NFT's are Fundamentally a MLM-Type Scam Designed to Get You to Buy Crypto

He might know this because he works in banking, which also gives us insight into why he types this way.

He’s upset because the walls are closing in slowly on him and his rich friends ability to scam money from regular people through dodgy banking practices.

I’ve come to my conclusion that the only people who dislike the concept of a ledger that can’t be changed obviously want a system they can manipulate easily where the public will have completely no idea what they are doing.

The truth is there is no argument against a unchangeable ledger, it should be something everyone would welcome, I think the manipulation is now making sure we are told bitcoin is a scam or that it has no value,

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I’m not sure where the view that bitcoin scammers never get caught comes from, this guy hacked famous peoples twitter claiming to double any bitcoin sent. He was obviously deluded in thinking because he’s scamming using bitcoin he can’t be caught. This is clearly not true, his use of BTC lead law enforcement to his doorstep it seems.

Scammers do get caught. It’s just that with crypto being a new scam, government and justice are far behind catching most of them, hence my repeat “THE NET IS TIGHTNING” I posted with every legislation passed around crypto. But I guess your view comes from your mind and man, that mind is clouded by “smoke”.

Meanwhile in reality ;

Sorry to inform you that banks have backup software… lol.
Do you really believe BTC ledger is the ONLY system that can trace anything? ROFL, you are clearly delusional too.

Meanwhile in reality BIS and other institutions are working on CBDC.
“The collapse of crypto and the faltering progress of other tokenisation projects underline a key lesson. The success of tokenisation rests on the foundation of trust provided by central bank money and its capacity to knit together key elements of the financial system.” ( )

Ok, John Doe makes an account. John doe gives username and password to Delusional Dick. Now Delusional Dick has the money without a transaction in the ledger. Wow, that was easier than faking bank transfer entries. ROFL.

Criminals always find ways around systems, do you uninstall your antivirus too? LOL.

Yes, but like you said a few paragraphs later…

So f*ck those El Salvadorians and their $1 purchase of vegetables, right?
No, you probably will explain how transactiosn can get bundled and payment was only on closure of a channel (if I remember correctly)

You’ll have to show me where exactly you’ve proven without a shadow of doubt that crypto is a scam, Yes I can see that some crypto coins were definitely scams, but these scams do not represent the entire crypto industry.

Actually, my view comes from experience and what I can see happening in the world which is crystal clear for everyone else to also see. If there does happen to be a legal crypto exchange operating then I will buy my £50 and use it for my private transactions. Nothing coming from my mind except the desire to use something legally available.

I realised when I became 8 or 9 years old that I wasn’t able to make up reality as I pleased and had to pay attention to what’s going on around me and simply take what I see as fact.

Look, these people from that link only have one perspective “bitcoin is only an investment with no value”

The problem with many people is that they believe the Bitcoin price will skyrocket quickly which is a major falsehood, in order to quickly see if the BTC price will go high one just needs to review the adoption levels (how many people use it on a daily basis for transactions) and the rate at which BTC is being adopted since 2008.

These are the key attributes any investor Bitcoin investor should be aware of, a good investor will also understand things like privacy laws changing may speed up/slow the rate of adoption. In most cases for investment and profit purposes Bitcoin looks like a long uphill struggle which could take decades to get to 1 million daily transactions and even at this point there wouldn’t be much to invest in.

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I don’t, I have been posting for a while now, and I have seen a lot of red flags. Mostly the shifting of what it is. Two threads I have read posts of pro-crypto people then confronted them, getting very evasive responses, when pressured a lot of vile ad hominem posts showed when they got caught in their contradictions and instead of defending crypto they just when with the “Banks evil, government evil, sky is falling,…” all baseless claims used by scammers to pressure people into fear and thus invest money into crypto.

While we were discussing the “power to the people” and “profit for anyone with a gaming PC” it shifted from some £ profit to dubious numbers and finally multiple confessions that it’s just a net loss. If someone says X is a “sleep while you gain $$$” it usually is a scam, so I had to take a lot of nasty replies before we got to the point it was clear there is no profit. The best reply was from Karak showing how much it would cost anyone an arm and a leg to make a BTC transaction in the future. So clearly, it’s a scam getting people in, and locking their money in but not out unless you pay the ransom. So again, scam.

