Change the maintenance downtime to suit a least impactful time

Anyways… DT has been the same for ages now. We are hanging around in a dead topic lol. OP probably gone knowing how silly this thought was.

DT is only like 5-10mins max OP go touch some grass dude.


“Multiple other countries”, like countries in the EU.

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By the time I’m out of the door to touch some grass and walk back home to my PC the server is already online after maintenance.

And another undocumented patch…

I’m sure the 37 EVE players who live in Lithuania will live…

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That’s been a while since they tried the no-downtime thing. I don’t even remember what the issues were with it. Probably something to do with belt respawns and missions I would imagine.

Yet the facts show that US timezone is NOT

So whatever small country you might try to discredit, it doesn’t change that.

they never tried to implement it, they only did testing on zero downtime. as far as I am aware it is still their goal, but they ran 2-3 tests to find what kind of issues they would have to address forgoing downtime maintenance. cosmos and astroid belt respawn are trivial issues that will eventually be updated out of, they wanted to see what would happen if they skipped whatever other maintenance they do nightly.

There were a bunch of problems attributed to the skipped downtime, but few if any of the issues were related to that, were unrelated problems

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Asteroid belt respawn was a huge problem.

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It wasn’t. having no belts for 24 hours in some systems with it having being announced that would be a side effect of the experiment was not a problem in the slightest. for one day. get real.

Considering that was one of several issues highlighted by @CCP_Explorer, as well as the drop in players before and several hours later. DT they def want to get rid of. But when they get a respawn code in the DB for the belts that would help with getting rid of DT.

I was referrjng the respawning of the belts is tied to DT. No DT no respawning of regular belts

I remember one of their attempt. Did they write some details about it later? What went wrong etc. ?

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Second time they fixed issues like structure timers and entering/leaving FW

this was the first no downtime experiment.

Some of the problems they knew would happen in the first experiment, any of the job based things that are/were used to create resources, timers, standings changes, etc but their primary objective was to find what other problems there were.

Their goal has been to get rid of the sql agent jobs that have been used to do things like create cosmos missions, astroid belts, ice anomalies, etc and refactor them into the application. Ice anoms are no longer created by downtime job, astroid belts may not be anymore either, I dont know on that. the challenge ahead of them will only get parabolically more difficult as they get closer and closer to zero downtime

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Asteroid belts
Currently they are actual real items in the inventory system that are replenished during downtime in a DB job while the inventory system is offline. Since the cluster doesn’t go offline then the inventory system is still up-and-running and then the DB jobs must not run.

asteroid belts are NOT a problem with no downtime. the two 24 hour experimental periods of some systems missing asteroid belts was not anywhere near a calamity. refactoring that is a trivial task

Static asteroid belts only respawn after downtime, so yes, it is a problem. If I wipe out an entire belt, it’s not coming back if there is no server reset. Ever.

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it’s not a problem. period. the zero downtime experiments were not concerned with jobs not running that are going to be replaced with something else that doesnt require downtime.