Yeah look, we have all sorts of people coming to the forums, projecting their little annoyance onto the rest of the player and pointing to the player numbers like it is some kind of validation of their position. It isn’t.
doesnt really hurt multi-boxing, if you are active playing.
However if you are AFK playing then your doing it wrong already.
Once in awhile i multi-box mining, but i would rather have the same amount of players wanting to mine to be in the fleet and mining to get the job done instead of doing it all by myself.
Where’s your proof that if CCP made mining more active the resulting loss of casual players and multi boxers would be replaced by more players? Didn’t work out as they planned with Blackout did it.
I think players would just quit and not get replaced. EVE is an old game.
You do realise that if a player is minding his own business and not getting super involved with the community, he still pays a fee to play. He still counts as a subscriber and a player. He is still supporting the game by being a paying player of the game. It doesn’t matter if he’s not super involved with alliances or whatever.
You think EVE should lose that kind of player? I guess you’d prefer an EVE with just a few thousand players left and everyone else has quit because EVE didn’t need those players anyway. What you fail to factor in is the servers would be shut down and EVE dead long before it got that low.
EVE NEEDS all kinds of player. Including those who play casually and are not so “involved”.
Something else you fail to factor in is the lower the player count gets, the closer to dying EVE actually gets because it makes new people less likely to try the game. Nobody wants to play a dead/failing game and people evalulate the health of a game by looking at it’s subscriber count and trends.
There is a huge difference between playing casually (1-2 hours a day after work) and afk multiboxing mining fleets by yourself. The former are welcome, the latter - not so much.
There’s no such thing as AFK multiboxing mining fleets. Multiboxing a mining fleet requires a lot of attention.
It’s the single miners who are getting owned by diamond rat and trig npcs.
Fixed it for you.
What’s your point? You think there’s something bad about people who like a chilled mining session where they are free to do other things? That’s always been one of the great things about EVE, you have the option to do that. I’ve quit other games that don’t give you that option.
This holier than thou attitude that because you’re not paying attention 100% of the time you’re somehow deadweight or not a “real player” is the kind of toxic mentality that you can only expect to see in online games. This particular toxic mentality in fact I’ve only seen in EVE. Especially from from certain sects of the community.
In EVE, with hi-sec mining, you can progress in the game and at the same time get things done irl that needed doing. That’s an incredibly powerful way to keep people playing who might have otherwise quit. And yet there are those who think that’s a bad thing? Utter short sightedness and misunderstanding. And what I also suspect, pure toxic elitism.
I hear some claim that mining should become a mini game? WHY?? What does that add to the game? Nothing. Because we have that kind of content already in hi-sec already. If a player wanted a more intense play session they could do missions, or make mining alts to increase their productivity. All it would achieve is taking away a playstyle and with absolute certainty cause the game to lose players. Replacing an activity that many enjoy as semi passive with tedium is a very bad idea.
No proof, just decades of playing, designing, writing, and selling online games. My experience says a game that has actively interesting content gains more players over time than a game that has such crushingly dull and slow content that people fall asleep while playing it, watch NetFlix while playing it, create and buy bots to play it for them, etc. etc.
Where’s your ‘proof’ that mind-numbingly dull PvE content that takes multiple characters tons of hours to make reasonably profitable generates more subs than actively interesting content?
No matter what you point to in a game, you can say “somebody enjoys this”. You could make a stupid game where the first prize is getting kicked in the nads by a schoolgirl, and somebody would play it and say “Wow I love this!”.
When you’re trying to make a sustainable game as a profitable business, you don’t develop for the 6% of your audience who likes ‘boring activity X’. You develop for the 50% of your potential audience who like “interesting content Y”.
Hot tip: More people play games to be actively engaged with them than to watch Netflix while bot farming.
Ah, we’ve got a guy with all the answers here then. And the experiencing designing, writing and selling online games too. CCP should hire you right away and we’ll all pray it turns out well.
Not got high hopes tbh.
PS: Mining was barely affected by blackout, if you check the MER for August. The usual summer slump, and a sharp drop in August which is typical of previous years. Both of which were a bit bigger of a drop than typical, but not massively so. Also, LP, missions, production, all barely affected.
The primary effect of Blackout was to stop people from endlessly farming NPCs, blue loot and bounties in Null.
Some of us back up our opinions and ideas with experience and fact and measurable statistics. Other people just say “I like doing this and so EVE should be designed for it”, and then get pouty when somebody points out facts that say otherwise.
I also believe this to be the problem.
Or the people than Mine one or two hours daily of weekly, they unsub.
Looks like you don’t even get the point of what I said. Blackout was meant to help the game. Ended up losing a lot of players.
Same thing will happen if you mess with hi-sec mining.
I’m not going to pull numbers out of my ass as to how many players quit or would be playing… I’ll just say that the attitude towards casual miners has cost CCP my 2 accounts… I canceled 3 years ago… 15$ x 36 months x 2 accounts = 1,080.00$ of subscription fees that they would have had… but clearly my 2 mining barges sucking on veld in highsec pulling less than 10 million an hour was throwing the entire economy out of wack…
Toxic CODE supporters will claim the game won’t miss you.
Kezrai Charzai was claiming that the game needs action packed content that will make people have to be attentive and in action all time and that will solve all the problems. Well, if that’s true, why hasn’t the new abyssal content achieved that? If we change mining to be some intense gameplay, what’s the result? EVE is saved and tons of new people want to mine suddenly? I highly doubt that. I think you’ll see more players leave because you removed what they changed playing for.
If CCP wanted to try something like that it’s better to develop something new than risk aliening current players.
What does this have to do with anything you were saying before?
You want to introduce more relaxed mining. Ok. What does that have to do with players paying a subscription?
Are you trying to say that “if you make mining more relaxing, then more people will subscribe?” Or are you, again, trying to just use these weird broad arguments to support something that’s merely a personal “Please make my own gameplay style easier” whine.
Now that you ask me, yes. But again, that’s off topic to the whole “relaxed mining” thing you started off with. So again, what’s your point?
Do you have proof for this?
How many people have you interviewed and asked “Why did you not try the game?” and their response was “Because the player count was low”.
All this just sounds like you’re making stuff up in a weak effort to make CCP buff your style of gameplay because you want to be even lazier.
Stop being mad because your selfish arguments are being called out.
Mining isn’t supposed to be 100% safe. Instead of multi-boxing you should join an Industry focused corp so that you have safety in numbers or escorts to protect the mining operation from PVE or PVP. Then you could also move from high sec into low/null/wh where the better ores are and make more isk with less ships and time spent.
If you want to play solo then you have to accept the risk.
or alternatively try Project Discovery while docked = zero risk isk.
Some people say " go out off high sec.
I do.
For a veteran is safest mine in Lowsec mining barge, than hi sec. High sec mining less safe than low sec, is not intuitive.