I was involved in the war dec discord in the run up to CCP’s decision to add war HQ’s.
My suggestion was that each entity could do three wars at any one time without the need for any structure, but if they wanted to do more than three concurrent wars then they needed a war HQ with an office in it that enabled this. I suggested that as I was mindful of small war deccers like Destiny.
I was the only non-war deccer in that discord and I was trying to give the view of the other side to the war dec players, I must say it was hard work. I am aware of how good wars can be if done properly. the problem is that most wars are not done properly. The majority of wars ended up as merely interdiction of unsuspecting prey along trade routes or when exiting trade hubs, it was farming, and worse still it was pretty pointless to fight back for most players as there was nothing to force a fight.
I found people who FC’d nullsec fleets would go into utter contempt mode when you suggested that they go after war decs, the issue was that there was nothing to force a fight, war deccers would dock up and log. And you had to see their point of view because in nullsec what forced a fight was sov structures and stations, anyway…
The object of the war HQ was also to give a vulnerability to war deccers, and with this system while some war deccers have had impunity at times due to their strength, there have been a lot of war HQ’s taken down so it is not a complete failure as many think, but it could have been so much better. I must say that I was very disappointed with nullsec alliances who saw no need to set up a strategic anti-war dec groups in hisec for PvP fun, it was the same attitude as before, people getting caught in hisec are dumb, use out of alliance alts, but of course that was great for gankers.
If only CCP had done what I suggested, and I should add that making neutral RR a criminal act is the worst thing of all. It made people allying in against war decs impossible, you had to be in the same entity that was war decced, being an ally does not enable you to act like an ally, the mechanics treat you as neutral in terms of support, this another reason why it pushed war dec groups to get bigger. If they had left it as it was, then I am sure that more people would have joined in on wars and created structured fleets with RR, but as it is now, nope.
To be honest this whole bag of turds is one of the reasons I gave up on Eve. CCP did it completely wrong in that they managed to annoy both sides and to be blunt I think the current situation is worse than it was before war HQ’s. Especially with the addition of cores and making medium structures a walk in the park, all, they just priced small entities out of structures, silly really.
EDIT: Edited to be clearer.