Nonconsesual combat in in V0KF-2

Mar’tha Fokker has reinforced my TCU and started to do with IHUB. ignored requests to stop nonconsesual agression…

i asked him multiple times,he ignored.

tried to defend it and got killed by his friend

2018.10.19 12:07:17

Victim: Amak Boma
Corp: Dragon Factory
Alliance: Nyx Dancing on carpet
Faction: Unknown
Destroyed: Marshal
System: V0DF-2
Security: -0,2
Damage Taken: 47188

Involved parties:

Name: Celebrinbaur (laid the final blow)
Security: 4,80
Corp: Deadly Interstellar Cynosural Killing Squad
Alliance: Sev3rance
Faction: None
Ship: Wyvern
Weapon: Firbolg II
Damage Done: 47188

Destroyed items:

Domination EMP L, Qty: 72
Imperial Navy 1600mm Steel Plates
Corpum A-Type Medium Armor Repairer
Republic Fleet 800mm Repeating Cannon
Domination EMP L, Qty: 72
Dark Blood Cap Recharger
Domination EMP L, Qty: 72
Domination EMP L, Qty: 72
Republic Fleet 800mm Repeating Cannon
Republic Fleet 800mm Repeating Cannon
Large Capacitor Control Circuit II
Dark Blood Cap Recharger
Domination EMP L, Qty: 72
Dark Blood Cap Recharger
Republic Fleet 800mm Repeating Cannon
Dark Blood Cap Recharger
Large Capacitor Control Circuit II

Dropped items:

Syndicate Damage Control
Domination EMP L, Qty: 72
Republic Fleet 800mm Repeating Cannon
Imperial Navy 1600mm Steel Plates
Corpum A-Type Medium Armor Repairer
Dark Blood Cap Recharger
Republic Fleet 800mm Repeating Cannon
Dark Blood Cap Recharger
Imperial Navy 1600mm Steel Plates
Corpum A-Type Medium Armor Repairer
Domination EMP L, Qty: 9280 (Cargo)
Dark Blood Cap Recharger

ihub and tcu reinforced

Infrastructure Hub in V0DF-2 has entered reinforced mode
From: Nyx Dancing on carpet
Sent: 2018.10.19 12:09

This structure has been reinforced by hostile forces and command nodes will begin decloaking at Sunday, October 21, 2018 12:02

Territorial Claim Unit in V0DF-2 is being captured
From: Dragon Factory
Sent: 2018.10.17 10:54

A capsuleer has started to influence this structure with an Entosis Link.
No further Entosis alerts for this structure will be sent until 60 minutes has passed or the structure has been secured by your alliance.

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