No relaxed Mining = Many less players?

Ok, I guess we can stop conversing here. You assume anything then post it as a fact. There is no high high sec, only high sec and it’s related to npc “defenses”. Please chat on teh forum of the game where there is some “high high sec”. I’m talking about EVE Online.

If that was a case in EVE Online, he can try to join them, try to get people to bump them off, check their bio and inform .CODE, but I guess he just needs that ice for his “friends cyno main”? Or is it the best ISK/hour? Shoudln’t he just learn the game more in that case? Yes, then he wouldn’t be in that position. The chicken and the egg kinda issue. Sad I am not aware of ice mining newbros as I would have helped them out. What did you tell them?

If you see how I analysed it into :
A newbro mining ice :thinking:

  • Did he got told it was the best ISK/hour (after the skill, ship, fitting investment) ?
  • Are there alternatives (other ores, missions, …) that he can do ?
  • Can he unlike afk players (because that is what the issue supposed to be?) contact others to help him? If he has no idea who to contact is he ready to mine specialized ores?

See, it’s a …wait let me google an expresssion so I look smart… Contradictio in terminis to have a newbro quit over not being able to mine enough ice casually?

It’s just a question because I’m curious and have a strange feeling that no one cares about newbros but uses them like “look at this poor child taht cannot mine ice!” just because their personal economical goals require some change. I post in the same manner, it’s just a question in how can we change the forums to be more used.
“This used to be a funhouse, but now it’s full of evil clowns” might be more adequate in defining an issue with retaining new players that are looking into understanding the 15 years of evolution by both mechanics and player constructed situations.

Every post is too much like “Look, the subscriptions dropped. If only CCP would man up and make a pink ship skin we’d have millions of players!”. Because if you just browse back you can see million times the expression “New players that get wrecked at the start of the game will remain the longest” then followed by a “we need to gank everyone as much as possible or people will quit”. It’s the extreme conclusion based on observations and statisctics that appear totally weird. If that was a correct assumtion , thousands should have returned during the blackout.

Not really. But I once jumped a wormhole camp because they blocked my portal to bring justice to the people. Turns out 1400 surprise DPS applied to the face works in every space.


I’m not sure you get the point.

First, I’m not arguing for any change. CCP has already done this. They have made it so you need to pay attention to you mining in highsec more, and, like the OP was whining about, it is harder to safely multibox as many accounts. They have been quite transparent about what they are trying to do, so let me make it simpler for you:

new player gameplay ← CCP make easier, more accessible, more meaningful and more rewarding
veteran gameplay ← CCP make more challenging, and level the advantage their past efforts give them

This change does this. It makes the effort of new players, well all players actually playing the game, more valuable, and hurts those who generate resources while watching Netflix or massively multiboxing clients to scale their income.

This change is entirely consistent with their current design philosophy. It helps newbros and people actively playing the game, and it hurts botters, multiboxers and AFKers. It levels the playing field, a little anyways, and reduces the utility of extra accounts, some anyway, but really makes AFKing more risky. Newbros don’t have these bad habits and aren’t going to start AFK mining or multiboxing. NPCs you can just warp away from aren’t a real threat, yet they do suppress the competition from the low-attention veterans that keep ore prices low, and take resources before they get a chance.

That is good - we want many people playing the game, not many characters run by one person dominating the meta.


I didn’t get the exact point you were defending, so I stand corrected. Yes, things CCP does to retain players is good. But they are in a way still experimenting. Let’s hope they find ways to retain people that quit after a day. Also everyone in game should be supporting other players in high sec and informing them correctly on how to play the game as it’s a very ackward UI en most things don’t work ‘in the same way’.

You’re confused in that case.

I have never argued that afk cloaking is good other than as a way to stop ratters in null having too easy a life.

As such, my stance on trigs is not only consistent, but identical. Miners were having too easy a life and the trigs have changed that.

And bad for those selling.