It’s literally you two who confessed it was a scam. And I kept warning you guys, you can scroll up. You could have stopped posting at any time but hey, you had to come back and get dragged down deeper and deeper into the bowels of El Diablo… :smiley: ROFL.

I made a typo and now have a funny name for crypto… crapto! :smiley:

A CBDC can by definition not do what makes Bitcoin actually special.

  • It’s not neutral
  • It’s not global
  • It’s not permissionless
  • It’s not censorship resistant
  • It’s not open source
  • It’s not decentralized
  • It’s not tamper prove

All a CBDC can do is create another form of fiat with more built in surveillance and crowd control mechanisms. It’s really even worse than fiat in almost every regard, which when you think about, that is quite the achievement.

I don’t have an antivirus for over 25 years. I also never had any malware problem for the same time.

You don’t remember correctly

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You were obviously asleep for about 5 or 6 months straight, when energy prices went sky high this obviously put a dent in the profits of anyone GPU mining. So in the UK I was paying approx £0.19 per KWH then suddenly it went to around £0.52 per KWH which made GPU mining less profitable.

Honestly, I don’t think you understand crypto at all and I don’t think you want to understand either. So really I guess I’m wasting my time typing to you. It’s okay if you think it is all a scam.

I’ve been clear that crypto is not a scam.

What is a scam is people lying to others claiming BTC will sky rocket just to get them to invest and hold. Other scams include creating a crypto coin for people to buy and then the creator sells his stash and disappears, Also the “i’ll double any BTC sent to me scam” and the SBF and FTX scam. Further scams are people running crypto exchanges without licensing.

So yes, I have been crystal clear on where the exact scams are.

Cool, so ignore all forms of crypto and have nothing to do with it. It really isn’t a problem for anyone to do this, I just thought you were here to seek further understanding which you’re not.

He probably thinks everyone in the world uses Microsoft Windows 10/11 and any other operating system is a scam. lol

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Yeah exactly, Linux is a scam. I probably have something to hide otherwise I would just embrace the surveillance malware from the world market leader. I mean it doesn’t even run Excel, how can you play EVE on it?

Actually I just use it because it’s better in every regard, but don’t tell him that :slight_smile:

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Because velocity is defined as GRPD/money = Products Sold * Prices / money

It is the definition of velocity, and if proves nothing. It defines velocity.
For the prices to increase when more money is created, you need constant velocity.

It’s like you use the speed formula : speed = distance / time ; redorder it : distance = speed × time
And then you say that for giving someone double the time, he makes double the distance. No, he can also go twice as slow - that is, make the exact same distance.

Only when you define “money inflation” as “money supply increase”, which you did not. If you don’t precise, then inflation is the price increase.

Yes but no at the same time.

Central banks don’t control the supply.
Public banks can also create money . can , not must.

What central banks don’t control either, is the purchases.
In your velocity definition you can consider a 2.5% yearly increase in product sold. According to your formula this means a 2.5 deflation …

Central banks have other tools to reach the target inflation and in the end, creating money is the least effective.

You don’t understand it either. You have a dogma and try to interpret reality in a way that fits your dogma.
You can’t look at only the theoretical benefits of something and claim that’s all one should consider. That’s delusional.

So first, the claim “invest in cryptocurrencies to get rich fast” is a ponzi. Just like many other “invest to get rich”, if you tell people to invest instead of investing yourself, that means there is no benefit in investing unless you make other people invest too. This is important because the other claims need to hold even when nobody “invests” in ponzi for its benefits.

What happens when people don’t invest for benefits ? Then, the miners that can achieve the best performance/power can dictate the price of validating transaction, removing all the miners with a worse benefit. It means that running a mining farm for most people will be at a mathematical loss. So yes, people can still do that for the lulz, but the point is : there will be a concentration of computing power into a few companies. Which makes the decentralized ledger prone to N+1 attacks. Also note that you don’t need to have 50% of the park to make a n+1 attack, the propagation protocol allows for much less than that.

Then, the claim that it’s an “immutable ledger”. There is no such a thing, soft forking happens a lot . While soft forks are usually not malicious, this is a possible approach using N+1 attack.
What’s more, security holes exist. Hard fork are made specifically to invalidate transactions that were malicious using a hole. AFAIK there as not yet been a security hole abused, though hard fork made for fixing happened. This does not mean there won’t be one, actually with complex systems the probability for a security hole abuse increases with time. Since the ledger must have consistency, genuine transactions will also be removed - or fix transactions will be forged.

