Nullsec Alliance Cowardice Ladder

Then what are you complaining about?

I have no idea, you tell me.

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Again your argument is invalid, Because i am not the one complaining on the forums that people wont fight, and calling people risk adverse, The person doing that is you. You are the hypocrite that calls people out for not fighting when you abuse the game mechanics to avoid fighting.

I fully understand how my corporation work, we overwhelm our enemy’s, who wants to lose a 4-5B leshak killing a 2b Raitaru. We leave our enemies with no chance. Some people fight back, some people pay us and some people let there structures die. what ever people choose to do I respect and I don’t complain on the forums. unlike you

But to call people out for not fighting, when you remove your own structure to avoid a fight ( even though we don’t know the location) your just making yourself look stupid.

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Well, that settles that. I guess my next thread will be a public apology.

I’m just gonna go ahead and snip this before any edits. Might come in useful in the future.

I assume you want forum cred? You have a few people who simp for you, maybe you like that? I dont know, what possible mental illness drives you.

I like a good forum fight, but sadly this isnt one. Enjoy your fans! I’ll enjoy when they white knight for you.

These guys remind me of Governor Lee, when I made fun of his alliance, and he started demanding that I anchor a FORTIZAR so that he could prove how bad I am at the game by getting his null-sec handlers to come in and destroy it (yes, he wasn’t even going to do it with his own 7,000-member organization).

S R S., a “top-tier mercenary group” begging an independent three-man solo PvP corporation to anchor a structure so that they can AFK-bash it with fifty heavy armor battleships (because “who wants to lose a 4-5B Leshak while killing a 2B Raitaru, lol, right guys?”) is a level of self-cuckoldry that is so unprecedented, that I can’t even wrap my mind around it.

Like, just imagine saying…


…in the same post.

Seriously, you should’ve just left us alone when you told us that you’ll make us quit the game forever, and it became obvious that that wasn’t going to happen. Raging against a tiny little group a twentieth of your size and begging them to feed you free structure kills so that you can prove how much better you are is an exceptionally bad look for you, and everyone here knows it.

Y’all are going to need to dust off a lot more alts with no forum-posting history to make this work. A lot more.


lol, just because you say it, doesnt make it true.


Here come the anointed knights, bravely riding into battle to slay the evil dragon!

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This sheepish reply to the statement affords more provenance to the statement than it’s own content body.

@Destiny_Corrupted Short version is they got caught using a very not TOS approved intel network they called ‘Skynet’ and the while people were poking at that they found a bunch of evidence of RMT that their CEO knew all about with discord charts and everything and it kind of snowballed down hill from there pretty quick. Classic eve botting nonsense coupled with actually having verified chats about it to the point a lot of their leadership simply Doomheim’d themselves.
On an unrelated topic, whenever you finish up with whatever Wesley is on about, rank GSF. It will hurt a little I bet but that’s ok, I’ll recover.

Thanks for the explanation. Any intel on what Skynet is? Some of them were pretty good at evading traps, but I assume this is something that is 0.0-based.

I will add both Goons and S R S. later tonight.

I’m not a super tech guy, but it was using cloaked characters at each gate that then somehow pulled enormous amounts of information about people entering system, in like 1 server tick. Like name, corp, ship, all kinds of stuff way beyond what just a cloaked character would be able to see. Then immediately updating that into an intel channel. Better nerds than I said it was apparently pretty egregious, but I think the average boomer :wink: line member like myself probably wouldn’t notice. I don’t know what is allowed to be gathered and what isn’t, and I think alliance leadership just said ‘nah it’s all compliant’ when asked. But alas, it was not.

You just dont want us to ever see your Vargur. Makes me really sad. (it doesnt for the record)

CCP gave up the ability for anyone to hurt the null blks a decade ago…


There you go, 24 minute’s to remove your POS, and make yourself un war eligible to avoid any risk of confrontation with us.

And you have the nerve to call other groups cowards and Risk adverse.

Look at them get so salty because we’re not giving them a war that they themselves admit they’d ensure that we’d have no chance of winning because they’d blob us like they blob everyone else. Yikes.

Didnt you have a giant argument in another thread about winning wars? There are many reasons to war dec people.

Not salty at all, Clearly your brain isn’t functioning today…

You are calling out all these massive groups for not fighting when you do anything you can to avoid a fight …

I’m not avoiding a fight because what you’re offering isn’t a fight. I’m surprised that this needs to be explained at all.

Destiny if you dont log in right now and 1v100 the rageping blob in a ‘fair fight’ you’re grounded!