I got my ship killed by other player without consent in FD-MLJ, which is not allowed to go PVP without permission from another.
Nakranoth Milesios in Avatar and Aegis Verseles in Rapier killed my testing naglfar and disturbed my test.
There are No Screenshot but Moneeeeeeee Mn in Avatar and inZJ HJ in Nyx killed my naglfar as well. Moneeeee Mon in Sabre bubbled my Ships continuously and didn’t stop attacking my ships despite I warned him multiple times to stop it on the local chat. They attacked my citadel and Once I send the mail to ask stopping attack, They warped off.
And I got notice that my structure’s reinforced by these guys next day.
Moneeeeeeee Mn and his friends are really bad cuz they ignore whole conversations and even reinforced structures to disturb my test. Expect CCP will take proper action against these guys.