Observation Log: Turnur

It does not.

Hey, remember that anchoring Caladrius fortizar? The one that looked like this?

So, now it looks like this.

Star: not … alarming … at … all.

Yeah, I don’t think we’re going to Pochven today.


Yeah, that’s why most of those structures are getting anchored: people looking to get new structures in Poch.


Right now I’d bet that the only Abyss any of us are likely to land in today is the Amarrian spiritual one.

… Which I gather is oblivion so it’s a good match for the atheist afterlife, or lack thereof.

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What does the surface look like you may ask?
I’m currently on hour 6 of my journey to the center of this star and working towards landing at absolute 0.


Close to the impact barrier, I took a look behind me and found this…


I’ve reached the solar border and can go no further safely.
This is the view behind me. Ahead of me is pure Light.
And now I wait.


And, pilots, I am happy to report that in a rare display of trust RogueMind allowed me to warp to his location.

Hey, ever wonder what a stellar transmuter harvest looks like from below?

Yeah, that’s it, pretty much, above.

Here’s what I’m seeing, using I think a slightly different filter set.

The stellar surface is overwhelming my cameras even through the filters at this range. What I am getting though is …

Note to self: try this again when not facing imminent stellar cataclysm.


Last two shots from me.

Solar Pulse mixing with the Transmuter laser.

Skins are ineffective against a sun.


Thank you, so much, for letting me see that firsthand, sir.

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All right, pilots, it’s been a day. I … should probably try to sleep a bit; I’m not going to be worth much if I don’t. (Insert rude joke here.)

I won’t wish you all a pleasant night or anything. I mean, it’s not “night” for one thing. For another …

… it is … peaceful, if you don’t think about it too much.

In any case, I’ll see you all again in a few hours.

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Looked in briefly again and … we have a new candidate for “most audacious fortizar,” entered after the previous candidate was murdered in its crib.

It will not finish anchoring any time before the star goes critical and while I have to assume it was placed here in an attempt to obstruct the transmuter’s beam, it is, I am sorry (maybe) to report, a clean miss.

… okay it might have a little bit of a vane in there. Lengthwise.

Maybe it’ll at least somewhat obstruct the flow of stellar material or something. Whatever that does.

The owners are the Covert Otters Venture Into Darkness corporation, “Absolute Morons Only,” so this one may also be going for the award for, “you said it, not me.” If there was an award for that.


Optimist Wars

Ave, pilots. Well, let’s see how our would-be passegers-to-Pochven have fared.

Fraternity fortizar: alive and well, with neighbors.

DNG fortizar: caught with 2 minutes, 32 seconds remaining on the rep timer, died horribly without a fight to what was presumably a fleet but closely resembled a giant ball of junk.

Caladrius fortizar: anchored, alive, well, and on grid with Fraternity.

Ivy League athanor: anchored, alive, well, and nowhere near, much less aimed at, a moon.

Stimulus fortizar: due to come out of anchoring a few minutes ahead of the star doing … whatever it’s going to. Major points for guts to anyone who’s going to risk a fleet trying to engage it, and also to whoever’s going to be on board trying to bring it online.

Stimulus’s fortizar also has a little brother under construction on-grid with Caladrius and Fraternity, though it won’t go active until well after whatever’s about to happen, happens.

Could be friendly but I’m guessing the maneuvering for system control’s begun.

Still, we’ll soon see whether any of us are around to contest it in a few hours or whether all this maneuvering amounts only to so much space dust.

Which I suppose is all we are, in the end.


Oh, right, OTT3R.

Right on schedule to miss even slightly occluding the transmuter beam by a good ten hours. Pretty sure by the time it’s finished, some critical part of this picture is going to be missing. Personally, my money’s on “everything.”

Local count’s at 347 and rising, by the way.

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can’t wait to die there

Less than an hour and a half left on the clock. This might be an illusion, but it seems like a lot of the “buildup” inside the star is concentrated under the transmuter beam. My tentative guess at this point is that if any criticality event is directional, it’ll be going out that way.

I’m a bit tempted to just make this my observation perch: close enough to see well, but a bit out of the line of, er, fire.

Unlike these fine fellows.

Yes, it turns out the Brexiteers are setting up a Raitaru near the transmuter unit. If there’s one spot I’m nearly certain won’t survive whatever’s about to happen, it’s that one, so … best of luck, I guess?

Local count’s crested 500 with over an hour left to go. In what’s got to be some kind of commentary on human or at least capsuleer nature, the whole thing’s taken on the feel of some kind of festival. Local chat is buoyant. Local space is crowded with pods, shuttles, and corvettes.

The area immediately around the transmuter is littered with wrecks.

I don’t think I want to watch this from up close anymore.


53 minutes and counting. Assuming the star keeps to its supposed schedule.

No major changes.


25 minutes.

Local’s at over a thousand.

An angle from within the eye.

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9 minutes. Local is over 1.5k and … very excited.

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5 minutes. 1.7k in local.