 2019. Donā€™t give your hopes up.

and dont hold your breath

Iā€™ve been here long enough to know that EVE changes very slowly. Itā€™s probably a main reason for itā€™s success in lasting 15+ years. But it could also be a main reason that it is in a niche market. So no, I donā€™t have high hopes for positive changes in the near future at least.

But thatā€™s ok, I left in 2009 and came back in 2018, and in that time the game was hardly different so it was easy to get back into. I will say that for my play style, the small changes that did happen, it was an improved experience for me. But man cannot live on bread alone, I have put my money and contributions into the game, and if/when I do take another leave, I hope the game is still around for the next 15 years. And just maybe if/when I return, there will be an improved experience again. :sunglasses:

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We never liked the grind, neither do those alphas. Best way to convertā€™em is givingā€™em openings (in their early months) ways to making the big bucks, ie nul / wh sites, incursions, 10/10 ded etc (makeisk) and then push them into pvp (lose isk). When their wallet will drop, only then motivation will set in for sub, and diversify as they wish.

Canā€™t say I totally disagree with you. But EVE is a sandbox. People are free to explore and find what they like and what they donā€™t like. Some will like starting out in PvE, others will go straight to group play in Null and PvP. And the opposite is true as well, some will hate PvE, and others will hate starting out in Null, you hear it all the time.

And correct me if Iā€™m wrong, but isnā€™t the way to big bucks already open? The only thing holding anyone back really is skills. And as soon as anyone even suggests boosting skilling for alphas in the early months, the torches and pitchforks come outā€¦ :man_shrugging:

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:laughing: yeah that is true, but in the optic that; to make more money, one would need some basic starter capital, I encourage them buy and use SP injection anyway (whenever they can afford it). And with those sp to start incursions (skip missions, way too much grind those days), and bring them to null sec to make even more isk, and participate in pvp fleets. Or if they be slacking (after the pain of grinding), Iā€™d wake them up with some isk donations, hoping that after they blew it all away on space candy, that theyā€™d want for more at some point :smile: then back to square one, rinse n repeat. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yah, mentors such as yourself, and those in rookie help, and even npc starter corps are really under appreciated. You donā€™t do it for any reward, but if it was possible, CCP should throw a party just for you all. :confetti_ball::tada::balloon:

Iā€™m a 10+ year Veteran PvE player and I disagree with almost everything in that statement.

Eve Online is a subscription based game and for it to continue, it needs players who will be here for long term duration, not short term. To accomplish that, there needs to be various levels / steps / goals to complete over time leading to all that top tier content you listed.

Allowing new players to access top tier content right from the start is detrimental to the game. After engaging in that content, thereā€™s nothing else left to entice logging in on a regular basis.


Yeah I hear you brother, I wish it was otherwise - it used to be (2015-16) otherwise. But nowadays, to get new playersā€™ motors running (after youā€™ve tried everything), is one of the toughest job in Eve online. Easy to have them sign in for a twitch / youtube channel etc., but keeping them in the game for a year long period, has become real challenge. So I do whatever it takes, hoping that it will be enough.


Hmmm ā€¦I try to stay away from the spot light most of the times :grin: I just do it cause I think Eve online is a one-of-a-kind game, which I want others to profit from. Itā€™s not just an mmo, but a learning experience within a unique community. I am all a part of you, as you are a part me me.

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and thatā€™s how isk farmers will make iskā€¦ never paying a damned cent. no thanks.

and if you want the end game contentā€¦ pay