Known Issues:
Main body of the orange suns are not visible when warping to themSun and Planet LOD-ing is causing an error log spam in the info tab of LogLite that may cause the game client to lag- After exiting warp in a mission or tutorial site the ‘Warp to location’ button may re-appear as enabled for a moment before the panel updates to the next objective.
- Mission Info Panel does not show an objective for the mission “An Honorable Betrayal”
- If a character creates a corporation with the wallet window open they will see a duplicate of the prompt to select a Wallet Division
Unable to interact with a bookmark of the Stellar Accelerator after it has been destroyedEmerging Conduit sites are spawning way too far from the sun.“Jump to Member” when right clicking on a Fleet broadcast Cyno no longer functionsThe Vedmak Blueprint icon is very darkMinimized Station Services in Upwell Structures does not appear in Neocom- Duplicate items in right-click menu of solar systems in agent conversation window
- Characters created before the release on the 8th of October may lack the skills necessary to complete the Upgrades tutorial mission.