NFT's are Fundamentally a MLM-Type Scam Designed to Get You to Buy Crypto

Bitcoin doesn’t require exchanges or banks to work. They are service providers who connect to Bitcoin and use it the same way you and I do, they don’t have special privileges or are required for it to work.

Obviously they are required to interface with the fiat world, because that system IS based on trust and is run by banks and exchanges.

It would not impact Bitcoin itself. It would just make it harder to trade from fiat into Bitcoin and vice versa.

Well sure, that is because the world runs on fiat and we generally value things in fiat currencies. That doesn’t mean this will be the case forever.

If they go after exchanges now (looks that way) and try to cut all the fiat on/off-ramps they will certainly isolate it for a while. But that will not kill it, it will just the delay the inevitable.

It’s also mainly the US who goes completely crazy. A lot of other places already have regulated crypto and are even embracing it as a new financial technology. The US has a reserve currency status to lose, and require their people in their fiat system so they can continue to leech from them and prevent the debt bubble from bursting. That is at least my opinion why they are so aggressive.

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Yes, I would think their level of control on this is limited. I know for sure that if the rest of the world accept Bitcoin as either a currency or a trusted digital token that indicates a fiat value then the US will not want to be the only country to reject Bitcoin and all it has to offer.

Here are some facts, in Feb 2023 around 46 million Americans either owned or invested in Bitcoin, obviously the government has noted this figure as well. We could even look at it like this, either the democrats or republicans could actually use Bitcoin to get the vote of many of those 46 million Americans by promising fair and well thought out laws surrounding Bitcoin. It definitely isn’t wise to alienate the people voting for you by banning Crypto/Exchanges, this is certainly something to keep an eye on.

Indeed, to avoid the ‘tragedy of the commons’ economical blocks are introducing their digital currency thereby replacing the crypto ‘wildcat banks’.

Those “dumb” banks check if the money does not go to organized crime. Because the majority of the people don’t like to be victim of crime. Thank you for your part. But know what you do, it’s disgusting to see you deny your responsability but I guess that’s what crypto is all about “we didn’t know…” but you did know and aided actively even promoting it to this day…

Sie haben es nicht gewußt, richtig? It is clear the exchanges are being targeted because they are -like you- enablers of organized crime. What you don’t seem to comprehend is that each rule around crypto will make it harder from organized crime to use it and it will slowly be disused as the only use for crypto is crime. And if there was another use, CBDC’s will take over that part.

Cool, let them go ahead and use it for crime. I hope they are aware though that once a transaction is created on a blockchain it can never be changed and if highly skilled techies find a way to link those transactions to an ip address or computer that criminals own and then convince a jury of this then it’s long prison sentences.

Also good luck to the criminals exchanging the crypto for fiat (which seems to be the goal of crypto for most people) there are now strict rules in place which will highlight suspicious fiat transactions and trigger investigations.

We have to develop an understanding that criminals are most likely to use methods where PEOPLE are involved. Can you pay a person working within a bank to falsify records? Yes, it’s possible. Can you pay someone to create a fictitious transactions or delete entries on a blockchain? No, it is impossible.

We are so caught up in “crypto is a scam” that we fail to see it is people who are a scam. Many people were lied to and told “Bitcoin will reach £150k each by the end of the year” I’m pretty sure a few people were actually paid to say exactly that…can you see where I’m going? every step of what I’m explaining people come into it. TIN FOIL HATS MY BROTHER! I had to forget a lot of what I thought was fact and take a good look at what’s going on.

Let’s take a real look at this, say we have a person with £50k life savings, can you see the difference in that person following a scam advisor who says “Bitcoin will reach £150k each by the end of the year” or that person getting a real understanding of what bitcoin is by taking a few months to read about it and obtain actual stats on the rate of adoption. A good investor will know there are many aspects which would affect an investment such as Bitcoin to name a few; laws, adoption, confidence, how useful it is.

I hope you can see the difference.

When these dodgy scammers were asked how much will Bitcoin be worth in the future, the only answer is “It heavily depends on how many people use it for private transactions and if that figure grows” if we all had this way of doing things then the world would be a better place. Again…it’s people driving this, not crypto.

