NFT's are Fundamentally a MLM-Type Scam Designed to Get You to Buy Crypto

My point here was to stop banks investing irresponsibly with money stored on behalf of a customer, I pointed out laws which were aimed at stopping this and how those laws were reversed, the solution here would be to enforce those laws again which would make it illegal for banks to invest irresponsibly. Do you have a response to this point?

The crypto coin you speak of only indicates a fiat value. the actual fiat money still needs to be managed well. As I said earlier switching over to crypto wouldn’t solve this since it only indicates a fiat value.

I am confused with how governments view crypto, they are happy to set rules for it’s usage but seem reluctant to set rules for the fiat money crypto represents. I would have thought any kind of asset perceived as having value would need to be managed in a similar way ( CEO’s shouldn’t be allowed to dip into customer holdings as and when they please and gamble with it)

If there isn’t a unified and logical way of dealing with large amounts of asses then the result will forever be what we see currently happening with the worldwide economy.

Yes, laws that increase oversight on banking are generally good. I did not read the entire law but I’ll check it out. I assume it might be harder for small municipal banks than for the larger ones to follow the new rules and that’s probably why republicans try to use it to make banking a little more like crypto.

All crypto is a criminal bankers heaven. No responsibility, no laws.

Ironic that you keep pointing at regulations. It’s like we live in the Dominican Republic and you are like “Dudebro, Haiti is so much better with their ‘decentralized government’!” but we both know it isn’t.

I think you ought to do that before telling someone they are deluded, bankers messing with OUR money is a huge issue and a scam.

I don’t need to. I don’t live in the US and the law does not apply to France. Nor does it apply to the U.K. where you live. But since all of your tries to derail this tread about NFT’s into a political debate have failed you are running out of options.

This point was already debunked, I’ll quote this…

Look again, If the US financial system crashes you and I will be badly affected in the UK and France.

Sure pal, the sky is falling.
Economies grow and shrink (recession) all the time. There are good and bad times. The only hope is that society is healthy. No coin can change corruption in people that have power. Instead of running away from society you should engage in it in a positive way.

Have you even bothered to read the news in the last month?

Debunked how? If you bother to read the current news you’ll see what I’m on about, stefnia seems to want to close his eyes and pretend it’s not happening,

By the post I quoted, maybe you should go and read it?
Sadly your post again confirms the conclusion…

Yes, but Bitcoin is not the sky. That aside, what specifically made you think NFT’s suddenly no longer are a scam?

They will never stop portraying crypto as only an investment to make money from. No matter what anyone says it can still be used as a secure retail tool where the retailers accept it. One can actually completely ignore the investment part and only buy crypto as and when it’s needed for retail transactions.

I would have thought the path was clear, governments can use private advisors to actually gain a full understanding of what crypto is and then create regulation which companies like coinbase will follow.

It seems backward for the government to not bother understanding crypto properly, they claim coinbase has not followed rules when the problem is they haven’t really worked with coinbase to understand and establish what rules are required.

The US government can barely regulate their own fiat currency let alone a digital one which indicates a fiat value.

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I guess corrupting politicians don’t always give rich people the change in laws in the way that they want. This should answer your weird presumption;

I think you got it backward. Let me explain it to you clearly ;
Coinbase is KYC. So you can put that privacy dribble away. No one believes your lie. It’s blatant and obvious. And sad, very sad. Yet incredible funny to see you keep on posting delusions.

Anyways, most people would just laugh and walk away from the scam crypto is, but just to help you not stray too far from reality, here’s the information on how coinbase is actually selling securities;

Who is “they”? Is is ‘the ebil gubernment’ or is it the crypto websites themselves? Are all crypto sites faked by the government? Are the crypto promoters you can find on almost every forum and blog site secret service agents trying to destroy the dreams of some ‘cypherpunks’? You would have literally made millions of real money by writing stories for Hollywood but you choose poorly unless you have trillions by now in crypto. But we all know better, you don’t do crypto (anymore) for the money. Now it’s for the privacy, just the privacy… which we all know is not how it works. :smiley:

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Uh huh, if you bothered to look at videos of the government attempting to create laws about crypto at their SEC hearings you’ll actually see with your own eyes most of them don’t understand it and most of them don’t want to understand it. There is no lying on my part, I’m just talking what was already discussed in these threads regarding crypto.

It’s not illegal to sell securities, my point here is it’s fine to class crypto as securities, but it is the governments job to do so through understanding it and enforcing it. Coinbase is a professional business with serious investors who they must answer to. Purposefully avoiding/ignoring laws will never ever be the way to run a legit business. It seems you’re there only person who doesn’t want to recognise that.

Crypto is still a very new concept and it is acceptable that the genuine legal crypto exchanges mistakenly did not register with the SEC because they weren’t aware they had to. They are now fully aware they have to do this and will happily comply pay or negotiate what the fines are and move forward.

It is important that if the government win against coinbase they must be reasonable about the amount of money they expect from coinbase in order for this to be settled, hopefully they will have a reasonable judge who will carefully consider both factual sides of the dispute.

