No Response from EVE Support After Purchase Issue – Anyone Else?

February 2025: I made an in-game purchase on my main character, which routed me through to the online store. I completed the purchase, but the items never arrived. After checking, I found that everything was delivered to an alt on a completely different account.

I opened a support ticket requesting either a transfer to the correct character or a refund—it’s now been a week, and I’ve had zero response.

At this point, I really need some kind of reply. If I don’t hear back soon, I’ll have no choice but to contact my credit card provider to dispute the charge. I’d rather avoid that, but I feel completely ignored.

Does anyone know if EVE’s support team actually responds to these kinds of issues? Have you experienced anything similar? How long did it take to get a response?

What you mean to say is “I made the mistake of being logged in on the wrong account”.

Account bound stuff isn’t something the “basic” GM’s get to do, in some cases it might just be final. And because it affects RL money it’s bound to take longer especially if it was some kind of temporary sale thing. Also make sure you create the ticket using the account that GOT it, not the one you wanted it to receive it.

There are going to be consequences to that, up to you if you feel that’s a good idea.

@Aisha Katalen
Thanks for your input, but this isn’t about “being logged into the wrong account.” The system allowed me to make a purchase in-game on one character and then delivered it to a completely different account without any indication that this would happen. That’s a transaction issue, not user error.

I understand that real-money transactions might take longer to resolve, but zero response after a week isn’t exactly great customer service. A simple acknowledgment or estimated timeframe would be enough.

As for chargebacks, I’m well aware of the potential consequences, but if CCP refuses to even communicate, what other options are left? Ignoring paying customers isn’t a great business practice.

Would appreciate any actual insight from people who have had similar experiences with store purchase issues and how long it took to get resolved.

See, you’re already mixing things up possibly because you’re unwilling to admit a mistake, so which is it. You either

and bought it via the website

OR, it’s a

It can’t be both at the same time. And that confusion (or lie) is probably one of the reasons why it takes so long. If you create a ticket that’s just illogical or weird you’re going to get thrown on the “oh well, this is someone else’s problem” pile.

So: Make SURE you filed the ticket using the account that GOT the stuff and be FACTUAL about what the issue is.

"Not sure why you’re so determined to nitpick instead of actually helping, but I’ll clarify for anyone reading in good faith:

1. The purchase was initiated in-game, which then redirected to the website to complete the transaction. That’s standard for store purchases.
2. The issue is that the item was delivered to an account I wasn’t logged into, with no indication this would happen.
3. The problem isn’t how I describe it—it’s that CCP hasn’t responded for a week. That’s the real issue.

If you have useful advice based on actual experience with CCP support on store issues, feel free to share. Otherwise, I’m not interested in pointless back-and-forth with someone more focused on nitpicking than actually helping."

I haven’t started a purchase in-game in a fair while. My recollection is that it just directs you to a generic log-in to the EVE Online store. So it doesn’t actually carry your current character into the store, just whatever you log in as. Also, multiple game characters and accounts can be attached to some logins.

Partially due to the way CCP markets multi-accounts and multi-chars without requiring unique email IDs, it can get confusing. And if the account happens to be a Steam account, more issues.

I’d go with Aisha’s suggestion of filing the ticket from the account that received the stuff. Even better, log back into the EVE Online store (on the account that did the purchase) and file a ticket that highlights that it’s a credit card purchase or transaction issue (as opposed to an Item or Character type issue).

Support can work faster when they can directly refer to the transaction on the character/account that made it.

Hope you get it resolved soon, these things can be frustrating.

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People get banned for encouraging others to do chargebacks.

I have no doubt you’ll have wood while reporting me.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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