Newer player looking for a industry/ mining corp [AEST Timezone]

Hey there, I am a newer player who has really taken to mining and looking to find a place to be able to make Isk with others who are like minded. I am chill as heck and just here to vibe out and do stuff with people.

Unfortunately I am inconsistent on being online due to IRL and previous commitments but if anyone is looking for a new miner who is looking into hauling please let me know on here, I’d happily hear your out.

as a reminder I am AEST time and work weird times etc but looking for a chill group to just hang out with doing more dangerous mining in low and null sec. (I tend to be free from 8pm AEST to late into AEST time so if there is a early US or EU that speaks english this is also viable.)

Hey mate,

Port Jackson Shipyards might be the place for you!

We are an AEST corp operating in highsec and low class wormholes doing industry to support the Minmatar war effort.

Look us up in game or join the public channel PJS.

Hi we have three porpoise pilots and three people who scan sigs. Lots of myko. Was scanning 20 systems/day last week. We are next to the best myko in New Eden, and I got a nice crokite haul today. Mostly USTZ but we have allies running mining ops in EUTZ. Cherry Defense Systems
We do fight pirates in AUTZ, but not battleships.

[SONY M.I.T.] Mining. Industry. Trade.

We are industry corporation.
We do operate in Hi-sec and wormhole space
We do enjoy all the aspects of EVE
We are anti-piracy corporation
We all know, that real life comes first.
We are friendly group that works together to have the best outcome.

All time zones welcome
New, veterans, returning pilots, all welcome

No english - no problem.
No obligations
No mandates.

  • Work from home.
  • Be your own BOSS.
  • Unlimited income opportunities.
  • Flexible work schedule.
  • Low tax.

For those who wish for more action can access our C4 wormhole base. Daily PVP, exloration, C4 rating…

Pleas join public chat [SMIT]

Free access to T1 BPC’S collection
+Capital Ships And Components BPC’s

C.E.O. [David Sony]

Hey bro. I hope you’re still considering corporations. Legion Ascending is a new corp created with a community focused perspective. We want our corp to move forward as a group instead of individuals.

While we are new, we have experienced leaders and are looking for other experienced players to join us. We are diving into all paths of EVE but are currently focusing on industry to get us going and profitable so we can offer more for our members. We frequently dive into low and null sec for small gang pvp and plan to get our people into incursions for isk.

We have plenty of goals for our future, but right now we are enjoying the process of growing and creating new friends to enjoy the game with. Life comes first is a must-have attitude and we require a sense of humor! Or at least the ability to take a joke. We want the environment of our corp to be as stress free as possible while still accomplishing our goals together.
I could go on all day with what we hope to accomplish, but instead of boring you to death i hope you reach out and see what you think.

we are building up the Indy group numbers! Mining fleets are 40 members strong! clearing grid in minutes!
Lets chat!
Aegis Victorium - Corporations & Alliances / Recruitment Center - EVE Online Forums

Hey there Efelion,

We are mostly EU/US, but many of us are on early and/or late in those timezones.

We focus on mining and chill. No log in requirements or anything like that. We have quite a few inconsistent players these days and a few dedicated.

We have a weekly mining op on Saturdays at 2000 EvE time. If that works for you, come talk to us in LAGT Public, or message/email Logen Kain or Jack Aakiwa.

Good luck!

Forum recruitment ad follows:

La Guillotine - mining\industry corp recruiting

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