There are other approaches that point at flaws, including power usage, but the gist is : there is a difference between theory and reality.

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Sorry to burst your bubble

  • Nothing is ‘neutral’. BTC has an agenda too, not because you aren’t aware means it’s neutral.
  • CBDC could be global, lol. Fostering the international role of the
    euro is not a prime motivation for issuing a digital euro. However, if the use of a digital
    euro in cross-border payments were allowed – a decision that remains to be taken –
    this would also have implications for the international role of the euro.
  • Being permissionless only adds to the distruct of use by non criminal entities. Can’t be regulated by a single authority due to it’s international nature.
  • the freedom to transact , the freedom from confiscation (it’s difficult but can be even when it’s stored onb hardware , and transaction immutability (there are still 5 maintaining developers) . I guess you forgot to mention those. I would not know but you did confessed to that in posts before lol. Just in case, I remind you that the freedom to have sex is limited to consent and age.
  • It’s not open source. So? The minting process is not open source either for good reasons lol.
  • It’s not decentralized. So? It’s been growing in larger and larger clusters and will soon actually be centralized. Just on multiple servers in a mining farm. So that term is very relative lol.
  • It’s not tamper prove? Each new block connects to all the blocks before it in a cryptographic chain in such a way that it’s nearly impossible to tamper with. NEARLY. lol. rofl.

It wasn’t profitable since 2012. Maybe around the 2017, 2019 and 2021 and that only due to the price of BTC peaking. Not linear as you claim. Why do you keep changing BTC prices? I don’t even need an “immutable ledger” for that lol. ROFL. Also the halving made it unprofitable for the smaller miners, those you were specifically luring into the scam. Hoping they would fall for the sunk cost fallacy.

As far as you know, lol.

So the best defense of ‘crypto is not a scam’ is… those posts ROFL. Yeah, indeed that is the best way claim things I did not say. It’s even more detrimental to your defense of crypto, which is clearly a scam.

It’s fine for you to think that.

A protocol with an agenda? Sure, it probably makes sense in your head

It also adds to the legitimate use of all other people who are not limited by red tape, which will absolutely certainly all around a CBDC. We do not castrate the freedoms of many because of the actions of a few.

Developers can not push an update. There is on purpose no automatic update mechanism. You can use whatever old version you like, it’s always backwards compatible.

If there was a malicious change that somehow would make itself into new versions, this would only cause a chain split (because of the old nodes) , which would be apparent immediately. Nothing would be lost either, because the chain with the original history would still be there.

I know this is not intuitive for most people. But you will get used to it over time, and you will like it.

A very weird remark. Do you get that told often, because it’s not self evident to you?

Do you actually know what “nearly” means in that context? You dancing around like you somehow found an argument makes me think you don’t.

Quite the projection you have there. Interesting.

Exactly, you didn’t cover all the points so I will just assume most of the points you claimed were false.
That’s how you find out someone is scamming. Why would you put 7 points up there and can only refute 4 of my claims… and even then refute would be a stretch.

Good, let me rephrase, not CARBON neutral, lol.
Also it does not matter what redicoulous points you need against CBDC, it’s what a government backs. BTC is backed by no nothing… except for the waste of energy. But I guess that’s only in my head and BTC coins are printed without a “delay” mechanism. Just like any Facebook game, lol… except that most Satoshi has to stay anonymous or anyone would ask him how stupid the delay is as there are many alternatives that do not fund the big energy industry. But it’s like the “Satoshi was so dumb, he’s actually genious.” and then when looking at the energy waste one can only conclude “No, he was just dumb. And greedy. And didn’t like the laws.”

Again you have no evidence to support this, if he was greedy surely the BTC he has would have been exchanged for fiat by now. Most of what you type is just recycled waffle you’ve typed previously.

If I created Bitcoin and mined that amount before anyone else and the value is suddenly £60k, Listen, I’m the richest man in the world and it would be a life of luxury at the fastest possible opportunity. Obviously Satoshi is nothing like me and is not driven by financial gain.