Vice versa, higher prices is good for sellers. Having your competitors killed off is also good for sellers. Haulers and miners have been saying that about how ganking is good for years. The gankers have just been more npc like lately.

Let’s hope.

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I am thinking about maybe something similar to tetris, candy crush or some other tile or object stacking or calibration and targeting simple activity involving a bit of thinking, with stacking or manipulating objects or puzzles to achieve better effects. The patterns for those minigames are so many. :thinking:


That is a good idea if the effect is immersive.

There is one thing which I do not understand: Why do people think that AFK mining must be possible at all? If you want to play EVE in the AFK mode, then go for planetary interaction instead of mining.

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They think that because its been possible for years and people in general dont like change.

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I agree with you, it is a major mistake CCP did in the past when they encouraged people to multi-box to basically finance their primary character by using other characters to do AFK mining and other AFK-PVE activities.
Now the game/CCP is trapped. It a little bit like with the currently low (negative) interest rates on real-world marked. Banks and countries are addicted to low interest rates… if central banks raise interest rates the system will make BIG…BADABOOM.

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ive seen a wow players setup like that but it had 4 accounts on each screen and mouse/keyboard for each machine so he could solo raids

There was one guy who had an idea for a “thresher drone” that players would use for mining, but I don’t know if what he proposed there is a good idea or even feasible to implement.

Now with that said, I like the idea of mining beams being interactive rather than something you just turn on and wait to fill up your cargo hold. It would probably reduce the amount of multiboxing miners to zero, but I’m not sure if that would be good or bad for the game’s health.

As for mining drones, I prefer the idea of them being something you use to make mining from an asteroid easier to do instead of being able to mine on their own. That this would make Industrial Command and Capital ships unable to mine on their own is something that I think you would all like, if the complaining about them is anything to go by.

CCP need to understand that around 80% Trading is done by bots mining is 80 - 90% which includes AFK Orcas.

Personally I’d say doing away with bots will wreck the game, I personally don’t care about Bots there entertaining on a rainy day and I’m bored, its kinda fun mining the ore from AFK Orca’s then waiting for the rage mail which always follows.

It would be nice if CCP could actually include bots into the game play some how and I mean for us non bots to enjoy :stuck_out_tongue:


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My proposal to tackle the inattentive orca pilot would be to make killing drones, at least mining drones, a suspect level offense instead of criminal. I may also add a bit of toughening up to give a pilot a better shot at reeling them in.

I do not understand the rationale behind why shooting drones is criminal in the first place, but I assume there is good reason and my not understanding it has prevented me from offering it as a serious suggestion. People shooting mining drones who go suspect rather than criminal can provoke a fight. The bar of entry is low, and the entrant could be conceivably in striking distance of the miners’ defenses, if they think to fit a point and use it before the instigator can pull a bait and switch.

This is more like what I have in mind, even if there is some glaring flaw in the idea that makes it unfeasible. The miner can be interfered without any complicated limitations. All the attacker has to do is warp in and open fire on a drone. The miner can try to defend the drone, adapt and not use drones, or get someone to guard them and their drones. It’s player generated content that doesn’t require 100 million isk and another 150 million or so isk in a structure, and you don’t require the defender to own a structure to start a fight. Unless the defender flies blingy drones, loss is fairly limited, unless someone makes a bad decision, but that’s the way of eve. Bad decisions get you into big trouble. Live and learn.

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Citations required.

Also AFK is not botting.


Interesting idea! Mine was more of a mechanical change for drones, which I detailed in this post here. If mining itself was also changed to be something done actively instead of passively, then mining drones would reduce the difficulty of whatever minigame is used for it.

Roleplaying forum is over here, Aiko.


It’s not roleplaying. AFK play is the ultimate endgoal of the bot, and AFK is thus a form of botting known as bot aspirancy.


hence the INCLUDING AFK mining geez some people need pictures all the time

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No it isn’t, but it’s not playing either.

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