good for people who dont have DT in the middle of there Primetime
Your statement is completely absurd. Nobody said anything about game balance. You may like playing a bug ridden game but most people don’t. Also getting rid of Downtime isn’t going to attract new players or even keep current players from leaving.
Maybe because there’s less players online at this time of the year?
I’m not sure about that, but it’s a possibility
Your statement is completely absurd. Nobody said anything about game balance. You may like playing a bug ridden game but most people don’t.
Still don’t see how network team should fix this “bugs”.
Also getting rid of Downtime isn’t going to attract new players or even keep current players from leaving.
I wonder about that… Seeing how many people complain about DT and how much shakeup. Removing DT will cause. It will have impact on players.
Will we have a DT today or not? After Explorer’s and Convict’s cryptic beating around the bush yesterday, it would be nice to know a mere 2.5 hours before the normal DT.
Hello, everyone,
No Downtime is going well so far. Load on the memory and internal tasklets look healthier than the first time we ran this experiment, and no game-breaking issues have been identified thus far. This is all within the expectations set for the No Downtime Vol. 2!
We want to get as much data, sexy graphs, and learnings from this experiment as possible. Therefore, we will be pushing the daily maintenance by a few hours to get some extra time beyond the 48 hours of service that was initially planned. This will be another important step to gather data that will help drive this initiative closer to the future with less frequent downtimes.
From a technical standpoint, this is completely uncharted territory for EVE Online. We are genuinely excited to see how our services and in-game chat will continue to perform and this will generate some great insights. The EVE team is well caffeinated and ready to tackle anything that might crop up!
We appreciate your understanding and thank you for your patience. It is amazing that we can conduct such essential experiments on live services together with encouragement from our fantastic community.
You guys are the best o7
So, once again, screw the miners! Thanks for that…
with encouragement from our fantastic community.
Thanks for the chuckle, always good to see a nice passive-aggressive burn!
Good work on the experiment team, looking forward to some sexy, sexy graphs soonTM.
Nice. A downtime at a random time of the day. This is going to be so much better in the future than the daily downtime at the ever same time.
We are genuinely excited to see how our services and in-game chat will continue to perform and this will generate some great insights.
Well, not so great. I had 4 disconnects this morning.
There was 2 major disconnects that the player base went to 0, at 15:03 and 19:23 UTC, and I have had 4 or 5 disconnects, which I have no dc’s in a long while. might be your end or some where in between.
Besides no other issues so far
with encouragement from our fantastic community.
with some huffin and puffin
Will we have a DT today or not? After Explorer’s and Convict’s cryptic beating around the bush yesterday, it would be nice to know a mere 2.5 hours before the normal DT.
At 15:00 EVE Time / UTC.
That’s it.
I’m becoming a ganker.
Well done.
Just out of curiosity, where do you live?
Just out of curiosity, where do you live?
Near the prime meridian.
good luck!
I didn’t know New Eden had that, I guess I learn something new every day.
Tricks? No tricks - I know how to schedule my day around DT, but I’m not the typical EVE player. I’m disabled with very limited use of my hands. I cannot play most PC games at all, but with EVE, I can mine and build ships/modules. DT lets me schedule when I know there will be fresh asteroid/ice and mine for a few hours in peace - literally the only peace I get is relaxing while mining and hitting the occasional rat or three.
So you might think those of us who DO like DT are up to some trickery, some of us are not… we simply like the “known schedule” to plan our morning around (morning for my TZ)… but no tricks or exploits.
I was referring to people using downtime to escape stuff and a few other things which are tricks. I really don’t have any problem with that exactly if everyone has the same trick. And they don’t.
As for using it for scheduling that’s perfectly fine and I’m sure some other method could easily replace it, or maybe CCP will just ballance out when resources and all the other stuff that currently rely on half the world being interrupted by downtime replenish themselves or what ever it is they need to do.
Actually I believe that’s part of what they are doing.
They aren’t trying to take something away from anyone with this, it’s nothing like all the nerfs and scarcity (which you have to have noticed if you are a miner) and all that crap, this is an example of actually making the game better.
DT lets me schedule
Have you tried using The Agency? It just tells you where stuff is, no scheduling required.
You mean they’re doing it… again, They tried this a few years back and everything borked up really badly because the anoms didn’t p[rovide enough ore to make them worth the bother of mining… took literally minutes to clean the whole anom out and then hours for another to spawn to replace it.