When a woman goes to get her car repaired and it turns out one of the problems was the battery which just needed a good solid 24 hour trickle charge most mechanics will just sell her another new car battery and then “dispose” of her old battery by charging it and selling it on for half the price, I found this with my partners mums car who had been told she needed a new battery, the problem was the engine kept stalling and needed restarting like 12 times on a short journey which drained the battery, once that stalling problem was fixed I charged the battery myself and the battery was absolutely fine for a good couple of years.

What people like about crypto is that other third party people don’t have to be involved. A lot can be verified by an owner of Bitcoin and because there is complete trust that a Bitcoin can’t be duplicated by a person we are left with a useful monetary system.

I’m not talking about CBDC. I’m talking about actual crypto regulation, which just happened in the EU


A good phrase you can tag on to everything you want to give some weight, without actually having to come up with a real argument. Very useful. It’s kinda overused by people like you


Oh the righteous rage… It’s just completely unbelievable and honestly rather pathetic

I’m an enabler of organized crime?

Actually that is not what happens. The regulation is all about fiat on/off-ramps and custody. The utilization of the crypto networks doesn’t require regulation because it replaces humans who can be corrupt with protocols run by computers who don’t need such regulation.

Sure, that cancerous organization they built some years ago that constantly comes up with new versions of the travel rule, because that is basically what it was created for, and they would all lose their job if they stop pushing out more extreme “suggestions” every year, they will probably object. Getting rid of them would be a nice way to save some money

Hahaha good one

Yeah, they will be here just any moment now. If we know anything about gouvernment software projects and services, then that they are punctual, cost efficient and on-paar with what you expect from a free market.

Honestly I can’t wait to see that dumpster fire.

So you’ll have zero privacy and you’ll like it. Imagine who the anonymous people are behind the crypto…

It can be services (sex slavery) or goods (drugs) there is no real need for fiat unless they want to buy houses or things that are KYC.

No. All of BTC transactions use a middleman. This is called the miner, who isn’t paid but has “a chance to be paid” as this is a normal way to employ people.

Like all your posts?

If you don’t know that for yourself… sad.

Whatever you feel, man. I use the government website to file my corporate taxes, I can only assume you are saying the Swiss don’t have that or don’t have e-id. But we all know you are lying in the hopes one day BTC will be not the failure it’s been for decades.

They don’t require a trusted middleman. A miner just puts transactions in a historical order. There is no trust involved.

Yeah, they are pretty bad. No, we don’t have an official e-id, we voted against that.

The privacy is there, I’m talking in terms of criminals operating. SKILLED TECHIES trying to link an ip address to crypto transactions is difficult work, and would require legal assistance which they would get if they are trying to solve serious crime. The person using Bitcoin for legal activities has no need to worry.

Ah so now you’re trying to pretend the goal of crypto isn’t fiat just to try and further your narrative? The goal of any crypto scam is fiat as both of us have seen many times. level with me.

You really don’t know what you’re talking about. I suggest you start examining facts instead of thinking your poorly researched theories are fact.

I find his baseless accusations quite amusing. Just shows how little real arguments he actually has if all he can attack us with is stuff he just dreams up.

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Do you think both of your sentences mean the same? If you do, it’s worrysome you have money spent on a system you don’t understand or can’t explain.

Crypto is a tool, just like you. Every mainstream explanation you can find is all about profit, not transactions. Because it is not solving anything for the common person. It might be solving a lot of problems for the trust fund babies.

I told you years ago mining would end badly for you just by looking at your ‘business plan (for Dummies)’.

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Which is why I suggested the tin foil hat, Scammers and greedy investors will tell you this, then they will pay others to tell you this.

Based on fact, there are approx 350k bitcoin transactions per day, so your theory of them not existing is delusion, they do exist.

Which is why they should stay away from it for the time being until they have a privacy issue and find that using bitcoin for a transaction will solve it.

I still got very good prices when I sold all my GPU’s, they all sold very quickly, I knew the hardware would hold a good value if I needed to pull the plug. I’m not unhappy with my mining venture.

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They don’t need to . They only need idiots to claim that the important thing is,

And by unhappy, they mean “I tweaked the prices so I don’t think like I’m at a loss”.

So you claim that criminals who have a privacy issue can use BTC to solve it ? Which is it ?

