Jeez, am I the only one who’s never seen one of these NPC’s mining fleets in a belt?
If you’ve never seen them you probably need to check your overview settings.
That said, they’re really not the problem lazy highsec miners want to make them out as.
Nah my overview is fine, I just don’t think these NPC mining fleets are that common. His corp always has the option of moving systems. A 0.5 system would be optimal with the new moon mining.
Sooo salty
Oldschool player here, weighing in. Sometimes I like to do some HS mining while doing other things - like tonight. Was watching some streams and mining in a safe system with my Orca. Problem is, there’s no 1.0 or .9 system anywhere within half a dozen jumps without NPC miners. The one system I did find had 4 belts and most of it had already been mined out.
Rather than all these pointless arguments I’ve seen in this thread, answer this:
What beneficial service do NPC miners provide?
If they do not provide any beneficial service, why are they in the game?
As I see it, they serve no point but to make it harder for existing players to mine in HS.
How hard is it to take a new alpha char and simply shot them one time. They warp away and stop mining. You need to learn and use the machanics in this game for your advantage. If you dont like that you better stop playing and complain somewhere else.
lol, they do more than just stop mining and run away, they call in an Attack Response Fleet.
For those players who want to mine, the best way to deal with the NPC Mining Fleets is to simply start mining Ore Anomalies.
And thats effect you how? Just warp away. Use a dump char.
Anchor athanors. Problem solved.
7 day cycle gives you 3M m3 of ore to mine.
If said player has bad standings with npc mining fleet faction then they are already red. Source : I am red to amarr and caldari.
Go to 0.5 system?
Most of my mining is in far more hostile zones than that, but when I’m afk, at work, it’s nice to be able to relax in an orca in a belt with no pirates and let my miners do all the work for me.
the mining response fleets are easy to deal with.
shooting the mining barges and warping 1 character out for 3 min whilst the support fleet lands on grid and then warps to the NPC fleet safe is not a big issue.
alternatively, scan down the mining fleet deal with the support fleet until incoming DPS is tank able then kill the mining barges to all the ore they mined in that hauler spawn cycle (its always best to do this when the NPC hauler first warps to the fleet. i made 400mill + ore & ssalvage on a miner spawn of skiffs if 10 minuets
the barges can drop:
meta mining upgrade mods
Faction mining lasers
The hauler can drop:
ORE it has scooped
Meta mining upgrade mods
Faction dependent Skin crate
the salvage is great to. T2 wrecks will salvage T2 materials
Yeah, that’s all fine and great for combat pilots, I highly doubt Industrial players really wanna do that, especially if all they want to do is just mine Ore.
NPC Mining Fleets don’t go to those sites. Ore Anomalies actually have better Ore available than the regular belts within the same system.
my suggestion can be done with minimal combat and scanning skills. and is a really simple solution to your perceived problem.
NPC mining fleets are not broken. they seem to show an apparent reluctance of some playes to adjust to and deal with them efficiently.
Dude, let’s get something straight, I don’t have any ‘perceived problem’ with NPC Mining Fleets. I’m not an Industrial Miner and I only do mining whenever CCP makes it part of an event.
However it’s obvious other players do in fact have an actual problem with NPC Mining Fleets, so much that they post about it here in the forums and on other Social Media platforms.
Since the NPC Mining Fleets are soooo damn easy to deal with, why aren’t you in-game helping those player’s complaining about it?
Like I already said earlier, an even easier solution is to just mine Ore Anomalies. Those sites provide a much better selection of Ores and don’t have any NPC Mining Fleets. Plus Industrial players won’t be wasting time in systems searching for active Asteroid Belts and or constantly dealing with NPC Mining Fleets.
i kill 2 -3 mining fleet in LOW sec every day. i do it for the ore and ISK. i have not considered offering my specialist services to others. would it be worth my time and the investment in asset relocation and maintenance costs.
What im trying to point out is that, with minimal effort, these players that complain about the mining fleets can fix their own issue. response fleets will not peruse the aggressor through warp so you are away from the belt for no more than 60 seconds if you are on the ball.
I have the same issue with the NPC mining corps…
I have a real job… I come home and login to play and almost every belt is gone. When I do find one that’s left there are 4-5 or more NPC mining away, Even on weekends. Barely have time to get anything…
It’s not competition when you have a real life the computer is out there mining 24/7 in large groups for no reason.
I’m not sure if you want sympathy for being so bad at the game that you are beaten by a couple of NPCs.
You can easily leave for another system that has plenty of more asteroid belts. If you’re too afraid to leave the highsec system you’re in, that’s your problem.