[October] Further QoL & New Player Focused changes

We have some internal data on how often players report these issues to our customer support team yes.

We could certainly add a tutorial explaining trade more clearly, but in this specific case the scam involves using a UI that doesnt fit our modern standards for UX. We tend to give clear information to pilots when they are making a trade (see the messages in the market, the finalize step of the contract window, etc) and in this case this UI wasn’t meeting those standards. As such in this case it made more sense to improve that UI rather than build a tutorial specifically to warn new players about why the UI is bad.

No, we talked about it at the CSM summit, but this was an internal proposal.

Scammers have got incredibly good at predicting their targets behavior and making changes to the contents of the trade at the last second. :stuck_out_tongue: They are a smart bunch.