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There is a difference between transactions not being anywhere near important and thus not being discussed as the ‘important part of crypto’ and “not existing” is the actual delusion. Sadly, your can’t claim you can’t speak English well so I guess you are lying again.

Ore (or electricity) is for free, right? You should scroll up as I mentioned.

Their financial product; for your information they clearly show weekly and monthly earnings that -they will show in the next screenshot- are a lie. They clearly claim it cannot be calculated by the tool they designed to calculate it to attract more victims.

From their link…
“Last but not least - all hashing power rig earnings estimates and profitability calculations on the NiceHash Website are only for information purposes and were made based on the hashing power rigs, set up in the test environments. NiceHash does not warrant that your hashing power rigs would achieve the same profitability or earnings as calculated on the NiceHash website. The actual profitability can only be seen when your rig is connected to our system and monitored through our website.
They forgot to add ‘monitored for your privacy’ :smiley:
All of it would be comedy gold, except that many young people are trapped by it and have lost a lot of money by buying crypto or mining crypto.

You could lie about the scam and claim ‘but the price of electricity is just so low it can’t be represented in BTC!’ but just to curb your delusions; USA, September 2022: The price of electricity is 0.180 U.S. Dollar per kWh for households and 0.150 U.S. Dollar for businesses which includes all components of the electricity bill such as the cost of power, distribution and taxes.

So their profit show isn’t net profit before taxes (which also do not exist apparently) and also do not take into account working hours but I guess slaves do not need to be paid…

Well what I said is in fact a 100% accurate description of what happened in many cases, celebrities (who people seem to listen to) were paid millions to film adverts, popular youtubers were also paid to promote lots of different crypto including Bitcoin. feel free to type what you like.

No, it means I didn’t loose as much as I thought I would, I’m actually seriously considering establishing a solar operation and if it goes well I might buy my first Bitcoin mining machine and also try to earn from supporting transactions. So no, the idea of mining is still good.

I claimed what I actually wrote, maybe you need some reading lessons?

Well why are you speaking to me about your belief? go ahead and speak to the people who do 350k Bitcoin transactions per day, No, I was right the first time, pretending something doesn’t exist when it blatantly does is delusion my friend.

Anyone GPU mining today will find the electric cost is higher than what can be earned, previously my hashpower was rented and used to mine ethereum, but since ethereum changed to proof of stake it no longer supported GPU mining.

What you’re seeing there is an estimate, the coins that the GPU’s are mining aren’t currently worth much in fiat so anyone mining them will pay more for electric. So generally GPU mining isn’t profitable at present, it’s more speculative mining, not sure how you think a business telling you that you wont make much profit at present is a lie, but hey, you do you.

So in uk it’s currently around £0.45 per kwh, so if daily earnings from using 1 GPU to mine are £0.30 per day then already you can see it is a loss.

So about 10 x RX 6600 XT would currently earn about £3.00 per day with the daily electric cost around £10.00 per day, that’s a daily loss of £7.00 if the value of the crypto they are mining stays the same. Some mining enthusiasts still GPU mine due to that £3.00 being paid to them in BTC, they store that BTC with the hope that the value will explode.

Yeah I think your word games don’t change something about the effective reality about how the system works. You probably realize yourself that it’s a completely useless line of argument you push here, but there is probably not much else left, except maybe fabricating more baseless accusation straight out of your behind.

It clearly shows everyone how you are here just to say random things whether or not it’s related to crypto. Like I said, today it’s X, tomorrow it’s Y. Whatever makes you peddle the scam. You don’t care, as long as you get ‘free money’.


I’m here to verify that your claims are false. At least you have doubled down and will now take the advice of someone you say has no idea and change the ‘buying electricity’ into buying a solar panel to make electricity. No cost calculations though because that would work against your delusions…

So the gambling isn’t just the coins, rofl. Epic.

You know there is a guy who keeps posting that it has nothing to do with making profit, it’s all about private transactions, do you think he’s a liar? One of them “cypherpunks”, ya know… lol.

Oh, and 10x RX6600 XT cards… not sure the average gamer has 10 GPU’s of the same type lying around so there again it is shown you just randomly make up stories as long as it sounds right.

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If it’s a scam, should I not lose money? How do I get free money?