Newb looking at mission running with so many questions!

At a guess it’s because that build was for rats that use Thermal/Kinetic, like Serpentis (and some others use Kin/Therm). If you face rats that use EM you’ll pick a resist module for that instead and switch to it before you go to face them. As I understand that’s how experienced mission runners do it - they check their enemies first, pick the right resists and ammo (and drones), then go face them fully armed.

fair enough, I wasn’t sure if just generally e.g. EM was a less-destructive source of weapons ammunition.

Yeah that fit I posted is for Serpentis/Guristas. If you plan on fighting anything else you might want to put an em rig on there sacrificing some capacitor.

Angels do explosive/kinetic, but a few of them do EM.

Sansha and Blood Raiders do Em/thermal.

Drones do omni.

When you have the isk and shield compensation skills I would toss two deadspace or dread guristas adaptive invulns in the mids instead of the resist specific ones.

Well my shield skills for the most part are already III/IV and in the quqie to get to V after missile skills. Is it just worth hunting for those adaptable fields instead?

I’d start out with mission specific resists until you have a cursory knowledge of the missions. Then adjust your fit to personal preference.

The snake gets shield resists from Caldari Battleship, so get that skill up to IV or V before you switch your tank to omni.


Roger the above. I did note that skill related perk so ive alreadh got the BS skill queued up to lvl IV and i also have the individual shield resistance skills queued to IV as well to give an overall passive resistance of 40% across the board.

By the way the skills about RADAR, LADAR, etc. Are they more for pvp or aee they worth having for pve as well?

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Those are sensor strength. There are four different types of sensors, one for each race. Each ship uses one of them. Sensor strength determines your susceptibility to ECM and also how hard you are to scan down. Not super necessary for you at the moment.

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With regards to omni VS specific. Something odd i noted.

Went and found the pith specific resistance modules you recommended then thought i might as well get the omni as well. Tried fitting the omnis and simulating just to see the difference.

The odd thing was that the peak resistances in thermal and kinetic were actually equal to when i used specific resistance modules (while also benefiting explosive and EM, resistances were someyhibg like 65%, 74%, 80% and 84% respectively)

Is there any benefit to fitting those resistance specific modules then in this case or should i just stick with omni as they will get even more effective as i get more supporting modules?

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I noticed the same.

depending on the mids you have :
One resist => specific weakest
two resists => add an invul
three resists=> add second weakest

eg vs angel : kinetic then invul then explosive. angel are weird because they deal also EM.
eg vs sansha : em then invul then thermal
guristas are specific, you may take kinetic, invul, kinetic, cause their scourge cruise hurt a lot (more apply)


Hello and welcome back to Eve.

Definitely some very good informational replies in this thread.

Personally I like T3 Cruisers, specifically for their versatility. As others have mentioned, you might get a little bit bored with the repetition of just doing missions. Having a T3 Cruiser allows you to also mix in Exploration with mission running.

Granted they may be somewhat lacking in DPS and take a bit longer to destroy large hull class NPC’s compared to Battlecruisers and Battleships but they definitely make up for it in defense and mobility. It seems to me you’re more of a casual player and I think a T3 Cruiser fits that style of player much better, basically T3 Cruisers allow you more game play options when you log in.

Anyway, may you have good luck and a rewarding career here in Eve.


Oh boy… This is hard to explain.

I’m not good enough at math to be able to explain this super well. But it has to do with how resistances are added. Basically when you add resistance you don’t get the flat percentage unless you’re starting at 0%. You get the percentage of the remaining resistance hole. So 64% resistance added to 0% is 64%, however 64% added to 30% would be closer to 74.8% because you’re adding 64% of 70% which is 44.8%. So the closer you get to 100% (which is impossible) the more drastic the diminishing returns are.

I feel like I butchered this explanaition but its the best I can do. There are also things like stacking penalties that factor into this. It’s a bit confusing.

The actual formula is found here:

Edit: so in conclusion… the choice of adaptive or specific should depend on how high the base value is

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I feel like I butchered this explanaition but its the best I can do. There are also things like stacking penalties that factor into this. It’s a bit confusing.

I understand the principle behind why you can’t add 2 resistance boosting modules that give e.g. 40% each resulting in a total 80% resistance.

Its more a case of the fact that I am surprised that the two invulnerability modules provide more overall resistance benefits than a single module dedicated to boosting the resistance of a single aspect of damage.

Doesn’t matter I suppose really.

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For a mission ship it is. It is possible with some of the transport ships.

100%??? Wouldn’t that make said ship completely immune to that damage type?

Leave it up to the lawyers.

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You can get 100% to all damage types. Requires overheated deadspace resistance hardners.


at some point you could go over 100% and well lets just say the math gets really bad for you if you go over. CCP supposedly fixed that. Personally I haven’t tried hard enough to break it, but DSTs do get some very nice overheating bonuses.

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to provide a fit. overheated it has insane numbers and this just ignore the shield booster bonus.

[Bustard, New Setup 1 copy 1]
Damage Control II
Caldari Navy Power Diagnostic System
Caldari Navy Power Diagnostic System

Pithum A-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Field
Pith X-Type EM Ward Field
Pith X-Type Thermal Dissipation Field
Pith X-Type Kinetic Deflection Field
Pith X-Type Explosive Deflection Field
Pithum A-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Field

Medium Gremlin Compact Energy Neutralizer
Small Energy Neutralizer II

Medium Core Defense Field Extender II
Medium Core Defense Field Extender II


The games rounds up the number but you don’t actually have 100% resist.

To have truly 100% you’d need one hardener that has 100% - none exists. at most you get 90% with the x-types.

This is so crazy… I had no idea these things were that tanky.

Why neuts though?

Because why not.

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