In the UK plenty of the government policies and proposed policies were found to be illegal and a high court judge has actually ordered the government to revise many policies over the years, this really isn’t uncommon if you have a look.

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Yes, and also the people who want you to invest in crypto to give the illusion more people are using it in order to make money.

Also, just quickly going back to my point about SOME government policies being found to be unlawful,

I know it’s not on the same subject, I am posting this to show you that the government can make mistakes and they are not always lawful on some of the things they propose. 3 judges found the ex home secretary’s proposal to be unlawful and forced her to change it in order to avoid a humanitarian crisis.

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Thank God the people still have judges who stand against and above the tide of corruption.


You mean the guys you helped when pretending crypto was TEH FUTUR ?

NFT, just like crypto, is a ponzi. If you say “like art collections”, I agree with you.

But just like I don’t want art to disappear, I don’t think crypto currencies should. People must be aware though, that any investment in crypto is a loss. It’s interesting for its technological challenges, but it also has its own flaws, including (but not limited to…) being deflationary, consuming a huge amount of electricy, being highly volatile and as such prone to manipulation, being used for criminal activities.

Laws can evolve, the programs can be changed, but it may also be impossible to fix some issues without making it plainly unusable.

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As long as crypto exchanges who are happy to exchange crypto for fiat exist then it is not.

Crypto doesn’t have to be invested in to be useful, I use BTC for some of my transactions for example, I buy £20 or £30 or £50 worth of crypto depending on what I am buying, it’s sent to the retailer then I get the item I ordered.

You need to stop promoting crypto as an investment when it is not only that, BTC factually has over 350k transactions per day, if it was only an investment as you seem to be saying then many of these transactions wouldn’t exist.

So, if one has no use for a higher level of security/privacy in transactions then it is actually okay to ignore crypto. If we look at the psychology of this it seems people don’t want to miss out on making money so we may find many people have invested just because they don’t want to miss out on the “currency of the future” and the prospect of making money.

The FTX ponzi scheme was a mess, as we can see SBF is being dealt with harshly and will most likely face life in prison. So I say good luck to anyone looking to fleece people using crypto.

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The reasoning behind “deflationary currency bad” is usually completely flawed.

But in any way, various crypto currencies have various monetary policies. For example Doge or Monero will issue new coins forever and hence always have inflation. Bitcoin on the other hand will stop issuing new coins at some point far in the future and have no inflation, it’s only deflationary because of coin loss.

Unlike crypto people, who would say those judges don’t understand “how it works” and how “removing migrants” is all about “protecting their privacy”.

See, it’s funny how you complain about the “ebil gubernment” then literally show the failsafes there are in the system while proposing a system without failsafes… which you claim is for private money sending, wile you lieterally at the same time post videos showing you clearly mining anything for dank profits while posting it on youtube because… privacy :D"

So your logic is “crypto is not a ponzi scheme if people can buy coins there for real money…” wow.

He does not say that, why do you keep posting random things like that. It’s a security, Twitter founder and long-term Bitcoin advocate Jack Dorsey claimed on Twitter that Ethereum [ETH] is a security and his comments have created a furore. Dorsey responded with “yes” to a question asking if ETH is a security. Anyways, it’s up to the SEC to check how it’s being promoted and sold… not whatever you as a armchair judge this it means.

Yes, another lie. Every part of the crypto is promoted by people lying or people being delusional. But that’s just the facade of the people who go trapped in the slavery of crypto.

Bitcoin hasn’t been around long enough to prove whether it’s genuinely an inflation hedge and a store of value. Despite its scarcity, the price of a cryptocurrency like bitcoin is still mainly based on investor sentiment.

26.467,10USD -3.612,50 (12,01%) and the USD inflation is 6%? Why is BTC continously dropping steeply (it will increase a bit soon followed by the rugpull, but still) it should be shooting up in response to the value of the dollar going down and intrest rates going up… but you know that too, you just post counterarguments hoping 1 person would but 1 satoshi and you get your share of the profit. And soon a lot of people will enter the work market and they will have it hard, and you’ll be there, smooth talking them into throwing their real money into the ‘sleep-while you make money’ cry^pto scheme… it’s time for a new layer in the pyramid, if it stops, a lot of very rich people will be unhappy!

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I was talking about monetary inflation (amount of coins) and not purchase power.

Yeah, I don’t think this is disputed by anyone

Because of what you just said, its price is mainly based on investor sentiment. It is regarded as a high risk asset and that combined with the fact that it is a 24/7 highly liquid market, it is one of the assets that gets sold first if the markets start to look dodgy.

And who should pull the rug exactly? There is no one who can just print coins.

The dollar has record high interest rates and all the market participants are still wondering if we are in a recession, will go into a recession or what else will happen next. It’s not an environment where any high risk asset does well.

I can assure you that I’m not interested in selling Bitcoin for fiat currency. Bitcoin is my insurance, it’s my 4th retirement pillar so to speak for the case the other three don’t make it until I need to use that money. So I’m rather fond of the price staying low while I still accumulate.

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People who buy low and sell high. Look at it’s price evolution, it’s the perfect gambling asset.