No relaxed Mining = Many less players?

Which is precisely why I keep at it.

Let me tell you the parable of the Three Denials…

In the early days, when James was bumping in Arvasaras, before his pligrimage to Halaima, he encountered the miner, the mission runner, and the hauler. The miner proclaimed, “I was not botting!” The mission runner insisted, “I was not aspiring to bot!” The hauler argued, “I was not mining!” James soon realized that all three were alts of the same individual, hosted on the same account. He thus, in his infinite wisdom, declared them all to be equally guilty.


What you’ve described is the complete opposite of a real fight.

You think the allies and axis formed equal sides and fought eachother on a remote island?

You should read the golden rules of eve.


Will, to a certain degree, agree with that.

Nothing is stopping anybody to set that up for themselves. It has been done in the past, so, if the interest is there, it shouldn’t be hard to find people to participate.

You literally just get out of dock and one system out to spread pewpew on to other players. Can’t see how much easier it gets. For miner humping and gate camps, it can be of different reasons. Be it for the easy, or juicy targets, RP’ing or whatever.

I ran into one guy in Outer Ring during the blackout who was asking local for anyone willing to have a go at his Rupture. I didn’t engage him because the only cruiser I had out there was my mission-fit Vexor, and he was fine with that. We chatted a little about finding good fights and then went our separate ways. I might look him up sometime and see if he wouldn’t mind a friendly brawl.

I have a better idea. Remove CONCORD, faction police, gate guns, pos timers, rorqual invulnerability, local chat, NPC stations, resource symmetry, acceleration gates…

…and buff torpedos and bombs against capital ships.

That’s how you encourage PvP.


I decided to try the game again as an alpha. Got a Venture, tanked it with shield modules (including a medium shield extender), and a DCU, and warped to a belt.

Got blapped by two Damaviks. They chewed through my tank in about 15 seconds. I stayed to see if I could valiantly fight them with two light drones, but no avail.

I’m now on Youtube listening to some ASMR goodness.

If you want to relax in Eve, don’t mine.

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So what you’re saying is a new character has fifteen seconds to react to trigs on grid and gtfo if they need to. And the only reason they’d lose a ship is if they either weren’t paying attention or did something silly like trying to fight them with two barely skilled light drones…

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Triglavian ships are powerful, and it’s recommended that players skill into a cruiser before trying to engage even their frigates. A newbro Venture isn’t going to accomplish squat.

Fifteen seconds is also plenty of time to warp out, especially since their ships don’t use warp disruptors or scramblers unless you fight them in a conduit.

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It’s strange to me. Empire miners profit the most off of losses in the game. However they are are the most adverse to sustaining even the smallest of losses themselves.

I think it’s a matter of expectations. People are inclined to think that since high-security space is safe they aren’t in any real danger. What they forget is that the safety of hisec isn’t absolute, so wake-up calls hit them harder. Like anyone who has gotten used to a good thing that is suddenly taken away, this really pisses them off.

Hence the constant complaining. This is why I think that the tutorial ought to include getting suicide-ganked, so new players are aware of what to expect.

Yeah. It sucks. I’ve heard that one of the reasons Rorquals are multiboxed so much is because they scale really well, but no one has ever described it further. Could anyone here give me a detailed explanation on what makes it this way? I want to understand what I’m missing.

Low APM required plus very large ore fields.

Like orcas, Rorquals can mine 5 rocks at once by ordering one drone per rock and the drone will keep mining without any more orders, so there is barely any input required once they are started.

As an example, some rocks can be just under 300k m3. So if a rorqual finds 5 such rocks in it’s belt, its drones will try to mine well over a million m3 with a single click for each drone.

Because of that it’s easy to run multiple rorqs at once. All you have to do is empty their ore bays once every hour or so to make sure they don’t overflow.


Thank you, I can definitely see how that would create a glut of resources…

Fits the above posts.

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