Change the maintenance downtime to suit a least impactful time

Greetings fellow Capsuleer Pilots, I’m Felix and would like to suggest a new scheduled maintenance time that doesn’t interrupt our prime time which is about to start right now!

I may be new to your fantastic game and do plan to continue with my subscription though it troubles me when I find out that the time I am most vlikely to log in to this wonderful minng adventure game, I find that each night I am interrupted by some sort of downtime.

Can you please pick a new time slot for your updates and fiddlesticks with your servers.

Thanks o7

EVE is a game with global reach, any time they pick is going to be someone’s prime time.

I expect the time they’ve chosen is the one that best suits their office/work schedule and perhaps some consideration for the largest majority of their customer base.

You can at least take comfort in the fact that EVE’s downtime, although daily, is shorter by far than most games - which run to several hours in length. And there are some pretty solid advantages to having downtime resets occur during your play time.


Downtime needs to take place while they are in the office which is 11am for them. Me, its 7am. They have shortened it significantly over the years. I think when it came out, it used to be several hours long, now its only 15 min (unless something happens).

DT resets asteroid belts among several other things i cant remember.

They have experimented twice removing DT.


That would put it in someone else’s prime time.


It’s been the SAME time for at least 5+ years. What makes YOUR time better than my time?

Remember when CCP actually tried to not do DT?

Not fun :skull:


It is only 10-20 minutes usually. You should be glad it is not the olden days.

That was a pretty long downtime and it took about a week for the cluster to start working right.

The ‘official’ downtime was a straight up 24 hours (I wasn’t here when QR went live, so much to my surprise when they announced M10 DT to be only 13 hours).

i remember once when i started playing (2004), that the DT was so long that they gave us all an extra day on the subscriptions… i know it was atleast a day… maybe 2. and it was nearly unplayable for a week (well, almost any patch has been bad). … there was another time it was about 18 hours or so.



It has been 11am since the game started.


Chesterton’s Fence.

In the matter of reforming things, as distinct from deforming them, there is one plain and simple principle; a principle which will probably be called a paradox. There exists in such a case a certain institution or law; let us say, for the sake of simplicity, a fence or gate erected across a road. The more modern type of reformer goes gaily up to it and says, “I don’t see the use of this; let us clear it away.” To which the more intelligent type of reformer will do well to answer: “If you don’t see the use of it, I certainly won’t let you clear it away. Go away and think. Then, when you can come back and tell me that you do see the use of it, I may allow you to destroy it.”

How lower impact than 4am, my time, can you get?

It’s convenient for the employees, if something breaks they can fix it without overtime, and the simple fact is that that most of their market is either asleep or at work at this time.

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Seeing as how EVE’s largest player base is in the United States, when the daily server maintenance hits, most people are either still asleep or getting ready for work.

I don’t think the largest player base is in the US though.

EVE’s population peaks daily around 7 PM UTC, which is EUTZ and is when the majority of US players are still at school or work. When EUTZ goes to bed and only USTZ remains the server population quickly drops to below average:

From this same graph you can see that daily maintenance (the downward points) is at a good time when the server population is still low.

While the server population is even lower a few hours earlier, you have to realise that the server maintenance happens during the day while the developers at CCP (in Iceland) are working and may require preparation time on patch days, so it cannot be done much earlier than it is now.


That is insane. :exploding_head:

Didn’t know that ty. @Tolkenmoon

This game is very EU based. idk why but yall in Europe really lop up this game like nothing :joy:

The small US people who play this game are retired people (actually alot of US military vets) who gladly spend their pension checks here.

I’d have to find the post, but it was recent. Something like 37% of EVE players live in the United States. And the rest of the 100% was made up of correspondingly smaller percentages of multiple other countries. I mean, the cost of an Omega account is even based on the USD.


I wonder how they got those stats.

It wouldn’t surprise me if many players worldwide were using US-based VPNs to skew that data. The login timezone graph above gives a clearer picture.

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Fair point.

US Dollar is the currency of the world tho.

Ya I remember seeing that post! Forgot about it too. The EU segment of the game is well a bunch of tiny countries at like 1-5% lol.

What do you mean?


I think the Omega costs use local currencies.

Is that why Russian players basically play for free?

I believe he meant that CCP uses USD to analyze the cost of omega across the various currencies.

For example you probably know CCP rose the cost of Russia’s Omega price because they were paying so little vs USD

The joy of context am I right?! :sweat_smile:


They were paying so little vs EUR too.

And what’s the first thing they do when they get in-game? Spam RMT links in every chat. Those cantankerous commies…