TC-KL [TIKLE] is now recruiting again for AUTZ pilots

AUTZ: 0600 to 1200 EVE time

TC-KL is an independent nullsec/lowsec content generation group whose goal is fun and some frags. Our culture is that of comradely jesting, content speculation, and friendly banter at the expense of corporate leadership.

Our alliance, TIKLE, is well-known for its capital prowess, willingness to fight undermanned, and ability to fight above its weight. Unlike a lot of AUTZ Corps we have great friends in high and low places, which gives a range of opportunities from hunting Titans in lowsec to cubbing big game in nullsec without the politics or soul breaking Tidi. Hell do you want to smuggle supers or just explore? Welcome.

Do we care about killboards? Nah. Not really. Pick the fights you want.

But Sir I am an honorable Industrialist, does TC-KL need those? Yes. Nothing wrong with being an industrialist, in fact most of TC-KL has gotten filthy rich either building massive amounts of T2, selling Titans or mining copious amounts of ice and moons. We are and take pride in being turbo krabs, we prefer to make ISK the better way rather than orbiting an anom for a measly 20m tic.

Currently we are not aligned with any major nullsec blocs so we can do whatever we want, especially eat popcorn when sh*t goes sideways.

Hop in the public chat “TC-KL Pub” or join our Discord and come chat with us.

For your viewing pleasure:

Going up!

Bumpy bump

All aboard

Reaper is bad at bumping a post, come join in and make fun of our glorious leader… Happy birthday Fawlty

Confirming Reaper is still bad at bumping this post… will poke him tomorrow with a stick to do it.

Still recruiting warm bodies, at least they wont be thrown into the meat grinder. Some cool things may be happening soon™.

Anyone seen a guy with a stick around here?

Someone just poked me…

WTB bigger stick

Bumps for bumps god

Skulls for the Skull throne?

Thread rebounding to top of the list. Still searching for pilots who like to kill things!

If you somehow haven’t seen it:

Back to the top as Reaper is kinda bad at doing this… but if you haven’t seen the above video… seriously… watch it. AUTZ Represent!

Reaper you better start doing your job mate… ill have to send you to Covid land if you dont post here soon :wink:

Bumping before Matt comes after me with a stick again

Too late, tbh you should have come after me with a stick for not bumping this again.

The classic bump! Still shooting and looking for more nerds :wink:

Sorry all, been busy shooting people.
Come join the fun :stuck_out_tongue:

Come join us shooting everyone!