Idea for The devs, I won’t be monitoring this, So I really don’t care about the trolls “doing their thing”
There has been much discussion regarding Headshotting FCs and one of the downsides of fatigue has been getting FCs to developing conflicts.
The ship the Reaper, carrier of souls.
The ship is designed to transit The highest risk areas, at the greatest of speeds, because it is so effective it is SERIOUSLY limited in its capabilities, but what it does it does supremely well.
The ship has no High slots, no mid or low slots, and no rigs.
Therefore It has no offensive capability, and is unable to cloak or light a Cyno.
Cargo hold 0m
Special Cargo hold, able to load and carry a maximum of two pods.
Special cargo hold no 2 able to carry two fitted cruisers, normal restrictions apply to their cargo (ammo and charges only)
Interdiction nullified.
1.0 second align.
Resists and tank to prevent the possibility of smartbombing.
Immune to fatigue
Warp speed +40
This gains effective invunerability to all interdiction. And allows the carrying of an FC clone and a reserve, together with FC ships into a “hot” and strongly defended conflict zone. It has absolutely no other capabilities whatsoever. This allows FC transport and replacement, without requiring specialised FC ships.
Operating range, controlled by capacitor availability and recharge rate. This allows developer tuning to their desires.
A valid alternative, that resolves a number of issues introduced by the introduction of fatigue (which was entirely required)