New T3 industrial ships for low, nullsec and wh

At least the T3 corvette thread died. Be happy.




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Maybe a T3 orca class ship that can be reconfigured for certain different roles.

  1. Midsize hauler maybe around half what a frieghter could carry. Not as slow but still only low slots.
    Different kinds of bays can be fitted to carry different loads. But with a small cargo hanger for mixed item.
  2. Being able to anchor it’s self to provide slightly better fleet bonus but cannot deploy mining drones only attack drones. Maybe give it compression abilities but it’s fleet hanger ( compressed ore bay) capacity is vastly reduced and cannot unanchor itself if the hanger has compressed ore inside nor can it be moved to the normal hanger.
  3. Fleet support. Bonuses to fleet bursts to all types but only 3 can be fitted at once. Bonuses to drones DPS and can use heavies and remote repping bonuses.
  4. Mobile platform. Fitting service with repair service. Corp hanger bay. Give it a shield like the starbases but but not enough to stop a gang of ships. Shield Overload if activated nothing can warp in or out. ( Many hungry pirates waiting the 15 mins for the shields to drop to kill whoever’s inside while the pilots inside try to refit Thier ships to take on what’s outside. 15 mins is enough time for either side to call for backup). Shield drops and it takes 5 mins to unachor. Do you stay to defend or do you run ? .

Yeah yeah people will say no but it’s still fun to play with the idea.

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Orca does most of that doesnt it?

well people did not realize : orca is T3 mining ship.
Worse in yield, worse in tank, worse in capacity, than dedicated ships. Only better at boosting in HS (worse than rorq in LS/NS). Still, allows to do all of them at the same time, with correct efficiency.


Yes but seeing as people always complain about afk orcas how about splitting up what it does now into specific roles depending on the situation.
Make it a true fleet support ship as it’s supposed to be.

But… It still can do most of those things?

If you put them all in a variable T3 ship, what do with Orca?

Get rid of it. Make it so it can’t be used to just afk around a belt. Give it specialist roles as a fleet support ship.
As in it has to be with other ships to be able to function.

Wait, so you want to create a whole new ship class, move all the interesting stuff about an orca over to it and then… what? Remove Orca?

Why not just identify what you dont like about the orca and remove that instead?

I’m not saying it has to do all of those things at once.
You choose to fit it according to the role that needed.

Oh I love the orca I don’t hate it. I just hate what people do with mostly.
It needs to be reworked so it can fill multiple roles but not all at the same time

It is just like miners, they also keep coming back to get ganked.

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Pretty much this.

An argument could be made for actually restructuring the Orca to be a true T3 ship, with the associated configuration limitations and skill investments, instead of its current jack-of-all-but-master-of-none setup.

Honestly most T2 barges need tuning badly before we discuss a T3. The skiff has more tank yeah, but for the cost of it almost no one bothers.

Historically T3 ships have been an utter bastard to balance.

Furthermore I don’t actually see a need for T3 industrials, especially mining vessels with the current selection covering a gamut of options for capacity, tank and yield; the Orca itself is incredibly versatile often overlapping into the transportation side of industrial play and other areas of the game that nobody foresaw them being used in.

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T3D, needs to have boost, ability to fit a gas huffer and fit through a small wormhole. That or a huffing drone for the porpoise

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Sounds like it needs a little rebalancing and role specific changes

I think the only people that want T3 mining ships or even care that they would even exist are those who gank in high sec or low sec. Null sec probably wouldn’t even notice that they exist. Seem like a wast of coding I think.

I just came back to the game after 11 years but it seems like T3 ships being a bastard to balance is because they were rushed and not tested thoroughly. T3D’s are actually pretty decent even with a nerf. T3C’s are just neutered and useless unless you hunt explorers in WH. If you don’t do WH your better off with a HAC. Thats my opinion though since I have been away for so long and haven’t been in fleet battles since 2009 what do I know lol. Though seeing my old Munnin with a big buff makes me want to start using it again. If I ever get back into fleet vs fleet stuff then I will probably.

This was always a bad idea, see T3C’s. Before their nerf it would make sense because they were strong and were very skill intensive but once nerfed made no sense to fly one except under certain conditions like hunting in WH’s were you were invisible to dscans, and can easily gank weaker ships in those places.