Well, would you look at that! And after all the pearl clutching that my laying down a little truth evoked in you Empire loyalists. . .
Let’s not engage in revisionist history, hmm? The current conflagration in Pochven was sparked, in its entirety, by the unilateral actions of ARC. ARC, an organization that now admits its complicity in dabbling with dangerous, poshlost technology and directly causing harm to the Collective. They organized an unwelcome incursion into space that that was not their own, for purposes directly in opposition to the desires of the sovereign government in the region. Were the kybernauts supposed to welcome this incursion? Was the Collective? If the roles were reversed and ships from Krai Perun were making an incursion into Empire space without permission, what exactly do you suppose the response would be?
If your answer involves anything other than railguns and burning wreckage, you are lying.
And what was my great crime here? Oh, that’s right: telling all of you that these actions were intolerable and predicting that they have violent consequences. For which, I might add, I was roundly criticized and accused of being a “bad diplomat.”
. . . . Even though I was ■■■■■■■ right.
Yes, anything to shift the blame to the kybernauts and avoid admitting that your little ARC friends created the whole situation in the first place! After all, regrets are no fun at all if they are your own!