Known Issues:
- Journal: LP Award entry for Completing the Empire Dungeon has confusing Description text
- The Info Panel may disappear when logging out and back in the game during an active Dreadnought Dungeon
- Overlap may occur on Info Panel when logging out and back in the game during while in the Dreadnought Dungeon
- Ultratidal Disintegrator damage and tracking too high
- Temporal Anti-Aliasing is toggled on/off when resizing the window while in space or the hangar
- Asteroid clouds are smaller than expected
- Lip Tone selections are indistinct
- dx9: Triglavian Invasion portal producing shifting RBG effect
User Interface:
The name of an offline bookmark folder is not updated, if someone else renames the folder.Shared locations are not visible by default in the mapEditing the “Location Administrators” Access List group causes missing labels- Inconsistent header in the traits tab of the Zirnitra Information window
Create buttons in Locations tab overflow the People & Places window in some languagesBookmark group windows do not update if their parent window is closed
New on 2019-11-28:
Bookmarks cannot be moved or copied onto folder or subfolder headersCollapsed and expanded states of location folders and subfolders in People & Places is not persisting- The bookmarks panel is failing to load correctly after changing the
visibility setting of a folder and restarting the client.