Tactically Challenged is led by the great FC and leader Fawlty7 and is a primarily AUTZ based corporation within Tactical Supremacy, a mixed timezone alliance.
We are looking for players of all timezones and SP/Experience levels to come join us and be a part of our corporation and alliance.
We are very newbie friendly, our corporation has a mix of both old and young players as well as having a wide spread of experience in EVE from brand new players to old, jaded and bitter vets and we take care of our newer players to ensure they enjoy the game and their time with us.
We are a medium sized sovereignty holding force in the Catch area, but we are an AUTZ powerhouse and we can take on forces much greater then our own and come out equal or on top with the help of our allies Dangerous Voltage and the Watchmen.
Check out our awesome new recruitment video, courtesy of Blitz Kriegar
For more information drop by our public channel “TC-KL Pub” and have a chat