Various combat anomalies have had mineable asteroids replaced with cosmetic asteroids. (30/03/2020)
Just ran a L3 Cargo Delivery and it has veldspar. I would have thought this applies to the probe scanables, like Serpentis Lookout which historically contained Jasp and Hemo. But it lacks detail about whether it is all missions or some. Next time I get Lookout, guess will expand my experience.
I did not think many people mined these anyway. In exchange for Jasp and Hemo, there is the chance of escalation or faction loot. Which is usually faster to obtain and the loot can be worth a lot more.
Yeah, all the Anomaly Combat sites that I’ve done still have regular Ore rocks in them, guess the Ore change was just done to missions, probably because missions can respawn intact for 7 days
Recently did L4 The Score, and it was still full of Pyroxeres. Begs the question, what exactly got nerfed?
November 15, 2020, 12:37am
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